If you have tight curls or kinks in your hair, it can be next to impossible to remove tangles. Long fine hair is also prone to knots. Depending on the kind of hair you have, there are many approaches that can help. Whether you are styling with your fingers when your hair is dry, or using a comb with hair full of conditioner, detangling your hair takes patience and time.

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Detangling your Dry Hair with Combs

  1. 1
    Select your detangling instrument. When dry detangling your hair you can use your fingers, a wide-tooth comb, or a paddle brush. It will depend on the kind of hair you have. For thin or tightly curled hair, a wide-toothed comb works best.[1] A paddle brush works well on long loose curls. Using your fingers first can make it easier to find and work through smaller knots.[2]
  2. 2
    Separate your hair into four sections. Part your hair in the middle and go all the way down the back of your head. Then do a horizontal part around your head just above your ears. You can do this easily with hair clips or pins. Though this may seem like an unnecessary step, tackling each section separately will safeguard against over brushing and provide better consistency.[3] If your hair is especially thick or tangled, it might help to separate your hair into more than four sections.
  3. 3
    Use detangling spray. These products, available at beauty supply and drug stores, might be all you need to get through the tangles. For some people, just using the spray is enough to get rid of all the knots. If you have more tangles, keep going.
    • Spray some evenly over your hair
    • Comb your hair, working your way in small increments from the bottom.
  4. 4
    Separate out one tangle at a time. Pull the knotted area away from the rest of your hair if possible. If you can see it in the mirror, it might help to take a quick look at it. Then you can see what you’re dealing with and how you might begin untangling. [4]
    • Start with a small amount of hair
    • Begin near the bottom and run your fingers through
    • Apply gentle pressure
    • When you find a knot, run your thumbnail gently over it and keep going.
  5. 5
    Use a comb. Once you have done as much as you can with your fingers, start with a wide-toothed comb. Again, start down near the end and work slowly up the length of the hair.[5] [6]
    • If there are tangles you absolutely can’t get through, use either some hair smoother (available at drug stores) or a little coconut oil or avocado oil.
    • Use only a dot on the knot and try the comb again.
  6. 6
    Use a smaller-toothed comb next. If you’ve gotten out as many tangles as you can with the wider teeth, use smaller teeth this time. This will often lead to finding small knots in your hair. Work these the same way as the larger tangles. Sometimes these knot simply will not come out.[7]
    • Don’t pull at it or rip it out with a comb -- this is bad for the hair.
    • Gather the small amount of hair in the knot and cut it just above that tangle with a very sharp pair of scissors.
  7. 7
    Pin up the detangled section into a loose twist. As you finish one section, loosely twist it and pin it up. Continue working through the rest of your hair. Move through it systematically, section by section. Pin up detangled sections until all of your hair is detangled. If your hair benefits from brushes, you can brush it at the end.
  8. 8
    Exercise care when combing or brushing. Using combs and brushes can result in some breakage, as your hair is not very flexible when it is dry. You should avoid over combing to prevent split ends.
  9. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Detangling your Dry Hair with Oil

  1. 1
    Put oil on your fingers when hand detangling. Like detangling with a comb, divide hair and clip, and then start with small pieces, working from the bottom. A little lubricating oil, such as avocado or coconut oil on your fingers will reduce the friction your fingers may experience running through your hair. There are additional benefits, like improved glossiness, depending on which oil you use.[8]
    • If you are partial to using heating tools to achieve your style, consider olive oil. The fatty acids in olive oil coat and protect your hair from heat damage.
  2. 2
    Spritz your hair with oil. Use argan oil or a suitable substitute to lightly spritz your hair. You can find these at the drugstore or beauty supply store. This will make it easier to comb through your hair with a comb or paddle brush.Make sure you select a product that is labeled “100% Argan Oil” to receive the maximum benefits.[9]
  3. 3
    Consider wearing latex gloves. They can make your hands slip through your hair. Nappy or frizzy hair might be too difficult to detangle with your naked hand. A latex glove can save you time and prevent hair damage.
  4. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Detangling with Wet Hair

  1. 1
    Dry detangle as much as possible with your fingers. Many people have hair that cannot be fully detangled when it’s dry. But it’s important to try detangling as much as possible before you cover your hair in conditioner. This will make your job easier.
  2. 2
    Shampoo your hair. Divide your hair into four sections as discussed earlier and work your fingers through each section. Going section by section, shampoo your hair. Gently massage your scalp as you go. As you rinse your hair, work your fingers through each section and continue to work out any remaining tangles.
  3. 3
    Always use conditioner. If you have dry or normal hair, use a leave-in conditioner on the ends of the hair and apply after shampooing. If you have oily hair, put conditioner only on the bottom 2/3 of your hair before using shampoo. Then use the shampoo to wash it off. You also might consider using a specific detangling conditioner, which you can massage into your hair following the shampoo and then rinse off.[10]
  4. 4
    Squeeze your hair dry with a towel. Be gentle when rubbing your hair with a towel -- the friction and fibers from your towel can make tangles even worse. Use patting and squeezing motions instead of rubbing. If you have really long hair, do it in increments. Pat and squeeze the bottom first, then a little further up and so on until you reach the roots. [11]
  5. 5
    Work your fingers through each section of hair while wet. Do it in the same manner as for dry hair -- start with one section of hair and work on the knots from the ends to the roots. Then use a wide-toothed comb, moving to a smaller-toothed comb if it’s necessary.
  6. Advertisement
Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Preventing Tangles

  1. 1
    Put hair in braids before bed. Securing your hair in braids before you go to bed will reduce friction and tangling. Your hair won’t be able to move about so freely, further reducing tangles.[12]
  2. 2
    Use a satin pillowcase. Satin is a smooth fabric and your hair will not stick to or get caught in it like with cotton. The reduced friction of smooth fabric can be a powerful tangle prevention measure.
  3. 3
    Keep your hair healthy. Get regular trims and cut off split ends. Take off a small amount from the ends to remove split ends on your hair and prevent further damage. Fewer split ends will result in fewer tangles.
  4. 4
    Put your hair in a ponytail or braid when exercising. This will help keep it under control and prevent tangles. Ponytails and braids can also help in other situations where you know your hair might get tangled -- high winds, convertibles, motorcycles, etc.
  5. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Why should I go from the tips of my hair to the top?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Because if you start from the top you'll pull your hair and make the tangles worse.
  • Question
    How can I get a giant tangle out of my hair?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Wash your hair with conditioner and comb the knot out slowly when the conditioner is still in your hair. You can also purchase tangle spray, which will help you comb the knots out more easily
  • Question
    What if it still doesn't work and I have really thick hair?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Think about getting a thinning haircut and ask your hairdresser what the best conditioner is for your hair.


About This Article

Ashleigh Grounds
Co-authored by:
Makeup Artist & Hair Stylist
This article was co-authored by Ashleigh Grounds. Ashleigh Grounds is a Makeup Artist and Hair Stylist based in Austin, Texas. Ashleigh has over 11 years of cosmetology experience. She studied cosmetology in Dallas, Texas and completed a two-year hair salon apprenticeship in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia with Toni & Guy Hair Salon. She is accredited by the International Board of Cosmetology, is a certified Babe Hair Extension Professional, and is a certified Brazilian Blow Out Professional. Ashleigh was voted the best Hair Stylist in Austin for 2012 by RAW Artists and was voted in the top 20 salons for 2020 in Austin by Expertise. Ashleigh's work has been featured in Talentmagazines, BlogTalkRadio, KXAN, and Studio 512. This article has been viewed 141,231 times.
1 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 32
Updated: February 19, 2023
Views: 141,231
Categories: Detangling Hair
Article SummaryX

To detangle your hair, first separate it into 4 sections and pin up 3 of them so you can work your way through your hair. Then, working from the bottom of a small section of hair, run your fingers through it to try and detangle one knot at a time. Next, start over at the bottom of the same section with a wide-tooth comb to work through more tangles. Finally, repeat the process one more time with a smaller-tooth comb, pin up the detangled section, and move on to the next one. For more tips on getting rid of tangles, including using natural oils to help with knots, keep reading!

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