What to do when you encounter a ChatGPT network error

Running into a network error when ChatGPT gives a long response or writes code? This can occur for a variety of reasons — the length of the answer is too long, the servers are down, your internet connection is slow, or there's a caching issue. There are a few quick and easy things you can try to resolve these issues! This wikiHow guide will show you how to resolve ChatGPT network errors on long responses and when writing code.

Things You Should Know

  • Avoid long responses by asking ChatGPT to limit the word count to less than 500 words.
  • Check the official ChatGPT server status at https://status.openai.com/.
  • Clear your web browser cache to resolve minor issues with ChatGPT.

Avoid long responses

  1. Ask ChatGPT to limit its response length. Long responses can cause ChatGPT to return a network error and stop writing. You can avoid this by adding length specifications to your request and asking for less at once:
    • Split your query into multiple questions or more specific parts.
    • Ask that ChatGPT limits its answer to less than 500 words. This helps avoid ChatGPT's approximate word limit.
    • Ask followup questions after your initial query. This can be something like "can you further explain [this part]?"
    • Note that ChatGPT won't always follow word limits exactly. You can try again by requesting something like "can you explain the above concept again, but in less than 500 words?"
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Turn off your VPN

  1. Disable your VPN to avoid geographic restrictions. OpenAI services like ChatGPT are only available in certain regions. Turning off your VPN can prevent these geo-restrictions from causing network errors when you try to use ChatGPT.
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Clear your cache

  1. Clear your web browser cache. ChatGPT might be not working due to a caching issue with your web browser. Here are a few guides for clearing your cache on popular web browsers:

Try a different web browser

  1. Switch to a different web browser. ChatGPT might be running into a network error that's specific to your web browser. Changing to a new web browser (e.g. Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari) can resolve this issue.
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Avoid high-traffic times

  1. Use ChatGPT at lower-traffic times. If ChatGPT is at capacity, it will be more difficult to use the service. Avoid peak hours (1pm to 4pm) for a better chance at successfully using ChatGPT. You can also subscribe to ChatGPT Plus for access to ChatGPT during peak times.[1]

Ask for no comments in code

  1. Request that code responses don't contain comments. This reduces the word count to help avoid the soft 500 word limit. You can say something like "don't include comments in the code."
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Ask for no empty lines in code

  1. Request that code responses don't contain empty lines. This also reduces the word count. You can type something like "don't include empty lines in the code."

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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 2,163 times.
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Co-authors: 2
Updated: March 24, 2023
Views: 2,163
Categories: Social Media