Sequence is a strategy-focused board game that’s relatively simple to learn. It can be understood and enjoyed by anyone over the age of 6. Before playing, you’ll need to set up the game by dividing into teams and giving everyone the correct chips and cards. Take turns putting chips on the board until your team has completed the sequences needed to win the game. Make sure you’re aware of the different rules that are unique to the game before you start playing.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Setting up the Game

  1. 1
    Pick a number of players and divide into teams. You can play Sequence with 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, or 12 people. If there are more than 3 people playing, you’ll need to divide into either 2 or 3 even teams.[1]
    • If there are 4 people playing, break up into 2 teams of 2.
    • If there are 9 people playing, break up into 3 teams of 3.
    • If there are 12 people playing, you can either break into 2 teams of 6 or 3 teams of 4.
  2. 2
    Sit down between opposing teammates. Players must alternate their physical position with opponents. Have each player sit in a seat around a table that’s in between 2 players from the opposing team. This way, each team will have turns in a fair, consistent order throughout the course of the game.[2]
    • Sit around a kitchen or dining room table in order to have ample space for the board, cards, and chips.
  3. 3
    Unfold the board and distribute chips to each player. Take the game board out of the box, unfold it, and lay in flat on the table. Take out the blue chips and green chips if there are 2 teams, and also the red chips if there are 3 teams. Then, decide which team will get which chip color, and divide the chips equally among the players of the team.[3]
    • For example, if 1 team of 2 is blue and 1 team of 2 is green, each member of the blue team will be given half of the blue chips and each member of the green team will be given half of the green chips. The red chips will go back into the box.
    • Only use the red chips if you have more than 2 teams; there are less red chips than there are blue and green.
  4. 4
    Cut the deck to determine which team goes first. Sequence comes with 2 regular decks of playing cards. Shuffle both decks separately and arrange them into 2 neat stacks with the cards facing down. Put one of the decks off to the side. Have a player from each team cut the other deck by picking up a part of it. Look at the bottom card of each team’s part. Whoever has the lowest card deals first.[4]
  5. 5
    Deal the cards. Have the dealer shuffle the cards and then deal the deck by creating as many piles of cards as there are players. Each pile should have an equal number of cards, which depends on how many people are playing:[5]
    • If there are 2 players, each player gets 7 cards.
    • If there are 3-4 players, each gets 6 cards.
    • If there are 6 players, each gets 5 cards.
    • If there are 8-9 players, each gets 4 cards.
    • If there are 10 players, each gets 3 cards.
    • If there are 12 players, each gets 3 cards.
  6. 6
    Start to the left of the dealer and move clockwise. Organize the leftover cards into a stack and place them on top of the other complete deck. Each player will draw from this pile at the end of their turn. Once all of the cards are dealt, the player to the left of the dealer will take their turn to start the game. After their turn is done, have the player to their left go. Continue taking turns in this clockwise fashion throughout the game.[6]
  7. 7
    Observe the board. The Sequence board is made up of 100 miniature images of each card in 2 complete decks of playing cards, besides the 4 jacks. As your cards are being dealt to you, become familiar with the board. Try to find the 2 spots that look like smaller versions of each card you have. This way, you can get an idea ahead of time of where you might put your chips.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Taking Turns

  1. 1
    Select a card from your hand to use and discard it. When it’s your turn, take a look at all of your cards and look at the corresponding spaces on the board. Once you’ve chosen which card you want to use, place it in the discard pile so that you can place a chip on the corresponding spot.[7]
  2. 2
    Place a chip on 1 of the 2 board spaces. After you’ve discarded, take 1 of your chips and place it on the board where the card you discarded is represented. Since there are 2 places where each card is represented, you’ll need to decide between them and place the chip on the one you prefer.[8]
  3. 3
    Draw a new card. Finally, you’ll need to finish your turn by drawing a new card to replace the one you just discarded. Don’t forget to do this, or else you may have to continue the rest of the game with 1 less card than everyone else.[9]
    • If you fail to draw a new card before the next player discards theirs, then you no longer have the right to draw a new card for that turn. This is called “Loss of Card.”[10]
  4. 4
    Win by getting 1-2 completed sequences first. The object of the game is to get sequences, or 5 chips in a row vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. If you’re playing with 2 teams, then 2 completed sequences are needed in order to win. If there are 3 teams, then only 1 sequence is needed to win.[11]
    • For example, if there is a blue team and a green team and the board has 5 green chips in a row horizontally and 5 green chips in a row vertically and the blue team does not, then the green team wins.
  5. 5
    Build your team’s sequences and block your opponent’s sequences. This is the best strategy to have going into each turn. If your team has 3 or 4 chips in a row somewhere on the board, prioritize building onto one of the ends and creating a sequence. If the opposing team has 3 or 4 chips in a row, prioritize blocking them so that they can’t create a sequence.[12]
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Understanding the Rules

  1. 1
    Use the corners as bonus spaces. At each corner of the board, there is a space that doesn’t represent any card. These spaces can be used as bonuses, meaning you only have to have 4 cards to create a sequence if it branches off horizontally, vertically, or diagonally from a corner.[13]
    • Multiple teams can use the same corner space at the same time. For example, if there are 4 blue chips in a row extending horizontally from a bonus corner and 4 green chips extending vertically from that same bonus space, both teams have a completed sequence.
  2. 2
    Use two-eyed jacks as wild cards. There are no jacks represented on Sequence boards. This is because they have special uses. If you have a jack and can see both of its eyes on the card, then you can use it to place a chip wherever you want once it’s your turn.[14]
    • It’s a good idea to hold onto your two-eyed jack until you only need 1 more card to complete a sequence.
  3. 3
    Take away a chip with a one-eyed jack. If you can only see 1 eye on your jack card, then you can use it as a anti-wild card. This means that you can remove any chip from the board once it’s your turn, as long as it isn’t from a sequence that has already been completed. Take away an opponent’s chip to keep them from completing a sequence.[15]
  4. 4
    Say “dead card” if chips already cover both spots for a card you have. You may end up with a card that you can’t use because chips are already covering both of the spots on the board that represent it. If this happens, say “dead card” and place it in the discard pile at the beginning of your turn. Then complete your turn as you normally would.[16]
  5. 5
    Don’t coach your teammate. In Sequence, it’s against the rules to encourage your teammate(s) to or discourage your teammate(s) from making certain moves or having certain strategies. If you do this, then each member of your team must discard a card of their choice as punishment.[17]
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    What do you do with the jokers?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Jokers in a deck of cards are there for you to replace a card incase you lose one. For example, if you lose your queen of hearts card, you can use a joker by writing "queen of hearts" on it. Until a joker is needed, you should just leave it in the box so they are there when they are needed.
  • Question
    Can two sequences use more than one chip of another sequence?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    No, only one chip from an existing sequence may be used to complete another sequence.
  • Question
    I was told you must turn the board after each game. Is that a rule?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It technically is not a rule, it just changes the game up a little bit so if you want to have different winners/losers, flip the board. You can also check the rule book, as it may also have suggestions.

Things You'll Need

  • 2-12 players
  • Large table/flat surface
  • Sequence board
  • Sequence chips
  • 2 regular decks of playing cards

About This Article

wikiHow Staff
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This article was co-authored by wikiHow Staff. Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. This article has been viewed 159,100 times.
15 votes - 87%
Co-authors: 5
Updated: July 7, 2021
Views: 159,100
Categories: Strategy Board Games
Article SummaryX

Sequence is a fun board game where players try to score sequences, or series of 5 chips in the same color on the board. Sequence can be played with 2-12 players. If there are more than 3 players, players must split up into teams. There can only be up to 3 teams, and each team must have the same number of players. Start the game by having each player cut the deck of Sequence cards. Whoever gets the lowest card deals first (aces are high). The dealer shuffles the cards and deals them out to all of the players. The number of cards each player gets depends on whether you’re playing a 2-player/2-team game or a 3-player/3-team game, as well as how many players there are. For a 2-player/2-team game with 2 players, each player gets 7 cards, with 4 players each player gets 6 cards, with 6 players each player gets 5 cards, with 8 players each player gets 4 cards, and with 10 or 12 players each player gets 3 cards. For a 3-player/3-team game with 3 players, each player gets 6 cards, with 6 players each player gets 5 cards, with 9 players each player gets 4 cards, and with 12 players each player gets 3 cards. After the dealer deals everyone their cards, the player to their left goes first. On a player’s turn, they start by choosing a card from their hand and playing it face-up in front of them in their own personal discard pile. Then, they place a marker chip of their color or their team’s color on the matching card space on the board. Each card has two matching spaces on the board (except for Jacks), and players can place their marker on either one as long as it’s not already taken. Two-eyed Jacks are wild and one-eyed Jacks are anti-wild. If a player plays a two-eyed jack, they can place a marker on any space on the board. If they play a one-eyed Jack, they can remove an opponent’s marker from any space, unless the marker is already part of a finished sequence. Players also have the option of playing a “dead card” in their hand and drawing a new card from the deck instead of playing a marker on the board. A dead card is a card that no longer has any available matching spaces on the board. Players finish their turn by drawing a new card from the deck. Play continues clockwise around the table until one player or team scores 2 sequences for a 2-player/2-team game or 1 sequence for a 3-player/3-team game. A sequence is a series of 5 chips in the same color going up, down, across, or diagonally on the board. Whichever player or team completes their sequences first wins the game! For tips on using corner spaces to your team's advantage, read on!

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