Being shy makes dating harder at times, especially if you're scared of being rejected. If you have a crush on a guy but feel shy and don't know how to tell him, you'll need to draw on your courage. Start by being subtle and dropping hints that you like him, especially if you don’t know him well. Try less scary ways of showing your feelings, like giving him a note. If he doesn’t get it or you know him well, then try telling him in person. Even as a shy person, you can communicate how you feel.


Text him.

  1. Texting keeps your conversation private and gives you time to think. If you’re shy, it might be difficult for you to go up to the guy, especially if he’s around other people much of the time. Texting can be an easier way to flirt and interact with him without having to worry about awkward pauses or not knowing what to talk about. If you’re texting back and forth with him, use the opportunity to slip in some hints.[1]
    • Just talking to him over text shows interest. If you want to go a level up, say, “By the way, I think you’re cute.”
    • You can even come right out and say, “I like you” over text once you build your courage.

Write a note.

  1. Start by giving him a note and see if he writes back. Maybe going up to him and saying that you like him might overwhelm you or fill you with fear. If you see the guy at school (or out of school) regularly, you might want to slip him a note. This way, you won’t have to stumble over your words or ‘blank out.’ If you write a note, you’ll also be able to write a few drafts before settling on one you like and are ready to give to him.
    • If you pass a couple notes, you might want to tell him you like him in the next note.
    • Spend some time writing your note and deciding what to say. You might want to make it short and sweet or lay out your feelings. It’s up to you what you want to say in your note, just make sure you tell him you like him.
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Catch his eye.

  1. Making eye contact is an easy and subtle way to let him know you like him. Make the most of your opportunities to look him in the eye.[2] For example, if he says hello to you, look him in the eyes while you say hello back. You can act a bit coy by dropping your gaze, then looking back up at him with a smile.[3]
    • If he makes eye contact back, chances are he finds you attractive. Try to hold your gaze with him for one to two seconds.
    • Don't stare though! See how he responds––does he smile back, look away or just stare vacantly? Try to gauge his willingness to interact with you.

Invite him to spend time with you.

  1. It’s okay for you to ask a guy to hang out too and make the first move. Maybe you’re too shy to come right out and say, “I like you.” Another option is to invite him to spend some time with you. Spending time with him will help you gauge how he feels about you and whether you should start spending more time with him.[4] This shows him that you want to spend time with him and get to know him better.[5]
    • For example, ask him to go to a dance or to a sports game with you.
    • Say, “I got two tickets to see the basketball game on Friday, and I was hoping you’d be free. What do you say?”

Set a deadline for when you want to tell him.


Notice if he flirts back.

  1. Notice how he responds and whether he moves toward you or moves away from you. As a shy person, you’ll probably want to be flirty before going up to a guy and telling him you like him. Gauge his interest and see if he flirts back. In many ways, “actions speak louder than words” so let your non-verbals do the work. Try some basics of flirting such as laughing at a joke he makes or touching him lightly on the arm. This can drop the hint that you’re interested. [8]
    • You don’t have to be over-the-top. Being subtle can almost be better, as you might carry some mystery.
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Expert Q&A

  • Question
    How can I show a guy that I like him?
    Maria Avgitidis
    Maria Avgitidis
    Matchmaker & Dating Expert
    Maria Avgitidis is the CEO & Matchmaker of Agape Match, a matchmaking service based out of New York City. For over a decade, she has successfully combined four generations of family matchmaking tradition with modern relationship psychology and search techniques to ensure her professional clientele are introduced to their ultimate match. Maria and Agape Match have been featured in The New York Times, The Financial Times, Fast Company, CNN, Esquire, Elle, Reuters, Vice, and Thrillist.
    Maria Avgitidis
    Matchmaker & Dating Expert
    Expert Answer
    If you want to show a guy that you like him, you can smile at him. A smile can make others feel that you are a friendly person. Do not be anxious and cross your arms. Do not avoid eye contact with him while talking to others. Instead, talk to him and let him know that you are an open person.
  • Question
    What should I wear to look more appealing to a guy?
    Maria Avgitidis
    Maria Avgitidis
    Matchmaker & Dating Expert
    Maria Avgitidis is the CEO & Matchmaker of Agape Match, a matchmaking service based out of New York City. For over a decade, she has successfully combined four generations of family matchmaking tradition with modern relationship psychology and search techniques to ensure her professional clientele are introduced to their ultimate match. Maria and Agape Match have been featured in The New York Times, The Financial Times, Fast Company, CNN, Esquire, Elle, Reuters, Vice, and Thrillist.
    Maria Avgitidis
    Matchmaker & Dating Expert
    Expert Answer
    Colors can tell a lot about a person. For example, blue is a very trusting color. That is why several social media brands use it. If you wear blue, red, or green, you can get a better response from a guy. Avoid wearing purple or black.
  • Question
    How can I get a date if I am shy?
    Maria Avgitidis
    Maria Avgitidis
    Matchmaker & Dating Expert
    Maria Avgitidis is the CEO & Matchmaker of Agape Match, a matchmaking service based out of New York City. For over a decade, she has successfully combined four generations of family matchmaking tradition with modern relationship psychology and search techniques to ensure her professional clientele are introduced to their ultimate match. Maria and Agape Match have been featured in The New York Times, The Financial Times, Fast Company, CNN, Esquire, Elle, Reuters, Vice, and Thrillist.
    Maria Avgitidis
    Matchmaker & Dating Expert
    Expert Answer
    You can use online dating as a tool to get a date. If you meet someone online, try to set up your offline date within two to three days. Comment on their profile if they respond, it is a sign that they are also interested in you. Go ahead and ask them for a date.

About This Article

Maria Avgitidis
Co-authored by:
Matchmaker & Dating Expert
This article was co-authored by Maria Avgitidis. Maria Avgitidis is the CEO & Matchmaker of Agape Match, a matchmaking service based out of New York City. For over a decade, she has successfully combined four generations of family matchmaking tradition with modern relationship psychology and search techniques to ensure her professional clientele are introduced to their ultimate match. Maria and Agape Match have been featured in The New York Times, The Financial Times, Fast Company, CNN, Esquire, Elle, Reuters, Vice, and Thrillist. This article has been viewed 126,683 times.
4 votes - 50%
Co-authors: 29
Updated: September 9, 2022
Views: 126,683
Categories: Dating | Getting a Date
Article SummaryX

If you’re shy and want to tell a guy you like him, wait for a time when he’s by himself so you don’t need to worry about anyone listening. Say something like, “I really like spending time with you,” to hint that you like him without actually saying it. If he doesn’t get the hint, ask him to go to a movie or sports game with you, which is a great way to show that you like him. If you don’t feel comfortable asking him in person, you can do it by text so you won’t feel as nervous. Alternatively, write a note and give it to him after class. For example, write something like, “I just want you to know that I really like you.” For more tips, including how to find out if a guy likes you back, read on!

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