Adding your website to Google News can help bring additional exposure to your website if approved by Google's News team upon review. Any person can submit their website to Google for inclusion in Google News; however, there are certain types of criteria you must meet for Google to accept your submission. In addition to reviewing your website for original content, Google will look for the frequency of which you publish content, review the format and layout of your website for professionalism, and seek information about the writers who contribute content to your website, among several other key factors.


  1. 1
    Publish original content on your website. Google will not add your site to Google News if your content has been copied from or resembles the content from another source.
  2. 2
    Use titles that accurately describe the news topics. Titles should contain between 2 and 22 words and consist of major keywords about the subject.
    • Place titles in bold lettering directly above your articles in a news-style format.
    • Try to use titles that are unique compared to other news sites. Google News may filter out your articles if the titles match those of other articles that have already been published by other news sites. For example, if your news article is about celebrities who get married, try a unique title such as "Celebrity A: 3rd Marriage a Charm to Celebrity B" instead of "Celebrity A Marries Celebrity B."
  3. 3
    Publish articles of a considerable length. Google News will seek content with a sufficient word-length of at least 250 words that can provide value to news readers.
  4. 4
    Enlist multiple authors to generate content for your website. Google News will consider sites from established organizations, or companies, in which a variety of authors contribute news content.
    • Create a page on your website that displays short biographies and photos of each writer to establish their presence on your site.
    • Add bylines to each article that displays the author's name and the date the article was written.
  5. 5
    Generate multiple news articles on a daily basis. Google News will look for heavily active websites that can provide fresh content on a regular basis.
    • Publish at least 3 news articles per day to keep your content fresh, and publish at least 100 articles before you submit your site to Google News for review. This will demonstrate that your website is dedicated to generating updated news stories.
  6. 6
    Display videos or images on your website relevant to news content. This may help your website appear more attractive to and grab the attention of readers.
  7. 7
    Display advertisements on your news site. Advertisements will help prove that your website generates a regular amount of traffic or produces a lucrative amount of business.
    • Refrain from posting a large number of advertisements on your website. A large number of ads may cause your site to appear malicious to the Google News team upon review.
  8. 8
    Feature an "About" or "Contact" page on your website. This will help establish the validity of your organization to both Google News and the readers who will visit your website through Google News.
    • Provide contact information for your company or organization, such as phone numbers, mailing addresses, and email addresses for each writer or editor.
  9. 9
    Choose a professional template or layout for your website. Google News will consider websites that resemble professional news sites as opposed to blog layouts.
    • Select a layout that aligns most closely with the type of news you feature. For example, if you are a news site that specializes in sports, you may want to choose a layout background of a sports arena, or display sidebar information about game scores or the dates of sporting events.
  10. 10
    Work with your webmaster on enforcing specific technical requirements for Google News.
    • Establish unique URLs for each article to allow for proper indexing by Google News. Google News will only recognize URLs that contain at least 3 digits and do not resemble years. For example, Google News will index URLs with "995" in the title, but not "2010" because it resembles a year.
    • Ensure that the platform hosting your website can incorporate keywords of your article into the body of the URL. This will help Google News rank your articles more efficiently. For example, have your Content Management System (CMS) modified if your article URLs are published strictly with numbers instead of keywords.
  11. 11
    Submit your website to the Google News team for review.
    • Visit the Google website featured in the Sources section of this article and click on the "send us" link to access the Google News submission form.
    • Provide your site's information as requested by Google, such as your website address, the link that displays your contributor's biographies, the type of news you provide, and more.
    • Click the "Submit" button to send your site's information to Google News for review. You will be notified by Google if you site will be featured in Google News within 7 days of your submission.
  12. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    How do I add an audio that I published to Google News?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Sorry, Google News does not index audio, just text articles. Is transcribing it a possibility?

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 26 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 130,235 times.
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Co-authors: 26
Updated: October 26, 2022
Views: 130,235
Categories: Search Engines