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Discord Nitro is Discord's premium subscription service that unlocks access to additional features. This wikiHow will show you information on Discord Nitro and how to sign up for this service.
Section 3 of 6:
How do I Purchase Discord Nitro?
1Proceed to settings in your Discord client. On desktop, click on the settings gear. On mobile, select your profile on the bottom menu, then select "Get Discord Nitro".
2Select "Subscribe" right next to the desired plan. You will be prompted to insert your billing information and may be asked to confirm your subscription by email.
3Enter your billing information, if it is not already stored with Discord or up to date, then confirm the subscription. This will sign you up for your desired Discord Nitro tier.
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How do I Gift Discord Nitro?
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How do I Claim a Discord Nitro Gift?
1Click on the gift link for the plan. Make sure you are logged into the correct account, as Discord Nitro gifts cannot be transferred to a different account once claimed.
2Accept the gift. This will activate your Nitro subscription.
- If you already have an active Nitro subscription, you will gain a credit instead that can be used for a future month or year of Nitro. Note that this credit can only be redeemed if you have a subscription that matches that of the credit.
- Beware of Nitro scams. All Nitro gift links are of the following form: https://discord.gift/gift-code-here or https://discord.com/gifts/gift-code-here. Any typos in the gift URL are indicative of a phishing scam.⧼thumbs_response⧽
- Use of third party clients to try to get Nitro features is against Discord's terms of service and can result in your account being terminated.⧼thumbs_response⧽
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