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This tutorial will show you an easy way to create a circle in Adobe Illustrator.
Things You Should Know
- To create a circle in Adobe Photoshop, you'll use the Ellipse tool, which you'll find on the left toolbar.
- After creating a circle, you can specify its dimensions by clicking the Transform tab and entering your desired width and height.
- You can fill the circle with a solid color, gradient, or pattern, as well as change the color and thickness of its border.
1Create a new circle by using the Ellipse Tool. Type the size of the circle you want in the Options box.
2You can change your circle size by go to Transform>change a size in Width and Height box.Advertisement
3If you don't mine about the dimensions, you can change a size by click at a circle and you'll see a transform guide, by this, hold the Shift key and adjust the size by use a transform guide
4This example shows you a circle with the fill set to “none” and color as “stroke.”
5This example shows you a circle with fill set to “color” and stroke set to “none.”
6This example shows you a circle with fill set to “color” and color set to “stroke.”
7This example shows you a circle with fill set to “none” and a gradient color stroke in Radial mode.
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