Books can easily fall prey to the dangers of moisture. Whether you read your books in the bath, or you live in a humid climate, the pages of your books may develop a musty or moldy smell. Although the presence of an unpleasant smell does not necessarily mean anything dangerous is growing in the pages of your favorite tomes, mold and mildew may be responsible for a musty smell. Fortunately, getting rid of the problem is an easy process, and requires either absorbing the smell, cleaning your books, or letting them air out.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Absorbing the Smell

  1. 1
    Remove the book from its damp environment. Many books grow moldy or musty due to living in a damp environment, such as a kitchen or bathroom. To combat your book’s smell, you must first remove it from the problematic environment.[1]
    • If your book is wet, be sure to dry it before using any of the deodorizing methods.
  2. 2
    Place your books in a sealed container with baking soda. Set your books inside of a sealed container, such as a piece of large tupperware, alongside an open canister of baking soda. The sealed environment will provide a way for the baking soda to absorb both moisture and odors from your book.[2]
    • Clay cat litter and cornstarch can also be used to absorb odor.
  3. 3
    Allow the soda to sit for a few days. Set your books aside in an area they will not be disturbed for 3-7 days. This will give the baking soda plenty of time to absorb both the moisture in the books, and the offending odor.[3]
    • Hardcover books may need to sit closer to seven days, as the cover can hold in more moisture.
  4. 4
    Remove the baking soda and books from the container. Check for any remaining smells or damp pages. If your book is still damp or still contains unpleasant smells, place your materials back into your sealed container for 2-4 more days.
  5. 5
    Store in an a dry area. To prevent further molding or mildewing, opt out of storing your books in more humid areas. Cookbooks, for instance, can be stored in a dining room instead of a kitchen, and bathroom interest books can be set on a shelf just outside of the bathroom.
    • Avoid storing books in areas such as the basement and attic, as most basements and attics are prone to encouraging mold growth and developing excessive moisture contents.
  6. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Cleaning Your Books

  1. 1
    Use protective breathing tools. Any time you work with mold or mildew, you want to make sure you are not breathing in any spores. Before you begin, place a mask over your nose and mouth. If you are prone to watery eyes, you may also want to wear a pair of protective glasses.[4]
    • If you have asthma or any type of respiratory issues, do not attempt mold clean-up yourself. Mold can aggravate breathing conditions quickly, and could even prove fatal.
  2. 2
    Wipe away any visible mold growth. Locate any visible sources of mold in your book and gently wipe them away using cloth dampened with alcohol or peroxide. Although alcohol may not remove all of the staining caused by mold or mildew, it will kill the spores and should eliminate the bulk of the smell.[5]
    • If your books contain a lot of mold or mildew, you may need to take them to a professional for cleaning.
  3. 3
    Dry your books immediately. Make sure you dry your books after you have finished cleaning them. You can use an air dry method, or you can dry them with a hair dryer. The method you choose will depend on the speed you require and the age of the books.
    • Newer books will not be drastically degraded by being dried with a hair dryer, while old pages may be damaged by high heat.
  4. 4
    Store in a dry area. To prevent additional mold growth, make sure you store your books in a dry area. If your books are old or particularly prone to damage, you may want to store them permanently in airtight containers, such as large tupperware bins.
  5. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Air Drying Books

  1. 1
    Choose a sunny, open area. The sun can work wonders in speeding up drying time while offering an antimicrobial effect for your books. Find a spot outdoors safe from animals and bugs, and place your books in the sun.[6]
    • This method is best for newer books, as old books can actually be damaged by exposure to sunlight.
    • If you do not have an open area with access to sunlight, find a large, sunny window.
  2. 2
    Place the book open and upright. With the pages facing the sun, place your book upright, fanning the pages out as much as you can. This will allow the maximum amount of sunlight and warmth to reach your book. The more warmth and sunlight your book receives, the faster it will dry.[7]
    • Make sure the pages do not clump or stick together, as sunlight could encourage already-tacky pages to stick together.
  3. 3
    Dry for 2-3 days. Dry your book in this fashion for 2-3 days to eliminate any lingering odors or moisture. The sun will both dry and deodorize your book, while drying the pages will prevent the growth of mold.
    • To prevent dampness from recurring during the drying period, bring books inside during the night and place them back outside once the sun is shining.
    • If you cannot keep your books safely outside for this period, you can also use a large indoor space with access to a window.
  4. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Can the mold be removed from the book, and is the mold dangerous to inhale?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Mold cannot be removed from paper. If you want to remove it, you have to cut the paper. Yes, molds are dangerous to inhale because they can cause illness.


  • Avoid sprinkling baking soda or cornstarch into the pages of books, as this can cause the pages to breakdown, or may get stuck in the book's binding.
  • Not all mold can be removed. If your book is thoroughly saturated in mold or mildew, it may not be able to be salvaged.
  • Never spray a lot of water on your musty books. A light mist will likely not damage the pages, while a heavy spray could easily cause further molding or wrinkling.

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60 votes - 98%
Co-authors: 9
Updated: February 25, 2023
Views: 86,841
Categories: Caring for Books