Books are truly intriguing objects. They link our physical selves to the reality stored within the book's pages. They serve as memories, as lessons, and so much more. They can contain stories meant for children to complicated methods of hacking. There are many ways to treat and care for your books, whether you have a collection of rare books or simply want to keep your existing books in a good condition. Learning how to properly handle, care, and store your books will help them remain in an ideal condition and preserve their memory, importance, and quality.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Handling and Caring for Books

  1. 1
    Handle books hygienically. Handling your books hygienically will help ensure minimal wear and tear, accidental spills, or permanent stains. Wash your hands before handling any book and avoid having any liquids or foods nearby during handling or reading to help keep your book in an ideal condition.
    • Avoid using saliva to turn pages. Use a sponge instead.[1]
    • Use cotton gloves if you are handling a rare, old, or fragile book.
    • Don't eat or drink anything while you're reading.
  2. 2
    Remove large or bulky bookmarks. Large bookmarks can stress both the binding or glue in the spine of the book as well as make impressions and indentations in the page. Remove bulky bookmarks to reduce the chance of pages being accidentally ripped, torn, or damaged while reading.
    • Try using a piece of thread or silk ribbon as a bookmark to avoid any unwanted damage.
    • If you wish to keep the bookmark with the book, place the bookmark in an acid-free envelope next to the book or inside an insert.[2]
    • Avoid folding, or “dog-earing,” the corners of pages as they can cause lasting damage.[3]
  3. 3
    Avoid damage to the binding. Both paperback and hardback books are either bound with an adhesive, stitching, or a combination of the two. The wider you open a book, the more stress you are putting the spine and binding under.
    • Use caution when opening new hardbacks as they often have a stiff spine and are prone to cracking.[4]
  4. 4
    Turn pages carefully. Pages experience natural deterioration over time and can often become quite fragile or brittle. Use caution when turning pages in order to avoid unwanted tears, wrinkles, dimples, and rips to pages or fragile bindings.
  5. 5
    Try to use two hands while reading. Using two hands while reading will ensure that the book's binding and pages are not being unnecessarily stressed. If holding a book with two hands is uncomfortable due to fragility, size, or weight, lay the book on a table or cradle it in your lap.
    • Don't bend paperback covers while reading. It can be difficult to get them to resume their original shape and it often causes spine damage.[5]
    • Invest in reading copies if you have a book you can't put down and want to preserve.
  6. 6
    Send rare and fragile books to a specialist in book conservation. Whether you have a rare first edition or a paperback with sentimental value, sending a damaged book to a specialist is your best chance at repair.
    • Book conservationists can have many specializations, from historic preservation to binding and material repair. Consult national book conservation organizations, like the Regional Alliance for Preservation (RAP) or the American Institute for Conservation (AIC), to find out which local conservationists can provide you with a consultation.
  7. Advertisement
Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Storing Books

  1. 1
    Shelve books upright. Avoid shelving books too tightly or leaning against one another as this can cause lasting warping, structural damage, and cracking. When shelving, place books of similar height and length next to one another to avoid stressing the spine.
    • Placing a book flat is an alternative to upright shelving. However, when shelving a book horizontally be sure to put as little weight on top of it as possible.
    • Grab the middle of the spine when removing a book from a shelf to avoid damaging the head (top) and foot (bottom) of the spine.
  2. 2
    Keep books out of direct sunlight and in a cool area. Place your books in a controlled climate to help prolong the book's quality. Sunlight, heat, and humidity can all have negative effects on the book's binding, structure, and page quality.
    • Humidity can cause mildew to grow on your books. If you live in a particularly humid environment, and mildew begins to grow, simply wipe the mildew with a very dry cloth and leave the book in sunlight for 30-45 minutes. Be careful not to leave it longer as sunlight can cause the cover to fade.[6]
    • If a rare or fragile book grows mildew bring it to a specialist in book conservation.
  3. 3
    Keep your books clean. Clean your books regularly in order to prevent natural wear and tear and increase the quality of their storage. Dusting your books will help reduce permanent page and cover aging.
    • Make sure to dust your books from the spine outward so dust does not settle behind the spine.[7]
    • Avoid storing books in plastic bags. Books need to breathe and plastic can cause molding or warping. Instead, try wrapping the book in acid-free cloth or purchases a book storage box.
  4. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    How do I take care of the spine of a book? What can I do to keep it intact if it is bent?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You should hold the book carefully to prevent a bent spine. If it is already bent, then there is nothing you can do. Bending it in different ways to make the spine retain its normal condition may make it worse.
  • Question
    Will putting a plastic cover on the book help to protect it?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes, it will help protect the cover from minor marks and very small spills, but it won't protect the pages.
  • Question
    Can I put books in a trolley or duffle bag for long time?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You can keep them there temporarily, as long as the conditions of the bag aren't damp, but if you want to keep them in good condition, I wouldn't recommend storing them like this for an extended period of time.

About This Article

Kim Gillingham, MA
Co-authored by:
Master's Degree, Library Science, Kutztown University
This article was co-authored by Kim Gillingham, MA. Kim Gillingham is a retired library and information specialist with over 30 years of experience. She has a Master's in Library Science from Kutztown University in Pennsylvania, and she managed the audiovisual department of the district library center in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, for 12 years. She continues to do volunteer work for various libraries and lending library projects in her local community. This article has been viewed 111,277 times.
6 votes - 83%
Co-authors: 21
Updated: October 27, 2022
Views: 111,277
Categories: Caring for Books
Article SummaryX

If you like to keep your books in good condition, there are a few rules of thumb you should follow to avoid damaging them. Wash your hands before touching your books and keep them away from food and drink. Try not to open your books too wide when you’re reading them so you don’t crease the spines. You should also avoid using bulky bookmarks, since these can put extra pressure on the binding or glue and leave an indentation on the pages. Store your books out the way of direct sunlight so they don’t fade. You can also dust the exteriors regularly to keep them looking as good as new. For more tips, including how to get old and fragile books repaired, read on!

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