After fighting with your girlfriend and having a little time to cool off, it’s normal to want to reach out to her. But when you’re feeling emotional, it can be tough to craft a message that smooths things over. By writing a loving, thoughtful text, you can reconnect with your partner and remind her how much you love her. We've got you covered with tons of texts you can send to your girlfriend after a fight to open the line of communication.


“I’ve had some time to cool down, and I was wrong.”

  1. Prove that you’re level-headed after thinking for a bit. If you and your girlfriend left things when they were still heated, let her know that you’ve done some self-reflection.[2] Tell her that you were the one who is wrong, not her, so that you two can move on together.[3]
    • “I’ve done some thinking, and I want to talk. What I did wasn’t right, and I’m so sorry that I caused you any pain.”
    • “I woke up this morning feeling really awful. I got too heated last night, and that wasn’t fair to you. I’m so sorry for how I acted, and I realize that I was in the wrong. I hope you can forgive me.”
  2. Advertisement

“I’d like to figure this out together. Can we talk?”

  1. Open the line of communication if there’s still more to talk about. Maybe one of you (or both of you) stormed off before you could really settle things. If that’s the case, it’s important to keep talking about what happened so that you can conclude your fight. Text your girlfriend and ask her to chat with you soon so that you can reflect on what happened and put your fight to rest.[4]
    • “I’m sorry that I left like that. It wasn’t fair to you, and I’d like to keep talking. Are you free tonight?”
    • “I think we still have more to talk about. I’d like to meet up later so we can resolve things together.”

“Is there anything I can do to make this right?”


“I want you to know that I love you.”


“I’m crazy about you. I’m so sorry for making you feel bad.”


“I know I let you down. I promise I’ll do better.”

  1. Tell your girlfriend that you’ll change your ways in the future. An apology works best when you tell your loved one that you’re not going to make the same mistake twice. Let your girlfriend know that you understand that you messed up, and you’re going to make a real effort to not let it happen again.[7]
    • “Babe, from the bottom of my heart, I’m sorry. I know what I did wasn’t right, and you deserve better. In the future, I’ll take your feelings into consideration.”
    • “I’m so sorry that I made you doubt our relationship. I love you, and I don’t want to hurt you. From now on, I’m going to be a better partner to you.”
  2. Advertisement

“I should never have yelled at you. I’m sorry.”

  1. Take responsibility for a specific action with this message. Sometimes, arguments get a little heated, and you might have done or said something that crossed the line. If there’s one specific thing you said or did during the argument that you aren’t proud of, text your girlfriend and apologize. That way, she knows that you actually mean it, and that you’ll work hard not to do it again.
    • “I want to take accountability for my actions last night. I said some things I wasn’t proud of, and I wish I could take them back. I don’t want to take you for granted ever again, because you mean the world to me. I’m sorry.”
    • “I would do anything to take back what I said, but I can’t. All I can say is that I’m sorry, and I hope you can forgive me.”

About This Article

John Keegan
Co-authored by:
Dating Coach
This article was co-authored by John Keegan and by wikiHow staff writer, Hannah Madden. John Keegan is a dating coach and motivational speaker based in New York City. He runs The Awakened Lifestyle, where he uses his expertise in dating, attraction, and social dynamics to help people find love. He teaches and holds dating workshops internationally, from Los Angeles to London and from Rio de Janeiro to Prague. His work has been featured in the New York Times, Humans of New York, and Men's Health. This article has been viewed 156,958 times.
18 votes - 70%
Co-authors: 4
Updated: September 22, 2022
Views: 156,958
Categories: Relationships