Ever wonder if you can make those boring car rides to places you just can't wait to get to faster? Do you hear yourself repeating over and over again: "Are we there yet?". You aren't alone. This article has all the information you need to get through with those boring, old, long trips.


  1. 1
    Make sure the car is clean and comfortable. This helps especially when you have to travel a long way.
  2. 2
    Pack the necessities. In the personal bag, include personal necessities (like clothes and toiletries). Make sure to take a good pair of sunglasses and a jacket.You never know when you will need them.
  3. 3
    Pack an entertainment bag. This should include things like books, an iPod, a portable DVD player with some DVDs, a phone , a camera, a hand-a phone charger, a pack of cards, a notebook or sketchbook, magazines, an e-reader, a tablet, newspapers, a laptop, puzzles, audio books for when you stop, and anything else that entertains you.
  4. 4
    Pack a food bag. This should have small meals, as well as snacks. These can include thing in thermoses, sandwiches and wraps, cold pizza, chips, pretzels, energy bars, crackers, and anything else you like to eat. Also include small deserts, like a box of chocolate truffles. Add some drinks, like water, juice, lemonade, and soda (in insulated water bottles). Finally, add some gum, mints like Mentos and Tic Tacs". Be sure not to bring plastic-throw-away water bottles, especially when you're traveling to a warmer climate; the sun can affect how the water tastes.
  5. 5
    Pack an emergency bag. This should include a flashlight, an extra (charged) phone, a first-aid kit, batteries, a radio, can of oil, a carton of gas, and an extra tire.
  6. 6
    Pack a charger bag. This should include car chargers for every device you brought. This way you can charge things when they run out.
  7. 7
    Make sure you have money. Every person should have a wallet with a hefty amount of money. At least one person should have a credit card.
  8. 8
    Get maps and a GPS. Getting lost during a road trip isn't very fun at all.
  9. 9
    Have each person bring their iPod or a CD. Which one depends on the car. Either way, have each person make a long playlist with upbeat songs that you can enjoy while driving. Play these playlists in turn as you drive. Sing along to every song you know.
  10. 10
    Talk to the people around you. This is common and easy, especially if the other passengers are close to you.
  11. 11
    Stop at every (or almost every) rest stop. Eat, run around, or go to the bathroom so you're ready for the next leg of the drive. If the rest stop is a mall (or some other place where there are activities), embrace it and spend an hour there. You might even want to plan them out in advance so that you don't starve when you find out that the next exit doesn't have a McDonald's!
  12. 12
    Have an alarm set to ring every hour. This ensures that you won't feel the need to check what time it is. People who really get the urge a lot should set it to ring every 30 minutes and say the time (if possible).
  13. 13
    Create a memory record. This could be a journal, scrapbook, video diary, or website. No matter which you pick, do your best to record everything you can.
  14. 14
    Open the window. Having the wind in your hair alone can be fun. Open the sunroof or take the roof down if possible.
  15. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    How can I pack a bag for a 16 hour trip if I get car sick reading, sleeping, and watching movies? I get very hungry and very bored, please help!
    Pack a large bag with lots of water (and some juice). Bring some Ibuprofen in case of headache. Bring snacks (pretzels, chips, crackers, fruit, or anything else) and money so that if you stop along the way you can get something to eat. If you want, bring a pad of paper and a pencil and write a story about where you're going, and also colored pencils or gel pens and a coloring book. Think of car games you can play ("I Went To The Market/Zoo," etc). Bring a pack of cards and talk and socialize with the other people in the car. (Bring a plastic bag and some mints in case of puke.) Lastly, plan what you're going to do when you get where you're going.
  • Question
    What do I do when I have a little sister that sings really loudly, doesn't listen and has nothing to do?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    The best thing to do is to bring headphones and blast your favorite music. Sitting as far away as possible from them helps too.
  • Question
    How can I survive if I argue a lot with the people I'm traveling with??
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You could try to work out your problems beforehand. Or, if that doesn't work, try to bring earphones, electronics, and books to entertain you.


  • When you go to the bathroom at rest stops, use toilet covers if they provide you with some. If not, use some toilet paper and wash your hands with soap carefully.
  • Be sure to not totally avoid your family while in the car, as this can lead to your parents taking away your phone and such.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 32 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 79,997 times.
430 votes - 78%
Co-authors: 32
Updated: June 14, 2022
Views: 79,997
Categories: Road Trips