Are you tired of reading bios and swiping in hopes of connecting with someone? We get it! It might seem like everyone is using dating apps, but you're not alone—more and more folks in the United Kingdom are looking to make real-life connections. In this article, we'll give you plenty of tips for how to meet someone new and expand your social circle without relying on technology.


Head to the pub or local coffee shop.

  1. These are great places to make small talk with new people. Sure, it's not a super original way to meet someone, but the truth is, pubs and coffee shops are bustling places where you're sure to meet someone.[1] It's also really easy to put yourself out there—strike up a casual conversation or offer to buy someone's drink.[2]
    • Keep in mind that you'll have better luck meeting new people in bigger settings. If you live in a smaller city, you might want to drive to the closest urban center one weekend, so you have better odds of meeting someone.
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Check local events to meet new people.


Work out at the gym or join a sport team.

  1. These are great places to meet other active individuals. Working out or joining a team gets you regular socialization at the gym or park, so it's easier to start a conversation with someone.[5] If you join a team, you'll also be able to develop relationships while getting competitive and having a good time.[6]
    • For something with a little less commitment, try simply running every weekend. If you hit the same parts of the city or park, you're bound to see familiar faces over time and that makes it easier to start up a conversation.

Join a social club to meet new people.

  1. These clubs put you in touch with tons of like-minded folks. You can use a site like Meetup or you can check your local council's website. Some groups form around a common theme like university affiliation or religious affiliation so check with the club to see if you're eligible to join. Once you're in, you'll be invited to club events where you can meet loads of new people.[7]
    • You might join a group of Manchester newcomers who are looking to make friends.
    • Try doing a web search for your city and age group. If you're in Plymouth, you might see a Beer and Banter! group or a Plymouth 20s and 30s social group.
    • If you're religious, find faith-based social groups within your community. Many churches or temples have youth groups for young singles.
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Pursue your hobbies or passions.

  1. It's easier to chat up someone new if they have similar interests. If you've been meaning to take that cooking class, enroll in a foreign language course, or join a book club, go for it. By spending your time doing things you're genuinely into, you'll come off as passionate and interesting.[8]
    • You'll probably find that it's a lot easier to start talking with someone if it's about something that fascinates you. For instance, if you're taking a Spanish course, you might tell someone that you'd love to travel to Mexico one day. They might respond by telling you about their trip to Mexico City, and you can go from there.

Use open language so you look approachable.

  1. Try making eye contact, smiling, and keeping your arms uncrossed. This way, people feel more comfortable talking with you. It also signals your interest that you'd like to say hi. Try this the next time you're walking down the street, commuting to work, or buying groceries, etc.
    • Don't forget to unplug and put down your phone! Take your headphones out and put your phone away, so you can notice people around you. They're also more likely to approach you if you don't seem busy or closed off.[14]
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  1. Christina Jay, NLP. Dating & Relationship Coach. Expert Interview. 11 February 2020.
  5. Christina Jay, NLP. Dating & Relationship Coach. Expert Interview. 11 February 2020.
  9. Christina Jay, NLP. Dating & Relationship Coach. Expert Interview. 11 February 2020.

About This Article

Christina Jay, NLP
Co-authored by:
Matchmaker & Certified Life Coach
This article was co-authored by Christina Jay, NLP and by wikiHow staff writer, Jessica Gibson. Christina Jay is a Matchmaker and Certified Life Coach based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Christina is the founder of Preferred Match (, her matchmaking service that finds love for successful and elite individuals. She has over 10 years of coaching experience, earned her NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) certification through NLP Canada Training, and has a BA in Business Administration from Brock University. This article has been viewed 5,338 times.
5 votes - 40%
Co-authors: 3
Updated: April 18, 2022
Views: 5,338
Categories: Dating