Having a hard time with Harvest Moon Tree of Tranquility? Or do you just want some tips? Here is how to best get started on your ranch so that it works for you.


  1. 1
    When you start, be sure to name your character something you'll want to be called throughout the whole game. You can also choose one of the default names.
  2. 2
    Choose your house depending on what you'll be doing mostly. The main idea is to farm, but you don't have to be a farmer. You can be a rancher, a nurse, a fisherman, or other options available for you. Some places you can work part time and watch a cutscene, and the farming is where you use the remote to work.You will be able to choose a plot of land for your house, and the location works with what you want to do. All plots are good fro raising animals.
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  • If you want to fish a lot, try the seaside plot. The seaside plot also has a large planting area, so if you decide to grow plants too, you'll be ready.
  • The town plot is nice if you work in town. It doesn't have a ton of room to plant, but it's enough to plant a small garden.
  • The hillside plot is nice if you're either a blacksmith, woodworker, but it can also be for ranchers, since you're closer to Brownie Ranch, where you buy the animals.
  • There is one last plot, but that's only available if you earn enough money. Then you can go to the town hall and buy that plot of land. It has a large planting area, so it's good for farmers, or if you want to create an orchard.
  1. 1
    When you farm, pick all of the weeds out of your garden. When you have X's over your eyes, head to the hot spring. You can get to it when you go to caramel falls. Near the monkey are some slanted rocks. Climb up them to get to the hot spring. Bathe in it to restore your energy. You can only use it once a day. Once all your weeds are picked, plow six spots in a row. You can plant your seeds if you face the way the row is.
  1. 1
    Water your plants everyday, unless it rains or storms. After you water them, you can use the hot springs again if your stamina is low.
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  1. 1
    After your done working on your farm for the day, you can go talk to people. Some villagers you can marry. Pick your favorite out of the little booklet from the game case. If the person you like is not in your town:
  1. 1
    Now people will start moving in. Once you find the one your want to marry, talk to them everyday, part-time at the place they work at, give them stuff, and talk to them every time you see them. They will warm up to you, and confess their feelings at six hears. Once they are up to eight hearts, the Mayor will tell you about the Blue Bird, and the blue feather. If you see the blue bird around your house, go to Carmel falls. You'll find the feather and you can ask your boyfriend/girlfriend to marry you. If they have a quest for you, and you haven't finished that, you will need to finish that first before proposing. After a whole year of being married, you'll have a kid if your house is at level 5.
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  1. 1
    Be creative and make sure to save your money. You will need money to buy seeds, animals, and other things. You can earn money by working part-time, foraging, farming, mining, and fishing. If you make friends with the animals, once you raise two and four hearts with them, you'll receive gifts. You can also receive gifts from the bachelors and bachelorettes once you raise enough hearts.

Community Q&A

  • Question
    How do I get enough money to buy the things I need and other people's gifts?
    Community Answer
    Start planting your crops. When they grow and you harvest them, put them in the shipping bin. You can also work at part time jobs in the shops, mine for minerals, forage and fish. When you mine, see Mira at the blacksmith to refine the ores for you.
  • Question
    How do I make friends saving my money for a whole year, not buying anything but seeds.
    Community Answer
    You can talk with the villagers. You can also give them gifts of your produce, refined minerals and the items you pick up from foraging. You can find those items at Brownie Ranch, Praline Woods and other places.
  • Question
    I have the five ingredients for the first rainbow recipe, but the sprite keeps asking me what ingredient I want to know about. What's going on?
    Community Answer
    Try restarting the game. If it's still going on, maybe it's a problem with that account. Create a new save slot and, if the bug occurs, you can try cleaning the disc. If the problem still occurs, you can see if Natsume has been told about the bug and has a solution. If not, you can contact them and ask them.



Things You'll Need

  • A wii.
  • A Harvest Moon game.
  • A wiimote
  • A nunchuck
  • A wii classic controller
  • Time to play
  • Ability to sit still

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 11 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 49,339 times.
25 votes - 84%
Co-authors: 11
Updated: January 20, 2021
Views: 49,339
Categories: Multi Platform Games