Feeling tired all day negatively impacts your productivity, your happiness, and, over time, your physical health. If you want to avoid feeling tired on a regular basis, try changing your routine instead of looking for quick-fix energy boosts. Build consistent, healthy morning and evening schedules, and focus on eating right and staying active during the day to help ward off daytime sleepiness.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Following a Solid Morning Routine

  1. 1
    Give yourself plenty of time to get ready each morning. Though you may think you'll feel more well-rested if you set your alarm for 15 minutes later in the morning, this may actually have a negative effect if it forces you get ready in a rush. If you don’t want to feel tired all day, it helps to walk out of the house feeling relaxed and refreshed instead of in a frenzy.
    • Instead of setting your alarm later to catch a bit more sleep, try going to bed a little earlier at night.
    • If you’re going to bed at the right time and allowing yourself an adequate amount of sleep, you may not even need to use an alarm clock anymore![1]
  2. 2
    Wake up promptly and positively, and take some deep breaths. Waking up with a positive attitude (that is, “on the right side of the bed”) is critical to feeling alert and refreshed. Treat waking up like a new opportunity to do great things, not as a chore! Try the following:
    • Don't hit the snooze bar. This will just waste your time and will plunge you into a drowsy half-sleep for a few extra minutes.[2]
    • Take a few deep breaths and fill your lungs with air.
    • Get up and smile! Don't waste time playing around with your phone or yawning and tossing and turning. The sooner you get started, the better you'll feel.
    • If you're still feeling sleepy, take a step outside or on your balcony to breathe in some crisp morning air.
  3. 3
    Begin your morning routine the same way each day. Some people like to start with a shower, others like to exercise, and still others prefer to begin with breakfast. Do whatever makes your body and mind feel like you're getting ready for your day, and stick to the same routine each morning.[3]
    • Consistency is key. Find what works, and do it every morning—even on vacation!
    • You might think that you need to take a cold shower to wake yourself up, since a warm one will presumably make you sleepy. In reality, though, if a warm shower is part of your morning routine, it will signal your body and mind that it’s time to get up and get moving.
    • Consider having a radio in the bathroom to play your favorite pump-up music, or just sing to yourself.
  4. 4
    Start your day off with a healthy breakfast. While breakfast isn’t actually any more important than other meals during the day, it is a great way to get your body and mind off to a strong start. Fatty, carb-laden, and sugary foods—like pancakes and sausage—will leave you feeling bloated and lethargic, so try healthy options like the following:[4]
    • Fruit, yogurt, and porridge.
    • Greens like spinach, kale, or celery. Try mixing them up into a smoothie.
    • Eggs and lean ham or turkey.
    • Oatmeal, whole grain bread, or healthy cereals without tons of added sugar.
  5. 5
    Enjoy a cup of coffee later in the morning. So long as you don’t load it up with lots of sugar, a cup of coffee may provide quite a few health benefits. The caffeine it provides can also help you feel more alert. However, you’ll likely get more of a boost from that caffeine if you wait at least 1-2 hours after waking up before drinking your coffee, for the following reasons:[5]
    • Cortisol is, among other things, your “alertness hormone.” Its levels in your body spike 3 times per day, usually within 2 hours after waking up, then at midday, and finally in early evening.
    • Consuming caffeine while your cortisone level is up can signal your body to decrease the natural cortisone spike, which will end up making you feel more lethargic and tired.
    • By drinking your coffee a bit later in the morning, you’ll add a caffeine kicker to your natural cortisol high.
  6. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Staying Alert Throughout the Day

  1. 1
    Stimulate your senses to keep your mind active. If your senses aren't stimulated, then your mind won't be stimulated, and you'll be headed toward nap mode. To help yourself stay alert, look for ways to stimulate your eyes, ears, and even your nose throughout the day. Try some of the following:[6]
    • Keep your mouth engaged by sucking on a mint or chewing gum.
    • Position yourself near a window that provides indirect sunlight. Sitting directly in the sun can make you tired, but being near sunlight can wake up your senses.
    • Wake up your sense of smell by sniffing peppermint oil. You can carry a tiny bottle of it with you.
    • Keep your eyes active by taking breaks to shift your gaze when they get tired from looking at the same thing.
    • Listen to music. Jazz, hip-hop, or light rock can wake you up.
  2. 2
    Give your body mild stimulations to stay alert. Keeping your body stimulated is just as important as stimulating your senses. If your body is more alert, your mind will be too, so you should try to keep your body engaged no matter where you are. Try a few of these tricks:[7]
    • Gently pull down on your earlobes.
    • Pinch yourself in parts of your body that don't have much fat, such as your forearms or the space under your knees.
    • Stretch your wrists by pulling your fingers back away from you.
    • Roll your shoulders and your neck.
    • If you really feel like you're in danger of falling asleep, lightly bite down on your tongue.
  3. 3
    Exercise in late morning or early afternoon for an alertness boost. While intense exercise might wear you out, light to moderate exercise will improve your overall energy level and make you feel invigorated. Take 15-30 minutes to exercise in the late morning or early afternoon, when you need an extra boost of energy.[8]
    • Go for a brisk walk around the neighborhood. Nothing will wake you up like filling your lungs with fresh air.
    • Take a midday yoga class. This is another great way to clear your mind, improve your breathing, and to get ready for the rest of the day.
    • You’re engaging in moderate exercise if your heart rate is somewhat elevated and you’re breathing heavily enough that it’s tough to carry on a full conversation.
    • Don’t do more than light exercise after mid-afternoon—if you work out late in the evening, your adrenaline will spike and it may be harder for you to fall asleep.
  4. 4
    Find ways to keep your body moving if you can’t exercise. Even if you don't have time for a full workout, you can make your body more alert by engaging in some basic physical activity throughout your day. Just a few minutes of physical activity from time to time is a great way to tell your body, "Hey, it's not time for sleep!"[9]
    • During the workday, take short walks in the halls or go across the street to get coffee.
    • Avoid elevators whenever you can. Take the stairs instead.
    • If you're sitting at a desk all day, stand to do some basic stretches at least once per hour.
  5. 5
    Maintain a healthy diet throughout the day. A healthy breakfast is a great way to kick off your day, but you need to follow it up with a nutritious lunch and dinner as well. Eating healthy foods will give you more sustenance and energy, while unhealthy foods can drag you down and make you feel ready for bed.[10] [11]
    • Carry around an array of healthy snacks so you don't give in to the vending machine. Some great snack foods are almonds and cashews, celery sticks and peanut butter, and fresh or dried fruits.
    • Eat three healthy and balanced meals throughout the day. Make room for some light snacking so you don't overindulge during mealtime.
    • Avoid heavy meals, starchy foods, or foods that are high in fat or sugar. All of these foods will make you more tired and will tax your digestive system.
    • Have some caffeine in the early afternoon, between your natural cortisol spikes at around midday and early evening.
    • Stay hydrated throughout the day.
  6. 6
    Focus your mind on different tasks all day. If your mind is engaged, excited, or being creative, it's guaranteed that you'll be less tired. To keep your mind alert, make sure you're always focusing on something interesting instead of zoning out or drifting off.[12]
    • Switch tasks from time to time. You may get bored if you're doing the same thing for hour after hour, so try to tackle different projects at different times throughout the day.
    • If you’re zoning out at work, strike up a conversation with a colleague in the break room. This can give you a little boost of mental energy, and you may have a nice laugh together!
    • If you’re in school, stay engaged in class by asking and answering questions. If necessary, take notes with pens in multiple colors so your note-taking feels less monotonous.
  7. 7
    Don’t rely on energy drinks to keep you going. Energy drinks often have at least double the amount of caffeine of a cup of coffee, and they frequently have excess sugar and various unregulated ingredients that may have unintended health consequences. It’s much safer to rely on getting enough sleep at night, eating healthy, and staying active during the day to avoid being tired.[13]
    • Energy drinks will give you a temporary boost of alertness, so consider using them sparingly and only when necessary.
    • Energy drinks can cause heart and blood vessel problems in some people, so talk to your doctor before using them, especially if you have any cardiovascular issues.
    • Never mix energy drinks with alcohol, as it can make you more likely to drink too much without immediately recognizing the effects.
  8. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Having a Goodnight Game Plan

  1. 1
    Set a regular nighttime routine. Going to bed the right way is the key to not feeling tired the next morning. Once you find what works for you, follow the same process every evening so your body gets used to your bedtime routine.[14] [15]
    • Emphasize calming, soothing activities, like taking a warm bath, listening to classical music, reading a relaxing book, or meditating.
    • Avoid vigorous exercise in the evening, and turn off or put away any screen-based electronics at least 1 hour before bedtime.
    • Avoid spicy foods, alcohol, chocolate, and caffeine for at least 2-3 hours before you go to bed, if not longer.
    • Take some small steps that will make it easier for you to get up. Set up your coffee maker or put out your clothes for the next day.
  2. 2
    Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Stick to this schedule every evening and morning, even on weekends and holidays. Your body will get used to the consistent rhythm of your sleep schedule, helping you to fall asleep faster and wake up more refreshed.[16]
    • The average adult should aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night, and teens should aim for 8-10 hours.[17]
  3. 3
    Resolve any anger or negativity before going to bed. To make sure that you won't be tired the next day, it's important for you to go to bed feeling positive and excited about starting the next day. If you're feeling grumpy or even angry, it will be much harder for you to go to sleep.[18]
    • If you're angry because you had a fight with someone you love, try to resolve it to the extent that you can before falling asleep.
    • If you can’t resolve the issue before bedtime, use stress-reduction activities like meditation or deep breathing to help you calm down.
  4. 4
    Visualize your wake-up success. It may sound silly, but you should imagine yourself hitting your alarm as soon as it goes off, stretching, and jumping right out of bed. If you visualize it enough times, it will become second nature to you in the morning.
    • Additionally, think of at least two things you're looking forward to the next day. If you go to bed feeling positive, you will be more excited about getting up.
    • Positive visualization helps to calm your mind and body, making it easier for you to fall asleep more quickly and deeply.[19]
  5. Advertisement

Expert Q&A
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  • Question
    Are caffeine and sugar good for waking yourself up?
    Sari Eitches, MBE, MD
    Sari Eitches, MBE, MD
    Integrative Internist
    Dr. Sari Eitches is an Integrative Internist who runs Tower Integrative Health and Wellness, based in Los Angeles, California. She specializes in plant-based nutrition, weight management, women's health, preventative medicine, and depression. She is a Diplomate of the American Board of Internal Medicine and the American Board of Integrative and Holistic Medicine. She received a BS from the University of California, Berkeley, an MD from SUNY Upstate Medical University, and an MBE from the University of Pennsylvania. She completed her residency at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York, NY and served as an attending internist at the University of Pennsylvania.
    Sari Eitches, MBE, MD
    Integrative Internist
    Expert Answer

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    Caffeine can work, but having too much caffeine can set us up for a crash later on. If it's been too long between meals, we need some food and fuel to get us through to the next one, but if we have a high sugary snack to have energy in the short term, that can set us up for a crash in the slightly longer term.
  • Question
    I am 13 years old I dont sleep a lot and I find it really hard to remember important things and I cant see out of my one eye properly. Is this because of too much screen time and lack of sleep?
    Alex Dimitriu, MD
    Alex Dimitriu, MD
    Sleep Medicine & Psychiatry Professional
    Alex Dimitriu, MD is the Owner of Menlo Park Psychiatry and Sleep Medicine, a clinic based in the San Francisco Bay Area with expertise in psychiatry, sleep, and transformational therapy. Alex earned his Doctor of Medicine from Stony Brook University in 2005 and graduated from the Stanford University School of Medicine's Sleep Medicine Residency Program in 2010. Professionally, Alex has dual board certification in psychiatry and sleep medicine.
    Alex Dimitriu, MD
    Sleep Medicine & Psychiatry Professional
    Expert Answer

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    Not getting enough sleep can impact your memory skills and other brain functions, since it needs rest just like every other part of your body. You should have a doctor check your eye regarding your vision issues. Keep in mind that it takes more than 1 good night of sleep to see results, so be sure to stick to a consistent routine!
  • Question
    I feel so sleepy during class hour what should I do?
    Alex Dimitriu, MD
    Alex Dimitriu, MD
    Sleep Medicine & Psychiatry Professional
    Alex Dimitriu, MD is the Owner of Menlo Park Psychiatry and Sleep Medicine, a clinic based in the San Francisco Bay Area with expertise in psychiatry, sleep, and transformational therapy. Alex earned his Doctor of Medicine from Stony Brook University in 2005 and graduated from the Stanford University School of Medicine's Sleep Medicine Residency Program in 2010. Professionally, Alex has dual board certification in psychiatry and sleep medicine.
    Alex Dimitriu, MD
    Sleep Medicine & Psychiatry Professional
    Expert Answer

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    Try to stay involved in the class by asking questions and answering questions posed by the teacher. Or, try using different colored pens for taking your notes to give yourself some variety in your note-taking. Make sure that you're getting enough sleep each night, too—as Dr. Bill Dement once said, "Boredom unmasks sleepiness."


  • Don't drive if you feel like you're falling asleep.
  • Not getting enough sleep is bad for your immune system and body in general.
  • Talk to your doctor if you frequently feel tired, even when you feel like you got a good night’s sleep. You may not be sleeping as well as you think, or you may be dealing with other medical issues that are causing tiredness.

About This Article

Sari Eitches, MBE, MD
Co-authored by:
Integrative Internist
This article was co-authored by Sari Eitches, MBE, MD and by wikiHow staff writer, Christopher M. Osborne, PhD. Dr. Sari Eitches is an Integrative Internist who runs Tower Integrative Health and Wellness, based in Los Angeles, California. She specializes in plant-based nutrition, weight management, women's health, preventative medicine, and depression. She is a Diplomate of the American Board of Internal Medicine and the American Board of Integrative and Holistic Medicine. She received a BS from the University of California, Berkeley, an MD from SUNY Upstate Medical University, and an MBE from the University of Pennsylvania. She completed her residency at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York, NY and served as an attending internist at the University of Pennsylvania. This article has been viewed 970,985 times.
29 votes - 62%
Co-authors: 68
Updated: December 18, 2022
Views: 970,985

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The content of this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, examination, diagnosis, or treatment. You should always contact your doctor or other qualified healthcare professional before starting, changing, or stopping any kind of health treatment.

Article SummaryX

To not be tired, listen to some music, suck on a mint, or sniff peppermint essential oil to stimulate your senses, which helps to keep your mind active. If you need more physical stimulation to keep yourself awake, you can lightly pull down on your earlobes, roll your shoulders, or crack your knuckles. Be sure to eat healthy food during the day so that you're fueled up and try to keep your mind busy with different tasks. It can also help to do some light exercises in the early afternoon, like a brisk walk or yoga stretches, to keep you alert for the rest of the day. For tips on getting out of bed in the morning when you're tired, keep reading!

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