Road trips are an exciting type of vacation that can be taken with your significant other. When on the road with that special person, it can be quite romantic, fun, and spontaneous. With some planning and a positive mindset, you can make your upcoming road trip romantic and a trip the both of you will remember for a lifetime.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Planning Your Trip

  1. 1
    Pick a meaningful destination. When planning a road trip, the destination is as important as the journey. You will want to enjoy your destination as much as your beloved. You may want to pick the location together to ensure that you both contribute to the destination and are both happy with the choice. A surprise trip may not be fun if your significant other does not enjoy the chosen location.[1]
    • Pick a location that has significance or meaning for one or both of you. For example, you could visit the city where you both first met, or you could both visit a childhood home.
    • If you do want to make the trip a surprise, but don’t know where your loved one is interested in visiting, have them pick three places that they would someday like to visit and choose from one of those three places.
  2. 2
    Plan out where you will make stops. The time spent on the road is just as critical as the destination, especially if it is a longer route that could take two or more days. When planning your road trip, look carefully at a map of the route to find romantic places to stop. There may be a nature preserve or park to stop and have a romantic picnic. There may be a winery along your route, which can make for a romantic excursion. Perhaps there is a lake or river where you can rent a boat and paddle for your loved one while they relax.
    • If you’re not sure, try using a search engine to look for interesting locations along the interstate or route you plan on taking. For example, you could type into Google: “romantic stops along I-75."
  3. 3
    Create a romantic playlist. A great way to set the mood for a road trip is with the right music. Assemble a playlist of songs that are meaningful to you and your significant other. These could be songs you both enjoy or songs that have sentimental value for the both of you, such as a wedding song or a song you both heard on your first date. Request input from your significant other as to some songs they would like to hear that evoke pleasant memories of the two of you.
    • On iTunes, click on “File” and select “New” and then “Playlist”
    • It will prompt you to name the playlist.
    • Go back to your library, and click and drag the songs from the library to the playlist in the lefthand menu.
  4. 4
    Take a scenic route. Taking a scenic, rather than the fastest, route will be both memorable and romantic. You and your significant other will bond as you take in the views and experience something new together. You could drive along the Pacific Coast Highway in California, Bear Tooth Highway in Wyoming and Montana, or Route 100 in Vermont, to name just a few of the beautiful highways in the United States.[2]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Making Time for Fun on the Road

  1. 1
    Do something spontaneous. Driving for hours on end can be tedious. Make it fun and exciting for you and your partner by doing something spontaneous, such as stopping at a coffee shop you’ve never been to, or stopping at a museum you’ve never heard of. Doing something new or unplanned can be exciting and could spark romance between the two of you, as you both experience something different together.
  2. 2
    Play romantic road trip games. Games can be used to amuse both of you on the road and spark romance as well. They can spark creativity, laughter, or romantic conversations, effectively keeping both of you entertained for hours at a time. Take some time before your trip to learn a game or two you can play on the road. You could be surprised at what you end up learning about each other along the way.
    • Play “Would You Rather.” This game will get those creative juices flowing, as both of you think of crazy, embarrassing, terrifying, or even wonderful options to offer to the other person. The other person has to choose which option they would do. For example, you could say, “Would you rather receive a dozen roses every week or be told you're beautiful every day?” This game can get very interesting and you may learn a lot about your partner. It can also be an opportunity to spark a fun, flirty conversation or a deep, romantic conversation in which you learn more about your part net and how they see the world.
  3. 3
    Take lots of pictures. As you make stops along your road trip, make sure to take plenty of pictures. As you both bond over a new adventure together, you will have pictures to preserve the memories. Take silly pictures as well, so that you can both have something to laugh about and fondly remember.
  4. 4
    Listen carefully to your partner. As you are on the road together for hours at one time, it is likely that you will stumble into a conversation that is very meaningful, serious, or philosophical. Listen to your partner with an open heart and mind. Hold their hand as they speak, to show that you care about them and support them. Remember to show affection to your significant other and to remind them how important they are to you.[3]
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Enjoying Your Destination

  1. 1
    Hide a love note or gift. When you get to your destination, find some time to hide a small gift or a love note written to your partner. You can hide it in their belongings while they are occupied in the bathroom or in one of the drawers of the hotel. You can get very creative with this, such as setting up a scavenger hunt (which would require a lot of work, preparation, and time to yourself to set this up properly).
  2. 2
    Go to a romantic dinner. There are few things as romantic as a candlelit dinner with you and your loved one at a nice restaurant you both enjoy. This may be something worth splurging on if you are in the mood to do so. Choose an upscale restaurant and treat your beloved to a wonderful dinner.
    • If you are willing to pay extra, some restaurants will allow you to have a customized menu for special occasions, such as anniversaries. Call the restaurant ahead of time to find out if they will allow you to do so and how much they charge. It usually requires printing an extra menu or two with your names or a message written at the top.
  3. 3
    Go for a walk. When you have arrived at your destination, take your beloved and go for a walk. Enjoy the sights that your location has to offer. If it’s a city, walk around the downtown for a while and get a glimpse of the building and the nightlife (if it’s nighttime). If you chose a rural destination, go out for a hike and enjoy the outdoors. Discovering new things with your loved one will bring the two of you closer and will help you to bond and create memories that will last forever.
  4. 4
    Set devices aside. A romantic way to spend time with your partner is to set aside quality time where both of you keep your smartphones and tablets turned off and put away (or left behind in your hotel room) to focus completely on each other. Nothing kills the vibe more than you or your partner checking phone notifications or texting other people. Show your significant other how much you care by giving them your undivided attention, free from distracting devices.
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  • If you’re feeling too tired to drive, pull over and trade places with your significant other or find a hotel or motel to where you can rest. Do not push yourself too hard.


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Co-authors: 12
Updated: January 31, 2023
Views: 59,270
Categories: Road Trips