Get back online with Chat GPT by using these quick troubleshooting tips

Are you getting a login error on Chat GPT? If you see the message "ChatGPT is at capacity right now" or you're getting a black screen, it means the servers are getting more traffic and requests than they can handle. However, there are things you can do as a user to ensure a better chance at loading the AI. This wikiHow will show you how to log into ChatGPT and troubleshoot the website when it's at full capacity.

Things You Should Know

  • "At capacity" means the ChatGPT servers are currently overloaded.
  • Refresh the page, use incognito mode, or use a VPN.
  • Avoid peak hours 1PM – 4 PM, or subscribe to ChatGPT Plus for priority access.

Refresh the page.

  1. Refresh the web page. "At capacity" means ChatGPT is currently facing heavy traffic. When too many people try to use ChatGPT at the same time, it reaches its capacity and won't be able to handle any more incoming traffic. Sometimes, you'll just need to send a new request to the server to be let in.
    • In most browsers, this is the circular arrow in the toolbar. You can also click the URL and press Enter to load it again.
  2. Advertisement

About This Article

Rain Kengly
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wikiHow Technology Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Rain Kengly. Rain Kengly is a wikiHow Technology Writer. As a storytelling enthusiast with a penchant for technology, they hope to create long-lasting connections with readers from all around the globe. Rain graduated from San Francisco State University with a BA in Cinema. This article has been viewed 1,563 times.
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Co-authors: 3
Updated: March 24, 2023
Views: 1,563