Curly buns come in many varieties and are a cute and chic style. However, some types of twisty buns work better with certain types of hair. Straight hair looks great when twisted into a tight, sleek style. On the other hand, the natural volume of curly hair lends itself well to a loose, low, twisty bun. Luckily, both types are easy to do at home. If you aren't sure which would look better in your hair, why not try out both?

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Putting Curly Hair into a Bun

  1. 1
    Avoid ruining your curl pattern. If you're happy with your curls the way they are, be careful whenever you put your hair up. Don't stretch out your hair by putting it into a too-tight bun.[1] The easiest way to prevent damaging your beautifully curly locks is to simply not pull back your hair too hard when putting it up.
    • Low buns not only look especially great with curly hair,[2] but they are also worn much looser than a high topknot or ballerina bun.
  2. 2
    Make a ponytail where you want your bun to sit. This can be at the center of the nape of your neck for a low bun or a little higher for an average bun. Hold it in place with one hand and secure it using a hair tie with your other.[3]
  3. 3
    Twist your ponytail around to form the main bun. Gently twist the ponytail into a loose coil. Next, gently wrap the entire coil around the ponytail base. Secure it in place with a bobby pin. Remember to keep it loose to avoid damaging your curls. Don't twist it too tightly.[4]
    • You could also do a 2-strand twist or a 3-strand braid instead of 1 coil.
  4. 4
    Secure everything in place with a few bobby pins. Slide in a few bobby pins through the braid, the bun, and the bun's base to keep it firmly in place. How many you'll need will depend on how much hair you have to secure and how well your hair holds a style. If your hair is prone to frizzing, consider using an anti-frizz hairspray.[5]
    • Select bobby pins that are the same color as your hair so they don’t stand out.
  5. 5
    Add a braid for an elegant look. If you want to include a braid in your curly bun, you will need to section your hair before putting it up into a ponytail. Using both hands, gather your hair into 2 separate sections with one strand to your left and one to your right. Put the right section up into a bun as normal. Make sure the left section is thick enough to braid.[6]
  6. 6
    Braid the left section. Take the free remaining hair and make it into a simple braid. Don't braid too tightly, as this may damage your curls and create a braid that is too stiff to use as a wrap. To create a simple braid:
    • Separate the left section further into 3 equal strands.
    • Cross the left section over the middle section.
    • Cross the right over what was originally the left section.
    • What was originally the middle section will now be on the left. Cross that over the current middle section (originally the one at the right). Do the same with what is now the right strand.
    • Repeat this pattern until you reach the end of the hair section. Secure the tip with a hair elastic.[7]
  7. 7
    Wrap your braid around your bun. Take your braid to the right and drape it over the main bun. Loop the bottom of the braid around the bun in a clockwise manner until the entire braid is wrapped around the bun. If your braid is long enough to completely encircle the bun, finish off by tucking the tail end of the braid underneath.[8]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Making a Curly Bun with Straight Hair

  1. 1
    Curl your hair with a curling iron. Before you curl, make sure your hair is free of tangles. Spray a heat-protectant product on your tresses and comb it through. Preheat your curling iron, then wrap each section of hair around the curling iron for 10 to 15 seconds.
    • Each hair section should be small enough so that you can wrap it around the wand without much hair overlapping.
    • Try spraying the ends with a light-hold hairspray before curling for added lift.[9]
  2. 2
    Divide your hair into 4 sections. Create a section on the right side, the left side, the top middle, and the bottom middle. Put a hair clip in each of your side sections and the top section to hold them out of the way temporarily. Leave the bottom section undone.
  3. 3
    Wrap your hair up to make a bouncy curl. Separate a strand about 2 inches (5.1 cm) wide from the bottom section. Hold 2 fingers close to its roots at the nape of your neck and wrap the strand around the 2 fingers. Hold this new curl in place with 2 bobby pins.[10]
    • Repeat this with a second strand of hair, but make the new curl sit slightly askew in relation to the first.
    • Keep adding curls until all of the bottom section is pinned up.
  4. 4
    Back comb at your crown. Unclip your top section. Take a handful of hair at the back of your crown and gently back comb or "tease" it. Hold the hair vertically and run a comb through it from near the tips towards the roots. Do this a few times. Make sure there is a layer of unteased hair in front of it.[11]
    • Teasing this section will add volume to naturally straight hair, which can often end up too flat when put into an updo.
  5. 5
    Make more pin curls. Using the hair from your top section, continue making curls just as you did with the bottom section. However, instead of having these curls sit at the roots of each strand, pin them on and around the bottom section's curls. Wrap only the bottom portion of these strands around your fingers. As you layer, a clear bun should begin to form.[12]
  6. 6
    Twist the side sections around the bun. Unpin your right and left hair sections. Take your right section and twist it to the left, bringing it over and around your bun. Pin the ends to the roots. Repeat this with your left section, wrapping it towards the right. Leave 1 or 2 curly wisps undone in front of your ears.[13]
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Creating a Twisty Bun

  1. 1
    Comb and detangle your hair. Run a wide-tooth comb through the length of your hair. Use your fingers to work out any snags you find along the way. Make sure your hair is completely tangle-free before putting it into a bun. Styling tangled hair can make the knots even worse.[14] While it's generally better to work with clean hair, a bun can disguise hair that's a little greasy.
  2. 2
    Pull back your hair into a ponytail. Position the base of your ponytail so that it is at your back, sitting either at the top of your head (a high ponytail) or a little further down towards the nape of your neck (a medium ponytail). To get the perfect ponytail:
    • If you have bangs, pin them to the side for now. You don't want to accidentally put them up into the ponytail.
    • Gather the rest of your hair with both hands, sweeping it backwards.
    • Hold the gathered hair with 1 hand and use the other to collect any hair strands that you missed and add them to the main ponytail.
    • Secure the ponytail in place with a hair tie.
  3. 3
    Select a small section of hair to make your first curl. Select a strand of any size from your ponytail. If your hair is short, you’ll need to create more curls. Keep in mind that the amount of hair you choose will determine how many individual curls you'll have at the end. For example, if you select roughly 1/8 of your hair, you will end up with 8 total twists. Doing a twisty curl with all of your hair at once is one way to create a chignon hairstyle. To make each twisty curl:
    • While gripping its tip, gently twist the strand of hair until its full length is tightly wound. Use both hands if necessary. Do not use too much force and stop if you feel any pain. You don't want to accidentally pull out your hair or damage its roots.
    • After your hair is fully coiled, keep on twisting it. The strand will eventually begin to bunch up in a spiral towards the base of your ponytail.
    • If your hair doesn't bunch up when completely spiraled, wrap the strand around itself at the base instead.
  4. 4
    Pin the curl in place with bobby pins. Hide the small uncoiled tip strand by tucking it underneath the curl. With one hand, hold the curl and the bottom strand in place near the base of the ponytail. With your other hand, slide a bobby pin in to secure the curl.
    • It’s best to use bobby pins that are the same color as your hair so they aren’t as noticeable.
  5. 5
    Repeat the process until all of your hair is in curls. Take another strand of hair and twist it into a second curl. Pin it in place next to the first. Keep adding twists until you run out of free hair to work with. Try to keep the strand sizes as consistent as possible. You will eventually end up with a bun that looks like a bouquet of twisty curls.
  6. 6
    Set your style with hairspray. To avoid stray strands of hair coming out of the bun, spritz in a small amount of hairspray over your tresses. This will work to both help hold your hair in place and maintain a smooth, sleek look. If your hair is prone to frizzing or flyaways, don't skip this step.[15]
  7. 7
    Enjoy your new look. At this point, if you have your bangs pinned to the side, feel free to take them down. If you decide the look isn't right for you, consider leaving your hair styled this way for a few hours. When allowed to set, a curly bun comes with the added bonus of creating temporary soft curls in straight hair.
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About This Article

Danielle Chiz
Co-authored by:
Professional Hair Stylist
This article was co-authored by Danielle Chiz. Danielle Chiz is a Professional Hair Stylist and the Owner of bubu nyc Hair Artist Studio based in New York, New York. She specializes in hair coloring and styling as well as crafting a personalized hair experience. Danielle holds a BA in Biology from the University of Rochester. This article has been viewed 95,399 times.
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Updated: November 5, 2022
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