You're excited about your upcoming camping trip but worried it might rain. Will your tent hold up and keep you dry? If your tent is brand-new, chances are you'll be fine—modern tents come with built-in waterproofing. But if your tent is a few years old, it could be leaky. Read on to learn everything you need to know to waterproof your tent so rain or shine, you know you and your gear will stay dry.

Things You Should Know

  • Check for potential leaks through the seams, the rain fly, or the fabric itself.
  • Apply sealant along the inside of the seams and across the tent floor. Spray a layer of DWR to the outside of your tent. Treat the rain fly separately.
  • Waterproof your tent at least 2 days before you go camping. Reproof your tent once a year to extend the life of your gear.

Check your tent for rips, tears, or leaks.

  1. Focus your efforts on spots where there are active leaks. Take your tent outside on a sunny day several days before your camping trip and set it up.[1] Turn a garden hose on your tent and spray it down. Then, go inside and see if you notice any leaks.
    • Look at the sides of the tent too—if the water just beads up and rolls off, you're good to go. Otherwise, it's a good idea to reproof it to prevent leaks.
    • If you find any rips or tears, patch them up before you start the waterproofing process.
    • Checking your gear several days or even a week in advance gives you plenty of time to fix any issues. You don't want to be scrambling if there's a problem!
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Wash all of your gear before waterproofing it.


Apply seam sealant to the seams of your tent.

  1. Use the built-in applicator to sponge the sealant into the seams. If there's old sealant flaking off, scrub that off with the scrubby side of a sponge dipped in rubbing alcohol before applying new sealant. Then, run seam sealant along the insides of the seams, pressing firmly.[4]
    • Reseal your seams at least once a year to keep them water-tight and prolong the life of your camping equipment.
    • For extra strength, wait a couple of hours for the sealant to dry, then apply a second coat right on top of the first.[5]
    • You can also use seam sealant to patch very small holes in the fabric of the tent.[6]

Pack up your tent once the sealant is dry.

  1. Let your tent dry out for at least 24 hours. The sealant container will tell you how long it takes to dry, but 24 hours is a good rule of thumb if you want to make sure. Wait a few hours for the fumes to dissipate, then you can move it indoors so you don't have to worry about it getting messed up outside.[11]
    • You might also want to do another test to make sure the sealant works. Just set up your tent outside on a sunny day and spray it down with a hose. If the water beads up and rolls off the tent, you're good to go!
    • Never store your tent while it's still wet—it could grow mold.[12]

Expert Q&A

  • Question
    How do you set up a tent in the rain?
    Josh Goldbach
    Josh Goldbach
    Outdoor Education Expert
    Josh Goldbach is an Outdoor Education Expert and the Executive Director of Bold Earth Adventures. Bold Earth leads adventure travel camps for teenagers all over the world. With almost 15 years of experience, Josh specializes in outdoor adventure trips for teens both in the United States and internationally. Josh earned his B.A. in Psychology from Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Florida. He’s also trained as a wilderness first responder, a Leave No Trace master educator, and a Level 5 Swiftwater rescue technician.
    Josh Goldbach
    Outdoor Education Expert
    Expert Answer
    The best thing you can do is to just get your tent (and rain tarp, if you have one) set up as quickly as you can—that's going to keep the inside of your tent body as dry as possible.


  • Check your tent's fabric so you can make sure the product you buy will work. Many products are designed to work only on specific types of fabric.
  • If you feel your tent lost its waterproofing and is beginning to leak, not just at the seams, it might be better to replace the tent. If the problem happened too early, it may be worth a try contacting the manufacturer for a replacement piece.

Things You'll Need

  • Garden hose
  • Dish soap
  • Scrub sponges
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Clean towels or rags
  • Seam sealant
  • Durable water repellent (DWR)

Expert Interview

Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about camping, check out our in-depth interview with Josh Goldbach.

About This Article

Josh Goldbach
Co-authored by:
Outdoor Education Expert
This article was co-authored by Josh Goldbach and by wikiHow staff writer, Jennifer Mueller, JD. Josh Goldbach is an Outdoor Education Expert and the Executive Director of Bold Earth Adventures. Bold Earth leads adventure travel camps for teenagers all over the world. With almost 15 years of experience, Josh specializes in outdoor adventure trips for teens both in the United States and internationally. Josh earned his B.A. in Psychology from Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Florida. He’s also trained as a wilderness first responder, a Leave No Trace master educator, and a Level 5 Swiftwater rescue technician. This article has been viewed 2,866 times.
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Co-authors: 4
Updated: December 8, 2022
Views: 2,866
Categories: Camping Gear
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