Microsoft Excel is a powerful program. If you are using it for a calendar or anything else where you might need to find the date exactly 1, 2, or 3 months after another date here is a formula you can use.

Things You Should Know

  • The DATE function makes it easy to increment dates by days, months, or years.
  • When editing a formula with the DATE function, you can simply add +1 to the month.
  • You can also use the EDATE function to increase the date by one month.


  1. 1
    Turn on your computer and open a new or existing Excel spreadsheet.
  2. 2
    In any cell, for this example we will use A2, type in you date. Ex. 1/1/2006
  3. 3
    In a different cell, for this example we used B2, type in the amount of months cell A2 is to be incremented by. Ex. 5
  4. 4
    In the last cell type the formula:
    =DATE(YEAR(A2),MONTH(A2)+B2,MIN(DAY(A2),DAY(DATE(YEAR(A2),MONTH(A2)+B2+1,0))))replacing what is in bold with the appropriate cells for your spreadsheet.
  5. 5
    You will see that this cell now has the calculation desired.
  6. 6
    Another option is to use =EDATE(start_date,months)
    This is a simpler method but can only be used if the Analysis ToolPak add-in is installed.
  7. Advertisement

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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 22 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 304,224 times.
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Co-authors: 22
Updated: October 25, 2022
Views: 304,224
Categories: Spreadsheets