Meeting the parents is a nerve-wracking experience for everyone, but it also means your relationship is going great! If this is your first time meeting anyone’s parents, figuring out how to act, what to say, and even what to wear can be confusing. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of tips you can use when you meet your girlfriend’s parents for the first time. Keep reading to learn how you can nail the first impression while staying cool, calm, and collected.


Dress comfortably, yet slightly formal.

  1. Wear an outfit you feel cool and confident in. Something like slacks and a button down or a nice dress and tights is probably perfect for this occasion. You don’t need to wear a suit and a tie (that’s a little too formal), but showing that you put some effort into your appearance will go a long way. Make sure you brush your hair, wash your face, and gargle some mouthwash right before you head out the door![1]
    • If you wear makeup, you can put some of that on, too, before you head out.
    • Take your meeting place into account, too—if you’re going to a fancy restaurant, you might dress a little more formally than if you’re just heading over to her parent’s house for dinner.
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Shake their hands when you first meet them.

  1. A firm handshake is super impressive, especially for a high schooler. When you first meet your girlfriend’s parents, look them in the eyes as you shake their hands. Introduce yourself, and greet them politely as your girlfriend makes introductions.[2]
    • If your girlfriend’s family is a little more touchy-feely, they might want to give you a hug instead. However, starting with a handshake is a safe bet.
    • You could say something like, “Hi, I’m Ryan. It’s so nice to finally meet you both.”
    • Or, “It’s nice to meet you! I’m Jessica.”

Smile and make eye contact.

  1. It will show that you’re excited to be there and meet them. When you walk in, catch your girlfriend's parents’ eyes and give them a big smile. As you all chat throughout the night, try to keep your eyes upward, and smile or laugh whenever you can. This will make everyone feel more comfortable, and it can even trick you into being less nervous![3]
    • Keep your shoulders back and your head held high. Open body language like this will make you look (and feel) more confident.
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Answer their questions about you.

  1. Parents are usually pretty curious about who their kid is dating. You might be asked about your school work, your hobbies, or your plans for the future. If you have a job, you can also talk about that. Feel free to be truthful, and lean on your girlfriend if you ever feel stuck.[7]
    • For instance, if they ask what your favorite class in school is, you might say, “I really love English right now, mainly because we’re reading 1984, one of my favorite books.”
    • If her parents ask what you like to do for fun, you could say, “Soccer takes up most of my time right now, but other than that, I love going hiking.”
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Give your girlfriend a few compliments.

  1. Parents love to hear good things about their children. When you’re around them, tell them how awesome your GF is and how lucky you are to be with her. You don’t have to do this the whole time (that can seem like overkill), but one or two compliments sprinkled throughout the conversation will make a great first impression. You could say something like:[9]
    • “Rebecca is so studious. I’m in awe of her ability to keep her grades up while still doing all this stuff outside of school.”
    • “Emily always pushes me to do better in school and in sports. I’m so lucky to have her around.”
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Ask her parents for some advice.

  1. Make them feel like you value their wisdom and experience. Believe it or not, your girlfriend’s parents were your age once, too! If you’re struggling with something or you need help making a big decision, bring it up around her parents and see if they have any thoughts. Keep it rated PG so you don’t offend anyone.[10]
    • For instance, you might say, “I really like playing basketball, but it cuts into my study time a lot. Did either of you play sports in high school?”
    • Or, “I’m applying for colleges right now, and I’m not sure if I should move further away or stay close to home and save money. What do you think?”

See if you have any shared interests.


Offer to help clean up.

  1. If you’re at their house, this is a great way to show you have manners. After dinner (or dessert), help take the plates to the kitchen and see if they need any help with the dishes. Even if her parents refuse, simply offering will show that you respect them and their household.[12]
    • You could say something like, “Need any help clearing up? I can also do some dishes so we don’t leave you with a mess to clean up.”
    • If you’re out at a restaurant, her parents will most likely pay for dinner. You can offer to split the bill if you want to, but you don’t have to (especially if you don’t have a job yet).

About This Article

Erika Kaplan
Co-authored by:
This article was co-authored by Erika Kaplan and by wikiHow staff writer, Hannah Madden. Erika Kaplan is a Dating Coach and Matchmaker for Three Day Rule, an exclusive matchmaking company across nine cities in the United States. With over six years of experience, Erika specializes in helping singles find quality matches through date coaching and premium matchmaking services. Erika graduated from Penn State with a Bachelor’s degree in Public Relations. She worked for Rolling Stone, Us Weekly, and Men’s Journal before leaving publishing to pursue her passion for connecting people. Erika has been featured on Lifetime, the Philadelphia Inquirer, and CBS as well as in Thrillist, Elite Daily, Men’s Health, Fast Company, and Refinery29. This article has been viewed 6,949 times.
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Co-authors: 3
Updated: October 27, 2021
Views: 6,949
Categories: Dating