Spinach is an incredible superfood, which means that each serving is packed full of vital nutrients that will help you maintain good health! From pastas to smoothies, use spinach for an extra boost of vitamins A, C, E, and K. Because it's such a versatile and healthy addition to meals, it's easy to buy in bulk. Health-wise, you can't buy too much spinach, but you might have a hard time keeping it all fresh in time to eat. With proper purchasing and storage techniques, however, you'll always be able to have fresh, tasty spinach as a part of your meals.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Storing Fresh Spinach

  1. 1
    Store fresh spinach in a clean container wrapped with paper towels. Place it in the refrigerator in the crisp drawer to save the greens for up to ten days.[1]
    • Containers will protect the greens from being moved around or crushed like they would in bags.[2]
    • Paper towels absorb the moisture, and keep your spinach fresh.[3]
    • Don't place it anywhere near ethylene-producing fruit, such as bananas or apples, or it will decay prematurely This means that an over-ripened apple or rotten fruit can cause the spinach to wilt and decay faster
  2. 2
    Store the spinach in its original packaging or a dry plastic bag if you plan on eating it within a week. This method is fine if you eat the spinach within 3 to 7 days.[4]
    • Ensure that the moisture is removed by patting the spinach dry with a paper towel.
    • Leave a paper towel in the bag with the spinach to absorb excess moisture.[5]
  3. 3
    Store as cold as possible without freezing. Take care where you leave the spinach in the fridge. Spinach can freeze when stored at 32ºF or below. Ensure that the fridge temperature is higher than that.
    • Keep the fridge at 39 degrees Fahrenheit to prevent the loss of folate and carotenoid content in spinach.[6]
    • Storing spinach in the fridge will slow down its nutrient loss. Keeping the fridge at 50 degrees or higher will accelerate the loss of nutrients.[7]
  4. 4
    Freeze the spinach to keep for several months. With this method of preserving, you can keep the spinach for nine to 14 months. First, blanch the greens in boiling water for a minute or two, then cool in an ice-water bath for the same amount of time. Drain the bath and squeeze the water out of the spinach by twisting it in your hands. Take about a handful and form the wet spinach into a ball and wrap tightly with plastic wrap, storing them in a large freezer bag. Freeze the spinach balls, and defrost for a ready-to-use serving of greens.
    • If you use your spinach within six months, you can also freeze the spinach without blanching. This leads to a slimy product and is best used in dishes when cooking or baking.
    • You can also wring the water, then place the spinach into freezer bags instead of making them into balls.
    • Use a straw to suck out all the air or vacuum seal to prevent freezer burn.
  5. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Consuming Spinach

  1. 1
    Consume within 2 to 3 days of purchase. Spinach does not last a long time after picking and purchase and is best eaten fresh.[8]
    • Try chopping spinach and adding into soups, chilis, stir-fries, or spaghetti sauces two minutes before serving.[9]
    • Add fresh, baby spinach to salads.[10]
    • Add spinach into your favorite breakfast egg dish with the other healthy veggies.[11]
    • Use frozen pureed spinach ice cubes in your smoothies, sauces, or stews.[12]
  2. 2
    Remove stems before washing to ensure a great meal. Spinach stems can be fibrous, stringy, and difficult to eat.[13] Discard the stems, use them for compost, or save them to add to a vegetable stock.[14]
    • Fold the spinach leaf in half along the spine, and grasp the bottom of the stem and tear toward the tip of the leaf.[15]
  3. 3
    Wash spinach only before using. Wash the leaves thoroughly before cooking. This will remove soil or any other contaminants. Dry off the leaves before cooking as spinach does not require moisture when cooked.
    • Wash by swishing the spinach in a basin of cold water. Allow the greens to sit for a minute, then lift into a colander to dry. Dump water, and repeat as needed.[16]
    • Wash even the organic and supposedly “washed” spinach. You never know what happens in the process of delivery.
    • Use a salad spinner to blot the spinach dry with paper towels.[17]
  4. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Buying Spinach

  1. 1
    Look for spinach with green, crisp leaves. It should appear as if it were just picked, firm, and un-wilted. Buy organic and no-pesticide spinach if possible as most regular spinach has high levels of pesticide residue.[18]
    • Discard any spinach with blemishes or signs of rot, or yellowed or browned leaves.[19] They are very unappetizing.
    • 1 pound of spinach will cook to about one cup of cooked spinach.[20]
  2. 2
    Check the stem and buy accordingly. A thin, flexible stem indicates a younger plant, while a thick fibrous stem shows that it’s a more mature, tougher plant. Buy according to the recipe you're cooking for.[21]
    • Younger plants are better for salads and recipes where spinach is served raw.[22]
    • Thicker and mature spinach should be used for cooking.[23]
  3. 3
    Avoid bags or containers with excessive moisture. Excess moisture will cause the spinach to rot. They will also perish more quickly if stored in a wet plastic bag.
    • Ensure that your spinach is dry before purchasing.
    • Don't wash the spinach until you use it.
  4. 4
    Know that fresh spinach isn’t necessarily the best option. Spinach will lose its nutritional value within days of being harvested. Canned and processed spinach are processed immediately after harvest.
    • Canned or frozen spinach may retain more nutrients and vitamins than fresh spinach that’s been traveling for miles. [24]
  5. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    How do you freeze uncooked spinach?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Uncooked spinach can be frozen; see the details for doing so at: How to Freeze Spinach.
  • Question
    How can I freeze spinach?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    If you want to freeze spinach so that you can save it for later: Put the spinach under a water faucet and water until all of the spinach is covered in water. Then, put in a resealable baggie and put into the freezer. Wait until it freezes and it stays fresh about twice as long.
  • Question
    Are spinach stems edible, or should they be removed before storing?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    They are edible, but they can be tough to chew. Most people remove them because of this, and because it makes the spinach more presentable.

Things You'll Need

  • Plastic bag
  • Fridge
  • Plastic Container
  • Paper Towels
  • Colander
  • Water

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Co-authors: 16
Updated: October 9, 2022
Views: 267,350
Article SummaryX

To keep spinach fresh, store it in its original packaging in the fridge if you plan on eating it within a week. You can also store spinach in a sealable plastic container that's lined with paper towels, which will help it last for up to 10 days. For long-term storage, start by blanching the spinach in boiling water for 2 minutes and then chilling it in an ice bath. Then, pat the spinach dry and store it in the freezer in a freezer bag, where it will stay good for about a year. If you want to learn how to use your spinach while it's still fresh, keep reading the article!

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