There's a lot to taking care of a Tamagotchi pet. You're responsible for taking it to the toilet, feeding it, playing games with it, praising it when it cries, giving it medicine.


  1. 1
    Get your Tamagotchi. Once you have your Tamagotchi, pull the tab and begin!
  2. 2
    Watch for an egg to pop up on the screen.
  3. 3
    Press the middle button and set the time, date etc. In 5 minutes, it will hatch.
  4. 4
    Get ready for a baby Tamagotchi. When it does hatch, it will be hungry and won't be too happy so it will need some taking care of. Make sure you play lots of games so you can keep its weight low to keep him healthy.
  5. 5
    Keep up the care. If you continue to take good care of your Tamagotchi pet, it will turn into an adorable character.
  6. 6
    If you see little squiggles next to your Tamagotchi, and it has a "determined" face on, he's sideways, and he's moving back and forth, he's ready to make a mess. Quickly go to the potty icon and click it. Babies (I'm pretty sure!) don't do this. If you click the potty every single time your Tamagotchi does this, eventually he or she will automatically go potty every time he has to go, leaving you a clean screen.
  7. 7
    Check back every 15 minutes, or put it on PAUSE (press A and B button to pause or unpause) until you have time to play again. Check the hearts (in the first button, the scale) every 15 minutes, and, if you play games so your Tamagotchi weighs the lowest weight, you clean up its mess, you don't overfeed it, and you take great care of it, you'll end up with a really good character!
  8. 8
    After you take care of your baby, it will go into a 5 minute sleep. During or after its sleep it will turn into a child! These are also very cute. Babies require the most attention, and children require much less, but don't slack on the attention~!
  9. 9
    In a couple of days, your child will turn into a teenager! Even easier to care for, you will still enjoy taking care of your Tamagotchi and playing games!
  10. 10
    And, after that, your teen will turn into an adult! These characters are the best, and once you get one, it will be worthwhile to care for them until adulthood!
  11. 11
    Once your Tamagotchi grows up, he will want to have a baby (You got that right, your pet will have a baby if you want!). When he is around 7 years old, the Matchmaker will appear on your screen. She will present a character of the opposite gender, and give you a few seconds to consider it. Then the screen will say LOVE?" and you can either pick YES or NO. If you pick YES, fireworks will appear on the screen, music will play, and then a little excited beep will happen, and then your Tamagotchi will appear on the screen with an egg!
  12. 12
    Once you spend 48 hours with your Tamagotchi and its baby, the parent will leave while you and the baby are asleep. In the morning, you will name the baby, and you will start a new generation! If you click the status button, and scroll to the page where it says GENDER: (girl or boy)
  13. 13
    and GEN: (number), you will see that next to GEN, the number will have increased by one! Every egg your Tamagotchi gets, you are starting a new generation!
  14. 14
    If your Tamagotchi dies, it will be because you neglected your Tamagotchi. You ignored it's hunger, its messes, it's an illness, and you didn't turn off the lights when it went to sleep (if it's a new version it does it automatically). Even though Tamagotchis are very easy to take care of it does die. To create a new egg hold the first and last buttons (A and C) until you hear a long beep. You will then get a new egg and you will start the Tamagotchi life cycle again!
  15. 15
    Good luck with your Tamagotchi!
  16. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Why does the Tamagotchi die when most virtual pets do not?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    The Tamagotchi dies to show your mistakes of neglect. It is meant to make it more realistic and teach kids what might happen if they don't take care of their real pets.
  • Question
    Does it take naps?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    A tamagotchi will only take naps as a baby, and sometimes does this just to evolve into a child.
  • Question
    How do I train a Tamagotchi?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    One way to train your Tamagotchi is to take it to the toilet just before it is about to poop (which is when you see "stink lines" above its head and it looks like it's wiggling). Another way is if your Tamagotchi calls you and it doesn't need anything; click Time Out, which is one of the options when you select the symbol that looks like Pac-Man. The final way to train your Tamagotchi is when it looks sad or is crying. You need to go to the Pac-Man symbol and then click on Praise. Your Tamagotchi will instantly cheer up, and all three of these methods will increase the training meter by a few bars. The training bar will never go down over time.


  • Your Tamagotchi can die if you don't pause it while in school. Keep it with you at ALL times. Put your tamagotchi key chain connecter on your pants, or someplace where it will be with you at all times. When you go to sleep, your tamagotchi will not die, if you set the time right. Keep your tama on your nightstand, or in your bookbag.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 51 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 379,839 times.
232 votes - 72%
Co-authors: 51
Updated: March 20, 2023
Views: 379,839
Categories: Toys