Microsoft Excel makes it possible to get all kinds of useful information out of a set of data. With a few quick clicks, you can calculate your range.


  1. 1
    Find the maximum value of the data.
    • To do this, pick a cell where you want the maximum to display (for example, maybe two cells above where you'll put the range).
    • Type {{{1}}} and specify the cells you're trying to find the range for. For example, you might write {{{1}}} or {{{1}}}.
    • Press Enter
  2. 2
    Find the minimum value of the data.
    • To do this, pick a cell where you want the minimum to display (for example, maybe one cell above where you'll put the range, below the maximum).
    • Type Min and specify the cells again. For example, you might write MIN(J7:T1) or MIN(A1:A500).
    • Press Enter
  3. 3
    Find the Range.
    • Type = in the call for the range (possibly below the other two).
    • Type in the cell number that you used for typing the maximum number first - for example, B1.
    • Then type a -.
    • Type in the minimum cell number. For example, B2. Your formula should read something like: =B1-B2
    • Press Enter
  4. Advertisement

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Updated: December 19, 2017
Views: 45,010