Apps, also known as programs, make up the core of the Windows 10 user experience. Different types of apps allow users to get a wide range of tasks done, from word processing to web browsing to gaming. When you're done using an app, you'll probably want to close it.

  • Before you start: Be sure to save any unsaved data in the app you plan to close. You'll be interrupted to during the process if you don't.

Things You Should Know

  • Tap or click the in the top right corner of the window.
  • Right click on the taskbar icon in Desktop mode. Find the app you are trying to close from the list, and click ✕ Close window.
  • In Tablet mode, pull the title bar of the app to the bottom of the screen.
Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Closing Apps in Regular (Desktop) Mode

  1. 1
    Use the button window control.
    • Move your mouse to the top-right. Be sure to hover over the button.
    • Watch for it to turn red. It should happen instantaneously.
    • Click it. The app will close.
  2. 2
    Right-click the taskbar icon. Right-clicking the taskbar brings up a list of options, including the ability to close the window(s).
    • Locate the icon of the app you wish to close.
    • Right-click the app icon.
    • Click ✕ Close window. It's the option closest to the icon.
      • Note: The option will be listed as ✕ Close all windows if the app has multiple windows open and you've configured the icons to combine. You can configure this setting in "Settings > Personalization > Taskbar > "Combine taskbar buttons" dropdown".
  3. 3
  4. 4
    End the task via Task Manager. Ending tasks in Task Manager has been commonly used to close frozen apps since Windows 9x.[1]
    • Open Task Manager. Right-click an empty spot on the taskbar and click Task Manager.
    • Ensure you're in the advanced view. If so, you'll see a collection of tabs towards the top. If you find yourself in the simplified view, click "More details" at the bottom.
    • Ensure you're on the Processes tab.
    • Click an app from below the "Apps" header.
    • Click End task from the bottom-right. The app should close within a few seconds.
  5. 5
    Use the title bar context menu.
    • Right-click the title bar of the app.
    • Choose × Close. It's at the bottom of the menu.
  6. 6
    Use the Alt+F4 keys. Pressing these two keys will close the currently selected app window. Unselected windows won't be affected.
  7. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Closing Apps in Tablet Mode

  1. 1
    Use the button window control.
    • Tap the red button at the top-right of your screen. Note: The window control for Windows Store apps is hidden until provoked (only by a mouse).
    • Tap it. The app will close and the full screen Start menu will open.
  2. 2
    Pull the app's title bar to the bottom of the screen. This was introduced as the way to close Windows 8 Metro apps.[2] It's slightly different in Windows 10—there is no flip animation. Just pull the title bar to the bottom of the screen and release.
  3. 3
  4. 4
    Use Task Manager. Ending tasks in Task Manager has been commonly used to close frozen apps since Windows 9x.[3]
    • Press the Cortana/search icon on the taskbar.
    • Search for task manager.
    • Choose the matching result.
    • Task Manager: Alternatively, right-click the listing and click End task from the context menu.
    • Tap End task from the bottom-right. The app should close within a few seconds.
  5. 5
    Use the title bar context menu.
    • Hold down and release the title bar of the app.
    • Choose × Close. It's at the bottom of the menu.
  6. 6
    Use the taskbar app icon context menu.
    • Press and hold the taskbar.
    • Ensure there is a check mark next to Show app icons. If not, tap it.
    • Locate the icon of the app you wish to close.
    • Hold down and release the app icon.
    • Tap ✕ Close window. It's the option closest to the icon.
      • Note: The option will be listed as ✕ Close all windows if the app has multiple windows open and you've configured the icons to combine. You can configure this setting in "Settings > Personalization > Taskbar > "Combine taskbar buttons" dropdown".
  7. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Why won't an application close on Windows 10?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    The application may be frozen. It can be removed by pressing CTRL+ALT+delete. Press 'task manager' and find the application not responding, then select the application and press 'end task'.
  • Question
    Alt + F4 is not working on my Windows 10 laptop, why?
    Top Answerer
    You may need to press the "Fn" key in addition to Alt + F4 on your laptop. Especially if the Function keys on your laptops serve as extra buttons for other things.
  • Question
    Every time I close my browser on my Lenovo Ultrabook, the next time I open it I get a message that I didn't close it correctly. Why? I just click on the X as I do with all other apps.
    Top Answerer
    It could be that your browser is corrupted. Try to reinstall your browser and see if that helps.

Things You'll Need

  • Device running Windows 10

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Co-authors: 9
Updated: January 29, 2023
Views: 129,149
Article SummaryX

1. Look to the upper-right corner of the app window.
2. Click the button.

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