Whether you're a seasoned camper or simply going for a sleepover with your friends, learning how to properly fold and roll a sleeping bag is a worthwhile task. Mastering this skill will help to keep the sleeping bag clean and also prevent it from taking up too much storage space when you're not using it. You've come to the right article—we've covered everything you need to know, so you can pack up your sleeping bag in a jiffy.


Tightly roll the sleeping bag.

  1. Start at the open end of the sleeping bag (where your head goes). Begin rolling the material tightly, keeping it very straight and pressing out any air as you go. As you roll, use one knee to press down on the sleeping bag (in between the rolling motions). This will help to keep it nice and tight. Continue rolling until you reach the opposite end of the sleeping bag.
    • One good trick is to place a tent pole or straight stick across the top end of the sleeping bag and roll the bag around it, instead of around itself.
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Secure the sleeping bag with the straps.

  1. Once you get to the end of the roll, you need to secure it. This should be relatively easy as most sleeping bags come with cords or elasticated straps attached to the bottom edge.
    • Keep one knee pressed tightly into the center of the sleeping bag while you pull the elasticated straps evenly over the rolled bag or tie the cords around it. If you're using the cords, you can use the same basic knot you use to tie your shoelaces.
    • If the sleeping bag has no straps or cords, simply tie a loose piece of string around both ends of the rolled bag.
    • Once the sleeping bag is secure, you can gently pull the tent pole or stick out of the middle (if used) and pop the perfectly rolled sleeping bag into its carrier bag.

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Does it work on all brands?
    Claire Compton
    Claire Compton
    Community Answer
    Yes, this technique works on all brands. However, if you happen to have a compression sleeping bag, the company might suggest other alternatives for folding and storing it, so be sure to read the company's recommended instructions before folding.


  • You should never leave a wet or damp sleeping bag rolled up for too long, otherwise it could grow mildew.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 10 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 73,965 times.
91 votes - 66%
Co-authors: 10
Updated: June 14, 2022
Views: 73,965
Categories: Camping Gear