Do you want to know if a girl is just as weird as you? Tap into her weird side by asking her unusual and random questions! To help you spark an interesting conversation, we’ve compiled a list of 80 creative questions that are sure to keep her on her toes. These questions will let her show off her weirdness and will tell you more about her interests, values, and past.

Things You Should Know

  • Start a funny conversation with a random question, a game of “would you rather,” or a silly hypothetical situation.
  • Ask about her embarrassing moments, her funny childhood memories, and supernatural experiences.
  • Quiz her on her favorite foods, celebrities, movies, and items she collects.

“Would you rather travel to another galaxy or to a parallel universe?”

  1. Start an interesting conversation with a game of “would you rather.” Get creative with your options to keep the game fun. Ask her why she chose her answer and share what you would choose too.[2]
    • “Would you rather know what people are thinking when you touch them or be able to mind control people, but they know that you’re controlling them?”
    • “Would you rather turn green when you’re lying or break out into polka dots when you’re mad?”
    • “Would you rather swallow a fly every time you drink water or wake up with a worm in your bed everyday?”
  2. Advertisement

“You discovered a new species of animal. What does it look like? What do you call it?”


“If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?”


“You can trade lives with your favorite celebrity for a day. Who do you choose and what do you do?”


“What 3 things would you grab from your bedroom if your house was on fire?”


“You find a time machine that takes you 1500 years into the past or 500 years into the future. Which option do you choose?”


“What’s the weirdest conversation you’ve overheard?”

About This Article

Devin McSween
Co-authored by:
wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Devin McSween. Devin McSween is a wikiHow Staff Writer. With a background in psychology, she has presented her research in social psychology at a variety of conferences and has contributed to several manuscripts for publication. At wikiHow, Devin combines her love of writing and research with the goal of bringing accessible information to wikiHow readers that will help them learn and grow. She earned her BS in Psychology from the College of Charleston. This article has been viewed 13,791 times.
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Co-authors: 7
Updated: October 25, 2022
Views: 13,791
Categories: Social Interactions