A care package is a great way to show your special someone how much they mean to you, especially if you can't be close in person. We'll show you how to choose thoughtful, personal items that will really make your care package special!

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Buying Materials for the Package

  1. 1
    Purchase materials over time. Make a point of keeping your eyes peeled for something your significant other would like. If there's, say, an anniversary or birthday coming up in a few weeks, you could begin keeping an eye out during regular shopping trips.[1]
    • Keep your eyes open each time you go out shopping. If you're, say, shopping with a friend, look for tiny souvenirs and treats your partner would like.
    • You may not know where to look for presents for someone. If you simply keep your eyes open over time, you'll find the right gifts organically.
  2. 2
    Do not worry about spending a lot. A care package doesn't have to be expensive. You can just include small things that remind you of your partner. Something like a stuffed toy of their favorite animal, for example, could be a nice touch. The point of a care package is to show the other person you're thinking of them and not to spend a fortune.
  3. 3
    Go for non-perishable food. If you want to send your significant other food, non-perishables are a good idea. You never know how long a package will take to arrive in the mail, so pick something that will not expire quickly. Candy that will not melt, as well as things that come in jars (like nuts and jams) are a great addition to a care package.[2]
    • This is especially important for very long distance relationships. If your significant other lives overseas, for example, non-perishables are a good idea.
  4. 4
    Send a gift card. There are some things you may not be able to ship. For example, if there's a fast food restaurant your significant other loves, you can't really mail them fast food. However, you could get a gift card to that restaurant and send it in the mail.[3]
    • You can also send a gift card to somewhere like a supermarket. If you know there's something your significant other can buy at the supermarket that you can't send, you can write a note saying that's what the gift card is for. For example, you could write "For chocolate ice cream" on a note and tape it to a gift card for a supermarket chain.
  5. 5
    Include a book you're reading. A great way to bond is to read the same book from a distance. If you're engrossed in a particular novel, send a copy for your significant other. You could even personalize the book by underlining your favorite parts, or leaving notes in the margins.[4]
    • If the two of you aren't big readers, you can also send a CD of a band you're listening to or a DVD of a movie you like.
  6. 6
    Save small things that remind you of them. When you go out and spend money on yourself, save small mementos of your trip that remind you of your partner. If you, say, went to a concert of a band you both like, save the ticket. If you ate at the restaurant where the two of you first met, save something like a paper menu and send it to them.[5]
    • You could assemble these items in a small scrapbook to send.
  7. 7
    Buy custom made jewelry. This can be a sweet, romantic gift that can keep the romance alive from a distance. You can find custom made designs online. You can also work with an artist on a site like Etsy.
    • You can have jewelry spelling something romantic, like "Love You" or "Miss You Always."
    • You can also get something matching for the two of you. You can, for example, get two bracelets with both of your names written on them. You can also get something like one necklace with a lock and the other with a key.
  8. 8
    Invest in a custom music box. If you and your partner have a song, a custom made music box can be very romantic. Your partner will be surprised and touched to hear your special song playing when they open the romantic music box.
    • You can add items that remind you of your partner to the music box. You can print out small pictures of the two of you together, for example, or put a ticket stub from a movie you saw together inside.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Adding Gifts from Your Home

  1. 1
    Include a homemade card. A store bought card can be nice, but your partner will appreciate the effort that went into a homemade card. You can stop by your local craft store and get some construction paper, decorations, and fancy markers or pencils. Then, you can assemble a nice, personalized card. Make sure to include a heartfelt message inside the card.[6]
    • If you don't feel confident in your crafting abilities, you can order custom made cards online. You can also buy a blank card at a local gift shop and write your message inside.
  2. 2
    Bake something. If you like baking, your significant other will appreciate a homemade baked good. Bake their favorite type of pastry and send it in a care package. This can be particularly helpful for a birthday. You can send your partner a homemade birthday cake or birthday cupcakes, for example.[7]
    • Keep in mind, homemade baked goods may not last long. You may have to get expedited shipping. If your partner lives overseas, sending baked goods may not be the best option.
  3. 3
    Include some crafts. You can stop by a local craft store to seek inspiration. Even if you're not particularly artsy, something as simple as a collage of photos of the two of you will be much appreciated.
    • If you knit, try knitting a scarf or hat.
    • If you love to draw or paint, make them a picture. You can, for example, paint a picture of the coffee shop where you first met.
    • Sewing projects can be fun. You can try to sew a small stuffed toy of your significant other's favorite animal, for example.
  4. 4
    Send something that smells like you. Smell is strongly linked to memory. Sending your partner something around the house that has your distinct smell can help them savor memories of you.[8]
    • If there's a particular brand of shampoo, laundry detergent, or lotion you use, send a small tube of that.
    • If you have a nightshirt you wear frequently, you could send this as long as you're comfortable giving it up for a while. You could also send one of your pillowcases.
  5. 5
    Make a box full of compliments. A cute idea is to keep a box of compliments. You can have small pieces of paper on hand throughout the day. When you think of something nice about your partner, write it down. Assemble these slips of paper into a small box and mail them with your care package.
    • For example, you can write something like, "I just walked by the animal shelter. It reminds me of how kind you always are to my cats. You're such a loving person."
    • You can buy a small, decorative box at a local craft store. Write something like, "Box full of compliments" on top of the box and send it.
  6. 6
    Think of something that is common where you live. There may be certain things that are common where you live, but difficult to find where your significant other lives. Try putting one or two of these items into the care package.
    • For example, if your significant other loves salt water taffy, but they can never find any where they live, then pick some up at a local candy shop in your area.
  7. Advertisement
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Assembling the Care Package

  1. 1
    Find an attractive box. Don't settle for just a plain cardboard box. Find a cute box to store your items to give your care package a personal touch. You could, for example, find a box in your partner's favorite color. You could also decorate your own box.[9]
    • If you want to do something really cute, draw hearts on on the surface of your chosen box. In each heart, write something you love about your partner.
  2. 2
    Decorate the interior of the box. In addition to decorating the outside of the box, decorate the inside. You could glue strips of attractive fabric along the inside of the box. You could make a photo collage on the bottom of the box. You could also draw on it, decorate it with stickers, or use stencils.[10]
  3. 3
    Store your items carefully. Store heavier items on the bottom, so they don't crush smaller, more delicate items. Anything breakable should be wrapped in bubble wrap or something similar. You do not want anything to break on the journey.
    • If you're sending foods or drinks, make sure the packages are sealed carefully. You don't want anything to leak.
    • You may want to put liquid items in plastic bags just in case they break while shipping. This way, any spills will be contained.
  4. 4
    Mail the package. Once your package is decorated and packed, you can send it in the mail. Stop by your local post office to purchase proper stamps.
    • Check for an estimate of when the package will arrive. If you need it there by a certain date, you may have to pay for faster shipping.
    • It's a good idea to get a tracking number. This way, you can track the package's process online and give your partner an idea of when to look for it.
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About This Article

Klare Heston, LCSW
Co-authored by:
Licensed Social Worker
This article was co-authored by Klare Heston, LCSW. Klare Heston is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker based in Cleveland, Ohio. With experience in academic counseling and clinical supervision, Klare received her Master of Social Work from the Virginia Commonwealth University in 1983. She also holds a 2-Year Post-Graduate Certificate from the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland, as well as certification in Family Therapy, Supervision, Mediation, and Trauma Recovery and Treatment (EMDR). This article has been viewed 77,155 times.
37 votes - 91%
Co-authors: 11
Updated: October 6, 2021
Views: 77,155