A user-friendly guide to understand ChatGPT's limits for text input and output

Is ChatGPT stopping suddenly after a request? ChatGPT has a character limit of about 500 words, but this is highly dependent on the topic of your request and the AI's existing parameters. If the OpenAI struggles to fully understand your request, it can stop suddenly after typing a few paragraphs, which may make it look like it has a definite word count. This wikiHow will answer your questions about ChatGPT's character limits and how to make the AI resume after freezing.

Things You Should Know

  • There's a hidden 500-word/4,000-character limit in ChatGPT for each individual input and output.
  • However, replies can end suddenly if the request is too complex for the AI to handle.
  • If ChatGPT stops suddenly, ask it to "continue from [text that was cut]".
Section 1 of 2:

What is the ChatGPT character limit?

  1. ChatGPT has a hidden limit of about 500 words or 4,000 characters, but this depends on the request. Users have reported that asking the AI for its official word or character limit results in a reply of "none," but that's not entirely correct. While there's no officially stated character or word limit, you'll need to keep your prompt underneath 500 words to ensure success. Additionally, if the request is too complex or if the website is at capacity, you may have trouble generating responses. In most cases, the AI's text will stop suddenly around 500 words.
    • Subscribing to ChatGPT Plus won't increase the AI's word count; though you'll have quicker response times and priority access to new features.
    • As long as you aren't violating the usage policies, you can continue to use ChatGPT.[1]
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Section 2 of 2:

How can I make ChatGPT continue after stopping?

  1. 1
    Ask ChatGPT to "Continue". ChatGPT can stop suddenly if the request is too complex, and it can stop typing mid-sentence or thought. Similar to other AI, ChatGPT is constantly learning, which means there will be parameters that it hasn't been programmed to understand yet.
    • If ChatGPT stops suddenly, ask it to "continue from [text that was cut]". In most cases, ChatGPT will continue where it left off.
  2. 2
    Ask the prompt again. You can also ask the initial prompt again if you suspect it was a loading error on your end. You can also click Regenerate response at the bottom of the page to try again.
  3. 3
    Break up the prompt into sections. If you're asking ChatGPT to complete a complex task, such as writing an essay or cover letter, try to break up the requests into smaller sections. Once the sections have been answered, you can ask ChatGPT to elaborate on each section.
  4. 4
    Prompt ChatGPT to create an outline. If you're having trouble breaking up the prompt into sections, you can ask the AI to create an outline for you. You'll just need to include some context along with a title. After doing so, prompt ChatGPT to create each section one at a time.
  5. 5
    Use a more specific prompt. You can ask ChatGPT to "write 500 words" of your prompt. Specifying an exact number of words will help the AI understand the goal and will limit itself from going over its hidden word count. Be sure to enter a word count under 500 or character count under 4,000.
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About This Article

Rain Kengly
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wikiHow Technology Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Rain Kengly. Rain Kengly is a wikiHow Technology Writer. As a storytelling enthusiast with a penchant for technology, they hope to create long-lasting connections with readers from all around the globe. Rain graduated from San Francisco State University with a BA in Cinema. This article has been viewed 16,931 times.
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Updated: March 27, 2023
Views: 16,931