A concise guide to the idiom "the devil is in the details" with explanations and examples

Tempted to use the idiom "the devil is in the details," but want to make sure you get it just right? To help you play innocent like you've known how to drop it in a discussion all along, we'll give you a thorough run-down. Not only will we tell you what "the devil is in the details" means, but we'll also reveal its origins. Then, we'll share examples of different situations where you can use it. Finally, we'll review some variations of this phrase. Here, you'll get into the nitty gritty of "the devil is in the details" and master this expression!

Things You Should Know

  • "The devil is in the details" refers to situations that seem simple at first but actually have important details you need to take into account.
  • The phrase "the devil is in the details" became popular between 1821 and 1969. It was even featured in Bartlett's Familiar Quotations in 1969.
  • You can say "the devil is in the details" in business settings, but you can also use it in casual conversations.
  • There are variations on the idiom "the devil is in the details," like "God is in the details," or "the devil is in the details — so are the angels."
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  1. ”The devil is in the details” suggests that a simple situation has a hidden complication. While an idea might seem exciting and easy to execute at first glance, there’s probably a minor detail or two that you may miss. These (often overlooked) challenges are the "devil" in the "details"—to pull off your big vision, you have to conquer that "devil" first.
    • For example, you might've organized a ton of your friends' weddings, so you want to become a wedding planner. You already have a website, a portfolio, a fancy IG, and glowing testimonials. However, the "devil in the details" is that you need your small business license.
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  1. 1
    ”The devil is in the details” evolved from the phrase “God is in the details.” Somewhere between 1821 and 1969, the phrase “God is in the details" became popularized. This saying indicates that hard work and discipline is required for any project. It might’ve been first used in a college seminar by art historian Aby Warburg, who was born in 1866 and lived until 1929.[1] However, the phrase is widely attributed to German architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, whose life spanned from 1886 to 1969.[2]
    • The New York Times cited Ludwig Mies' iconic expression in his obituary, which might've caused a surge in its usage.
  2. 2
    In 1963, “the devil is in the details” was used to discuss rebuilding Europe after WWII. After World War II, Foreign Ministers met in Europe to make important decisions about how to enter negotiations and assist countries devastated by invasion. Richard Maynard wrote an account of this committee meeting in 1963 and noted that all the officials had to remember that “the devil is in the details.”[3]
  3. 3
    In 1965, “the devil is in the details” was accepted as a proverb by Newsweek. In its 65th volume, the magazine called this expression a "proverb," a popularly used phrase that provides a piece of advice. This publication might've promoted "the devil is in the details" enough that it entered everyday conversation from the mid-60's to today.[4]
    • In 1969, "the devil is in the details" was also listed in Bartlett's Familiar Quotations.[5]
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  1. 1
    In business settings, use “the devil is in the details” to motivate everyone to give a project their full attention. When you want to make sure your whole team excels, encourage their ambition but also exercise a little caution. Remind your colleagues to be as detail-oriented as possible.[6]
    • Example: “Before we publish this press release, let’s just remember that the devil is in the details. We need expert-backed research about why our vitamins are the best on the market.”
  2. 2
    In casual conversation, say “the devil is in the details” to point out that a good idea can be a little hard to pull off. If you’re just hanging out with friends and daydreaming or making plans, feel free to be the voice of reason. Gently let them know it’s important to stay on track.[7]
    • Example: “I agree that it’d be really fun to have a girl’s trip to Maui. Just remember that the devil is in the details! We have to make sure our schedules line up and that everyone has enough PTO.”
  3. 3
    In editorials or reviews, bring up “the devil is in the details” to critique a work or piece of art. When you want to praise a project that was an absolute masterpiece, use this idiom to compliment the creator’s keen eye. However, if you want to say that the piece missed the mark, you can also pull out this expression.[8]
    • Example: “This movie was an absolutely incredible example of the struggles of modern romance. From the exquisite character development to the evocative dialogue, the director proves that the devil is in the details.”
    • Example: “While this true crime story might’ve been a hit, the research was sloppy and the producers appear to rely purely on shock value. The devil is in the details, and since so much was glossed over, I can’t recommend this doc.”
  4. 4
    In fiction, write "the devil is in the details" in the narration or dialogue to describe the complexities of a matter. Whether you’re penning a fantasy novel à la Game of Thrones with tons of political intrigue or a cutesy cozy mystery, this idiom is a fun way to punch up your writing style.[9]
    • Example: “The emperor eyed the princess with a cool gaze. ‘You are far too idealistic,’ he said flatly. ‘You can’t win our enemy over with kind gestures. The devil is in the details. We’ll need to focus on negotiation and diplomacy.’”
    • Example: “For Abigail Dove, the devil was in the details. She made sure no stone was left unturned and she questioned absolutely everyone. She planned to interrogate the whole restaurant, from the maître d' to the line cook.”
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  1. 1
    Use “God is in the details” to highlight that hard work and thoroughness is important. “God is in the details” is more of a celebration of discipline than a word of caution like “the devil is in the details.” Pull it out when you feel a spark of inspiration and drive.[10]
    • Example: "I’m going to work on the business plan for the rest of the year! God is in the details, and I bet when I’m through with it, I’d win over the whole cast of Shark Tank!"
  2. 2
    Say “the devil is in the details — so are the angels” for a fun twist that brings up the struggles and joys of a big project. When there are some pros and cons to your passion or your undertaking, don’t be afraid to admit that. Open up about the entire process.[11]
    • Example: “The devil is in the details — so are the angels. While it was definitely challenging to find all the best costumes and props for this play, it was exciting when we finally saw our big vision come to life.”
  3. 3
    Point out that “governing is in the details” when you’re discussing how to create strong public policy that supports other people. If you want to stress that those in power need to make smart choices that impact society, emphasize your point with this expression.[12]
    • Example: “We can’t pour all the public funding into just one project. Our constituents expressed that they want to restore both the local library and the rec center. We need to remember that governing is in the details.”
  4. 4
    Bring up “the truth, if it exists, is in the details” when it’s important to consider all the data available to you for the full picture. When you’re dealing with a complex matter without an easy answer, try this expression. You’ll reinforce that people need to keep digging for the truth.[13]
    • Example: “Right now, we can’t be sure if love is a chemical reaction or an emotional bond that’s developed after a serious commitment. More research is needed. The truth, if it exists, is in the details.”
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About This Article

Madeleine Flamiano
Co-authored by:
wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Madeleine Flamiano. Madeleine Flamiano is an Editing Fellow at wikiHow based in Berkeley, California, as well as a Team Organizer, Copy Editor, and Movie Critic for Incluvie. Madeleine has 12 years of experience in literacy advocacy and the creative arts that span tutoring, teaching, writing, public relations, and non-profit support. She has penned seven novels under a pseudonym and loves all escapist genres, from cozy fantasies to hard-boiled sci-fi. Her professional path started at NaNoWriMo, where she scripted and hosted a series on worldbuilding. Madeleine graduated from Mills College with a B.A. in English with a concentration in Literature and a Minor in Philosophy. This article has been viewed 2,961 times.
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Updated: February 20, 2023
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