Congkak is a two player game where opponents compete to get the most shells into their storehouses. Congkak used to be a game that was played only by women and children, but it is really a great game for anyone of any age. The gameplay is similar to mancala and it is popular in many countries of the world.[1] Congkak is quite easy to learn, so if you have a Congkak board you can learn the rules and start playing right away.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Preparing to Play

  1. 1
    Familiarize yourself with the game board and pieces. The congkak board consists of two rows of seven holes called the houses and two bigger holes called the storehouse or home. Each player uses the side of the board that is closest to him or her. Each player starts the game with seven shells in his or her houses.[2]
  2. 2
    Understand the objective of the game. The objective of Congkak is to move your shells into the storehouse that is situated on your left-hand side. You move your shells by picking up all of the shells in one of your houses and depositing one into each of the houses to the left of the space. The first person to empty all of his or her houses is the winner.[3]
    • You may also put one shell into your storehouse, but do not put any shells into your opponent’s storehouse.
    • If you drop a shell into an empty house that you own, then you get to take all of the shells from your opponent’s house that is across from your house and put them into your storehouse.
  3. 3
    Set up the game. Place the Congkak board on a level playing surface between you and your opponent. You should each have 49 shells or Congkak seeds each. Before the game starts fill your seven houses with seven shells or Congkak seeds. Make sure that your opponent does the same. Both of you should leave your storehouses empty.[4]
  4. 4
    Decide who will go first. Take a moment to decide who will take the first turn. You can determine who will go first by flipping a coin, allowing the youngest player to go first, or letting the person who won the last game you played together go first.[5]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Playing the Game

  1. 1
    Scoop up all of the shells or seeds in any house on your side. Then drop a shell into the next house and continue depositing one shell into every house in a clockwise fashion. You should also drop a shell into your storehouse each time you pass it, but do not deposit any shells into your opponent's storehouse.[6]
  2. 2
    Take another turn if you deposit your last shell into your own storehouse. If the last shell that you deposit falls into your own storehouse, then you get to take another turn. In this case, you may scoop up the shells from another of your houses and deposit them into other houses.[7]
  3. 3
    Skip a turn if you deposit your last shell into one of your opponent’s empty storehouses. Empty storehouses on your opponent’s side of the board will create an obstacle for you. During a turn, if you drop your last shell into one of your opponent’s empty houses, then you lose a turn.[8]
    • Try your best to avoid your opponent’s empty houses so that you do not lose any turns.
  4. 4
    Collect your opponent’s shells if you deposit your last shell into one of your own empty storehouses. The goal of Congkak is to have the most shells in your storehouse at the end of the game. During a turn, if you manage to drop your last shell into an empty house on your side of the board, then you get to collect the shells that are opposite that house.[9]
    • Take the shells from the corresponding house on your opponent’s side of the board and put them into your storehouse.
  5. 5
    Count up the shells in your storehouse. After you and your opponent have both emptied your houses, the game is over. To determine a winner, count up the shells in your storehouse. Whoever has the most shells is the winner![10]
  6. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Extending the Game

  1. 1
    Redistribute your shells into your houses. You can extend Congkak by picking up the shells in your storehouse and redistributing them into your houses. Place seven shells into each house beginning with the house that is closest to your storehouse.[11]
    • If you have more than 49 shells, then put the extras into your storehouse.
    • If you have less than 49 shells, then some of your houses will have fewer than seven shells or may even be empty. Empty houses are considered “burnt.” If a player drops a shell into a burnt house, then that seed goes straight into his or her opponent’s storehouse.
  2. 2
    Play using the normal rules. Play your next round of Congkak just like you played the first round. Observe all of the same rules as you play, but you do not need to count up the shells at the end of each round. Just collect your shells and redistribute at the end of each round.[12]
  3. 3
    Continue playing rounds in this way until one player has no shells left. You and your opponent can continue to redistribute the shells and play Congkak until one of the players has no shells left. The player with all of the shells at the end of the game is the winner.[13]
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    May I show this site at a conference dinner?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Of course. This website is for everyone to enjoy and learn new things.


  • Congkak game pieces are a choking hazard to young children. Make sure your Congkak pieces are out of reach of babies and children.

Things You'll Need

  • 98 Congkak pieces (shells, stones, or marbles)
  • A Congkak board
  • 2 players

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 28 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 182,877 times.
5 votes - 80%
Co-authors: 28
Updated: September 28, 2021
Views: 182,877
Categories: Strategy Board Games
Article SummaryX

Congkak is a fun two-player game where each player tries to get more shells into their home than their opponent. To set up the game, place the Congkak board between you and your opponent, and place 7 shells in each hole on the board, not including the two homes at the ends. Then, choose one player to go first. On a player’s turn, they scoop up all of the shells in any one of the holes on their side and drop one into the next hole to the left, followed by the next hole to the left, and so on until they run out of shells in their hand. Players always drop a shell into their own home (the home to their left) when they pass by it, but they skip their opponent’s home. If a player's last shell drops in an occupied hole, the player picks up the shells in that hole and continues around the board. If a player drops their last shell into their own home, they take another turn and choose another one of their holes to grab shells from. If a player drops their last shell in an empty hole on their side, they collect all of the shells in the neighboring hole on their opponent’s side and put them in their home. Then, their turn is over. If a player drops their last shell in an empty hole on their opponent’s side, their turn is also over. The game continues until there are no shells left in any of the holes on the board. The player with the most shells in their home wins! To learn more, including how to play different variations of Congkak, scroll down!

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