Sometimes a date (or several) can go great, but at the end of the night, you’re just not vibing with the woman you’ve been seeing. It happens to everybody at some point, and the best way to move on with minimal hurt feelings is to just tell her how you feel. In this article, we’ll walk you through the best way to let her down respectfully and sincerely. Trust us, you’ll both feel better (eventually) after an honest, simple chat.


Keep the conversation short.

  1. Give her some time to have her feelings about it, but don't get into talking about "Why" you're not interested. The truth is, your reasons are not important - if you aren't interested, you aren't interested. Anything you say can lead to hurt feelings, and isn't likely to go over well. Simply stick with a very simple statement that it just 'wasn't a match,' or that she's a very nice person, but you don't want to be in a relationship with her.[3]

Tell her why, but keep it concise.

  1. Offer what help you can. Hopefully, you haven't been seeing her for very long - most people who realize they aren't interested in pursuing a relationship do so quickly. If there's a specific problem, such as that she was too clingy too quickly, you might find a tactful way to say so, and that will help her in the future. Something like, "It was just too much too soon for me." If she suggests she could slow things down, firmly let her know, "There were other reasons which are not important. What is important is that I don't want to pursue this relationship. I'm sorry, you're a very nice person, but it's not a match for me."
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Make it a clean break.

  1. Make it clear that you're done for good. It's really important not to lead her on and say things that might lead her to think that there's a chance some day. Some people think this is a way of breaking the news gently or "letting her down easy," but it's much better to deal with reality. Women who have fallen hard will hold onto any shred of hope and will not move on as long as you allow them to believe there is any. Cut it off clean - it's the kindest cut of all.[4]
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  • Do not use the "I just don't want to be in a relationship" excuse unless it is the whole truth and nothing but the truth! Nothing hurts more than being lied to, and if you get a new girlfriend a couple of months later, she'll know you were dishonest.
  • Do not attempt to console her by telling her she'll find someone someday. She very likely will, but as the person dumping her, there's no way you can say it without sounding condescending.
  • If the woman is very attached to you, it may be prudent to tell her this in a more private setting, so that in case she gets upset, there won't be an ugly, public scene.
  • If she has fallen for you, she will probably cry at least a little. Stay calm, and remember that telling her now is MUCH better than leading her on and wasting her time!
  • If stalking has been or becomes an issue, take it seriously right away, by taking appropriate action. Stalking - or instilling fear into a reasonable person without outside encouragement - is considered a crime and should therefore not be taken lightly. Do what many targets of stalkers fail to do - contact the police.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 30 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 303,442 times.
188 votes - 83%
Co-authors: 30
Updated: November 11, 2022
Views: 303,442
Categories: Breaking Up