If you’re seeing a friend for the first time in a while, or you want to hold back for your first kiss, a peck is the perfect way to go. Give a peck on the cheek, forehead, lips, or pretty much anywhere else you want! The main things to keep in mind are close your lips, make it light, and keep it short. Otherwise, you’re getting into full-on kiss territory.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Performing a Peck

  1. 1
    Wet your lips just enough to soften them. Since a peck is quick and light, you don’t want rough, chapped lips. Lick your lips lightly, but make sure they are dry before the kiss. If you need to, dab a little bit of chapstick on the top lip and rub it onto the bottom lip.[1]
    • It’s important that your lips are soft rather than rough, but also only damp and not sloppy-wet.
  2. 2
    Close your lips. As you go in for the kiss, press your lips together like you’re holding your breath. You don’t want an open mouth, and you definitely don’t want your tongue out at all. Don’t press them tightly like your lips are sealed, but just enough that they touch.[2]
  3. 3
    Push your lips out a little. This is called puckering, or pursing, your lips. Imagine if you ate something slightly sour. Don’t push them out so far that your top lip touches your nose. Push them out only so much that the inner part of your lips is visible.
  4. 4
    Press your lips lightly against his skin. Whether it’s a kiss on the mouth, the cheek, or the forehead, a peck is always quick and light. You want to press your lips so that he feels it, but not so your lips feel smashed against him.[3]
    • The ideal peck will leave hardly any dampness on his skin.
  5. 5
    Pull away in less than one second. A peck is the quickest of all kisses, so don’t let it linger. Make the kiss last long enough that your lips touch him, but pull away right after that. Practice the kiss so you get a feel for how long it should be. Remember, touch your lips to skin, and then pull away.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Giving a Peck at the Right Time

  1. 1
    Give a peck on the cheek after a hug. When you hug a close friend after a long time apart, or you are saying goodbye, give them a quick peck. Make sure you are comfortable with each other and that he won’t take this as a sign of anything more than friendship.[4]
    • In many cultures, this is a common form of greeting. In other cultures, it may seem strange to do this, but give it a try anyway.
  2. 2
    Peck kiss for your first kiss. If you’ve never kissed a guy before, a peck is a good way to start. Follow the steps above, but plant the peck right on his lips. If it feels good, then turn it into a full kiss, or go in for a second peck right after the first one.[5]
    • If it doesn’t feel right, it’s quick enough that you can pull away. Just remember, you may have to talk about it afterwards if it doesn’t feel right.
  3. 3
    Use a peck kiss to show affection in public. When you’re in a couple, you may not want to get too mushy around other people. Give your guy a little peck on the cheek or lips to show you are together without making it a long drawn out kissing session.[6]
    • If you are out to dinner with your friends and your guy says something especially sweet, give him a peck on the cheek to show your appreciation.
    • If you're at a party and you're leaving your guy to go talk to some other friends, peck him on the lips and say, "Bye for now."
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186 votes - 77%
Co-authors: 2
Updated: March 14, 2022
Views: 170,570
Categories: Kissing
Article SummaryX

A peck is a light, sweet kiss that’s appropriate for almost any setting. To give a guy a peck kiss, start by softening your lips by lightly licking them or swiping on a little lip balm. Then, press your lips together and push them out slightly. Move in close and press your lips lightly against his skin for 1 or 2 seconds, then pull back. While the most common place to give a peck is on the cheek, you can also peck kiss a guy on the forehead or even the lips, depending on how well you know each other. If the guy is okay with it, you can give him a peck at almost any time. But some of the most common times are when you’re greeting each other or saying goodbye. If he’s your crush or a guy you’re dating, a peck can also be a sweet, low-pressure first kiss. Even if you’ve been in a relationship with the guy for a while, you can still give him a peck sometime as a simple way to show affection, especially if you’re in public. For more tips, including when to peck a guy you’re dating, read on!

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