Oh no! Your .dox or .txt document is opening in WordPad, so what do you do? Since WordPad can open these and other file formats (like .rtf), you just need to change some default app settings to change Word as your default. This wikiHow article will teach you how to change the default app from WordPad to Word in Windows 10.


  1. 1
    Open Settings. Press Win + I on your keyboard to open the Settings window. Alternatively, you can click the gear icon in the Start menu.
  2. 2
    Click Apps. It's next to a list icon.
  3. 3
    Click Default Apps. You'll see this menu option in the menu on the left side of the window next to a list icon with an arrow on it.
  4. 4
    Click Choose default apps by file type. This menu option is at the bottom of the menu under "Reset."
    • You'll see file types listed on the left side of the window next to the default app used to open them.
  5. 5
    Change the app next to ".docx, .rtf, and .txt" to Word. If the default is WordPad, click it, then select Word from the drop-down list.
    • If you don't have an active Microsoft 365 subscription, you'll see a prompt to open the store.
    • If there's no default listed, click Choose a default and select Word from the list.[1]
  6. Advertisement

About This Article

Darlene Antonelli, MA
Written by:
wikiHow Technology Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Darlene Antonelli, MA. Darlene Antonelli is a Technology Writer and Editor for wikiHow. Darlene has experience teaching college courses, writing technology-related articles, and working hands-on in the technology field. She earned an MA in Writing from Rowan University in 2012 and wrote her thesis on online communities and the personalities curated in such communities. This article has been viewed 12,123 times.
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Co-authors: 3
Updated: December 6, 2021
Views: 12,123
Categories: Windows 10
Article SummaryX

1. Open Settings.
2. Click Apps.
3. Click Default Apps.
4. Click Choose default apps by file type.
5. Change the app next to ".docx, .rtf, and .txt" to Word.

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