This article was co-authored by Cher Gopman and by wikiHow staff writer, Madeleine Criglow. Cher Gopman is the Founder of NYC Wingwoman LLC, a date coaching service based in New York City. 'NYC Wingwoman' offers matchmaking, wingwoman services, 1-on-1 Coaching, and intensive weekend bootcamps. Cher is a Certified Life Coach, a former psychiatric nurse, and her work has been featured on Inside Edition, Fox, ABC, VH1, and The New York Post.
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You're having a conversation with a friend, when all of the sudden, they reply with "IFK." What does this abbreviation mean? And more importantly, how are you supposed to respond? Read on for everything you need to know about the popular acronym, including a complete list of meanings, how to use it yourself, and how to reply to it.
What does IFK mean on Snapchat?
"I f*cking know” is usually what this means on Snapchat. Most people will use this acronym to show that they agree that something is funny. They may also use the phrase if they’re frustrated with someone and want to convey that they already understand what’s being said.[1] X Research source
- "Did you watch Rachel’s TikTok? She’s so funny.”
“IFK she’s gonna be famous one day!” - "Remember that we need to get to school an hour early tomorrow to prepare for our group presentation.”
“Jeez IFK!”
- "Did you watch Rachel’s TikTok? She’s so funny.”
What does IFK mean in texting?
How to Use IFK
1Use the acronym to show that you find something funny, too. Maybe you and a friend are messaging about a hilarious thing that happened. This acronym can convey that you’re laughing with them.[2] X Research source
- Them: “Sasha’s talent show performance was so funny OMG.”
- You: “IFK she’s hilarious 🤣.”
2You can also use it when you’re annoyed with someone. Perhaps you’re getting nonstop reminders or messages from someone. Using “IFK” can convey that you already understand what they’ve told you (and you’re kind of frustrated with them). Keep in mind that this might offend the person you’re messaging, so this may not be the best approach with more sensitive friends or family.[3] X Research source
- Them: “Don’t forget to pick up some paper towels at the store. And some bar soap!”
- You: “You already reminded me this morning IFK!”
How do you reply to IFK?
1You don't need to respond if it's used in a humorous context. In this case, the person is just agreeing with something you said. Unless they add an additional message or question, there’s not really much you can say.
2Change the subject if you want to keep talking. This message doesn't have to be the end of a conversation if you don't want it to be. Go ahead and bring up a new topic if you'd like to keep messaging on Snapchat. You might try:
- “So what’re you up to this weekend?”
- “Watched any good movies lately? I need some recommendations.”
3Tell them you’re offended in a respectful way. Maybe someone used "IFK" to express that they’re annoyed with you. If you take offense to this, go ahead and let them know. Gently tell them that you didn’t appreciate their message.
- "I get that you're annoyed, but could you please talk to me a little more respectfully?"
- "I understand that you're frustrated, but I don't like being spoken to that way."
Alternative Meanings of IFK
1Indirect Free Kick. This abbreviation is used in soccer to refer to a specific type of freekick. An indirect free kick describes when another player has to touch the ball before someone can score a goal. A referee will grant an indirect freekick when a player commits certain offenses in a game, like using offensive or foul language towards another player or holding the ball for longer than six seconds as a goalkeeper.[4] X Research source
2International Federation of Karate (Kyokushin). This organization is a martial arts school that was founded in 1992. The school has many branches throughout the globe and follows the teachings of Kyokushin karate, a specific style of martial arts training.[5] X Research source
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