Whether you're making your own blanket or creating a crocheted toy, it's natural to want to pick up some speed as you're crocheting. Luckily, there are several things you can do that will help you crochet faster. All it takes is a crochet hook, yarn, and a little bit of time. The more you practice, the faster you'll be able to crochet!

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Improving Your Technique

  1. 1
    Wind the yarn into a ball before crocheting for easier pulls. If the yarn you purchased doesn’t already come in a ball, it’s best to unravel it and create your own ball. Start by wrapping the loose yarn end around 3 of your fingers several times to create some volume, and then fold this clump in half. Continue wrapping the yarn around this clump until you form your own ball and you reach the other loose end of yarn.[1]
    • A ball of yarn is much easier to pull from and will save you lots of time.
  2. 2
    Place your yarn in a spot where it won’t get tangled. If you’re constantly having to chase after your ball of yarn or untangle it from an item it’s caught on, it’s going to take you much longer to crochet. Put your yarn in a spot that you can reach easily and where it won’t fall or get tangled. This could be in your lap, next to you on a table, or by your feet.[2]
    • For example, if you’re sitting in a chair while crocheting, you might place your yarn in a plastic basket in front of you.
  3. 3
    Hold your hook in a position that’s the most comfortable for you. Most people hold their hook either like you might hold a pencil when you write, or how you hold a knife to cut food. Test out both of these methods as you crochet and decide which one you find easiest and most comfortable to use.[3]
    • The more comfortable your hook grip, the faster you’ll crochet.
  4. 4
    Choose repetitive patterns that are easier to do quickly. While more complicated patterns that include lots of different stitches can turn out great, using a pattern that uses the same stitches over and over again is much faster. Pick out a crochet pattern that only requires one or two different stitches so that you don’t have to think about each stitch as much while you crochet.[4]
  5. 5
    Practice as often as possible so you get better. One of the best ways to get faster at crocheting is to simply practice! Even if you start out slowly at first, you’ll get better with time and gain speed. Choose a few crochet stitches you'd like to master and focus on practicing these the most.[5]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Choosing the Fastest Stitches

  1. 1
    Crochet using a chain stitch for the most basic quick stitch. The chain stitch is the most used stitch in crochet projects, and it’s super easy and quick to do once you learn it. Create a slip knot on your crochet hook and wrap the yarn behind the hook and over it so the yarn is resting in the hook’s neck. Pull the slip knot over the yarn to create the stitch.[6]
    • Avoid pulling the slip knot too far over the yarn—you just want a slight hole.
  2. 2
    Use a single crochet stitch for a quick, tightly woven project. Create a slip knot on your hook and then wrap the yarn behind the hook and over it. Pull the slip knot over the yarn so that you have a chain stitch. Create a whole row of chain stitches and then put your hook through the chain stitch so it’s on your hook. Wrap the yarn around the hook again and bring it through the loops on the hook, creating a single crochet stitch.[7]
    • Single crochet stitches have very small holes, helping create a thick fabric.
  3. 3
    Do a half double crochet stitch to add length quickly. Create a slip knot on your hook and form several chain stitches until you’re happy with the length of your project. Pull the yarn over your hook from the back and stick your hook through the third chain. Pull the yarn over the hook again from the back before pulling the hook through so you have three chains on your hook. Pull the yarn over one more time and pull through the three loops.[8]
    • A half double crochet stitch is great if you want to make something quickly because it adds length with minimal work.
  4. 4
    Try a triple crochet stitch for a loose project. Wrap the yarn around your hook four times, which is also called yarning over. Place your hook in a stitch and wrap the yarn over the hook again before pulling it through to form a loop. Yarn over again and pull the hook through two of the loops, doing this five times to form a triple crochet stitch.[9]
    • A triple crochet stitch creates very large holes, meaning you’ll add lots of length but make a loose fabric.
    • This stitch is also called the treble crochet stitch.
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19 votes - 55%
Co-authors: 5
Updated: May 7, 2020
Views: 17,080
Categories: Knitting and Crochet