Sagittarius women are the most magnetic people in any room. It’s no wonder you’re crushing hard. But you may be feeling stuck in trying to get this alluring Sagittarian's attention. She wants adventure, intellectually stimulating conversation, and endless passion. If you’re up to the challenge, here’s a guide on how to seduce the Sagittarius woman of your dreams.


Give her space.

  1. Sagittarians are fiercely independent. She plays by her own rules, beats to her own drum and dislikes the idea of a super predictable relationship. So it’s probably best to avoid double and triple texting her when she hasn’t responded just yet. This free-spirited Sadge needs a bit of space to spread her wings, which means the time you get together will be even more electric.[1]
    • This doesn’t mean you need to be aloof or someone you’re not. Just be intentional. Send her a text about an album you just listened to that you know she’ll like or respond to her Instagram story with congratulations when she posts about an accomplishment at work.
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Take her on adventures.

  1. There is nothing a Sagittarius loves more than spontaneity. She’s always down for a cross-country road trip or a private tour of an art museum, even if it’s only on a moment’s notice. What matters most is that she sees you can be just as curious about the world as she is. Nothing brings two people closer than experiencing something for the first time together.[2]
    • Surprise her! If you’re taking her to see her favorite band in concert, don’t give her all the details right away. Make sure she’s free, let her know what time you’re picking her up and leave the rest to her imagination. She’ll appreciate the thought you put in and your attentiveness to her interests.

Introduce her to new things.

  1. Her quest for knowledge is unmatched. Learning never really stops for Sagittarians. You’ll find she asks a lot of questions, but it’s just because she cares. She’s probably either picking up a new instrument, studying niche history or plugging away at her DuoLingo lessons to master a new language. So, naturally, she wants a partner with whom she can discuss fascinating concepts and learn from.[3]
    • Consider teaching her some traditional family recipes or tell her more about one of your hobbies. Your passion will be what’s most attractive to her.
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Allow her to be a social butterfly.

  1. She likes being the life of the party, so let her shine. Sagittarians want someone who embraces and celebrates their confidence. You may love getting one-on-one time with this Sadge, but in social settings, she loves working the room. However, in between her telling stories, cracking jokes and meeting new people, your eyes may meet across the room, and you’ll both feel butterflies.[4]
    • If you’re an introvert, this might be a bit out of your comfort zone. That’s okay. She doesn’t expect you to match her exact energy. Mingle in small groups or ask the host at a dinner party if you can help with preparing anything. Friendliness goes a long way!

Be direct.

  1. She’s going to tell it like it is, so she expects you to do the same. If you have strong feelings for her, let her know. She’ll love to hear it, and she’ll respect you for being honest about what you want. Don’t be afraid to be a little romantic either. She swoons hard for poetic language and grand gestures.[5]
    • Honesty also extends outside of romance. If you disagree with something she says while she’s trying to make an argument, you don’t have to just nod along. Tell her why. (Respectfully, of course.) She’ll admire your ability to express yourself, and teach her something new.
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Appeal to her intellectual side.

  1. Sagittarians like to get a little philosophical. In fact, Sagittarians believe intelligence is the sexiest thing in the world. She likes people who develop informed, educated opinions on current events and engage in thought-provoking debates. She wants to know that you’re really absorbing the information she shares with you, instead of forgetting it moments later.[8]
    • Ask her about her favorite book! Sagittarians are your typical bookworms, and they love any excuse to take a walk down memory lane (their colossal bookshelf). Share your favorite book, and tell her why you love it, especially if there’s a good story attached.

About This Article

Angel Eyedealism
Co-authored by:
Astrologer & Performance Artist
This article was co-authored by Angel Eyedealism. Angel Eyedealism is an Astrologer and Performance Artist based in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. With nearly three decades of astrology experience, Angel specializes in relocation astrology and astrocartography. Eyedealism has been featured in numerous media outlets such as Vogue, Cosmopolitan, The Atlantic, The Washington Post, Refinery29, NBC, MTV, Showtime, and Bravo. Angel aims to help others through a straightforward, kind, and humorous astrological lens, utilizing her entertainment and singing skills for performance art astrology readings. This article has been viewed 32,148 times.
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Co-authors: 4
Updated: March 17, 2023
Views: 32,148
Categories: Relationships