Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Preserving Mint Sprigs in Water

  1. 1
    Wash the mint gently. Run the mint under a stream of cold water, being careful not to damage the delicate leaves. Shake off any water droplets clinging to the leaves and stems and set the mint on a layer of paper towels.[1]
    • Herbs should always be washed before use or storage, as they can contain traces of dirt and bacteria or residue from pesticides and fertilizers.
    • Turn the faucet on to a light drizzle so that the stream of water is not so heavy.
  2. 2
    Cut off the lower portion of the stems. Use a pair of scissors to snip off the ends of the mint stems. This will allow the herbs to soak up water more easily. Be careful not to cut the mint sprigs too short, or they may not be able to sit properly in the container.[2]
    • Cutting the stems at a slight angle will improve their water intake.[3]
  3. 3
    Submerge the ends of the mint in a few inches of water. Fill a small vase, jar or another shallow container about one-third of the way full. Insert the bundle of mint stems-first into the container so that the snipped ends are completely submerged. The mint will now have a constant supply of water to draw from, increasing its shelf life.[4]
    • Change the water in the container every few days to keep it clean.
    • For even more pristine preservation, use distilled or mineral water.[5]
  4. 4
    Cover the mint loosely with plastic. Drape an empty grocery bag or piece of saran wrap over the top of the mint bundle to keep the herbs from being exposed to the air. Twist the plastic wrap around the base of the container and use a rubber band to secure it. You can then store the mint vertically in the refrigerator, if you have room, or out in the open in the corner of your countertop.
    • When properly covered and given lots of water, your mint will last for weeks, or possibly as long as a month.[6]
    • Refrigerated mint will usually last a few days longer than mint that’s kept at room temperature.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Wrapping Mint in a Paper Towel

  1. 1
    Wet a layer of paper towels. Tear off 2-3 connected towels and triple them over on themselves to form a thick sheet. Run the paper towels under cold water, then wring out the excess moisture. They should be damp but not totally saturated.[7]
    • Quilted types of paper towels will hold up better to wetting and wrapping.
    • Too much moisture can cause herbs to rot quickly. For this reason, it’s important that the paper towels not be overly wet.[8]
  2. 2
    Place the mint sprigs flat on the paper towels. Straighten out the paper towels and lay them flat on the countertop. Arrange the mint vertically in an even row across one-half of the paper towels. If necessary, trim the herbs to fit the width of the paper towel layer.[9]
    • If you need to preserve a large amount of mint, wrap a few smaller bundles individually.
  3. 3
    Roll the paper towels with the mint inside. Fold the uncovered half of the paper towels over to envelop the mint. Then, roll the paper towels up from the edge with the mint inside. The mint will be pressed against the damp paper towels on all sides, which will provide vital moisture and prevent air exposure.[10]
    • Roll width-wise, going across the stems, rather than lengthwise from stem to leaf.
    • Wrap the mint loosely to keep from mashing or tearing the leaves.
  4. 4
    Place the mint in the refrigerator. Slide the wrapped mint bundle into a plastic Ziploc bag or lidded Tupperware container. Stash the container in the refrigerator, taking it out whenever you need to add a few fresh mint leaves to an appetizer, cocktail or dessert.[11]
    • Mint refrigerated in a damp paper towel will retain its color, flavor and crisp texture for at least 2-3 weeks.[12]
    • If you don’t have a separate container to store the mint in, you can wrap the bundle in an extra layer of dry paper towels and stick it in your refrigerator’s produce crisper drawer.[13]
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Freezing Mint Leaves into Ice Cubes

  1. 1
    Remove the mint leaves from the stems. Wash the mint with cool water. Pluck the leaves by hand or use a sharp kitchen knife to cut them right below the stems. Set the leaves on a dry paper towel to soak up excess moisture.[14]
    • This is a great way to process leftover mint, or you can preserve a whole bundle as soon as you get it home from the store.
    • You can also go ahead the chop the mint leaves. That way, all you’ll have to do is thaw them out when you’re ready to cook, bake or mix up drinks.
  2. 2
    Press the mint leaves into an ice cube tray. With the tip of your finger, smooth the leaves flat against the bottom of the tray. Use one or two leaves per ice cube slot.[15]
    • For trays that make large or oddly shaped cubes, you may be able to use an additional one or two leaves.
  3. 3
    Fill the ice cube tray with water. Drizzle the water into each slot slowly, leaving a little space at the top of the tray for the cubes to expand as they solidify. Don’t worry if some of the leaves float to the top—as long as they don’t poke out of the tray, it shouldn’t be a problem.[16]
    • If your mint ice cubes are destined for drinks, you can also add a spritz of lemon juice or a sprinkle of cane sugar or honey.[17]
  4. 4
    Freeze the mint and thaw it as needed. Freezing your mint will keep it fresh almost indefinitely. When you’re ready to put it to use, just pop out a few cubes and thaw them out in a strainer under lukewarm water. You can also add the mint cubes whole to drinks or smoothies for a zesty, refreshing infusion of flavor. Yum![18]
    • Try chilling a pitcher of fresh-squeezed lemonade or iced tea with mint ice cubes.[19]
    • After thawing the mint leaves, press them lightly between a layer of paper towels to squeeze out excess moisture.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    What if I don't have an ice cubes maker?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Pour water into molds, and stick the molds in the freezer for a few hours or until completely solid. You could also buy ice from the store, or borrow some from a friend or neighbor.
  • Question
    Will they stay fresh if I freeze them?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Don't freeze mint leaves. Freezing any veggie or fruit does not help them. Instead, wrap up the leaves in a wet towel or cloth - or preferably muslin cloth - and keep them in the fridge. That keeps them fresh for some days. Another way is to use sealable bags and store them in your vegetable box. Make sure you wash and dry the leaves as well as take out all the air before closing the top.
  • Question
    I want to bring a bunch of mint leaves with me on a 4-hour flight. What is the best way to prepare them and bag/wrap them for going into baggage?
    Community Answer
    Wrap the mint leaves gently in a dampened paper towel. Place the mint in a plastic bag, not sealing all the way so that air can circulate. Do not wrap tightly; trapped moisture will cause the herbs to mold.



Things You'll Need

  • Open container
  • Plastic grocery bag or saran wrap
  • Paper towels
  • Ziploc bag or Tupperware container
  • Ice cube tray
  • Scissors
  • Sharp kitchen knife
  • Purified, distilled or mineral water (optional)

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This article was co-authored by wikiHow Staff. Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. This article has been viewed 628,890 times.
14 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 34
Updated: October 22, 2022
Views: 628,890
Categories: Preserving Herbs
Article SummaryX

To keep mint leaves fresh, first gently rinse off the leaves in a strainer. Then, cut off the ends of the stems at a slight angle with scissors, which will help them absorb water and stay fresh. Place the mint leaves in a jar or glass and fill it with enough water to submerge the stems. Cover the top of the jar with a plastic bag and store the mint in the fridge for up to a month. Change out the water in the jar every few days to keep it clean. You can also keep mint fresh with a wet paper towel. Wet a long paper and squeeze out the excess water. Lay the mint leaves flat on one end of the paper towel, then roll them up inside of it. Place the wrapped mint leaves in an airtight bag or container and store them in the fridge for up to 3 weeks. If you want to learn how to freeze your mint leaves to use in the future, keep reading the article!

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