Thoughtful and romantic messages to make her morning

Looking to brighten a girl's day as soon as they wake up? Whether you’ve been dating for a while or you’re just in the talking stages, a good morning message is guaranteed to make your partner smile. Below, we have tons of romantic copy-and-paste messages, but we'll also include tips on how to write a message that’s totally tailored to your girlfriend. If you’re looking to craft a unique message to make her feel extra special, keep scrolling!

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Crafting Your Custom Message

  1. 1
    Reflect on her personality to create a meaningful morning message. Does your girlfriend cry easily? Does she adore compliments? Is she a full-on romantic, or is she more laid back? Think about your partner’s interests and attachment style, then tailor your message to make her feel moved.
    • Compliment her outfit if she’s into fashion (“You looked really good in that dress last night” or “I know I haven’t seen you yet, but your outfit is fire.”)
    • Include an energizing song if she’s always listening to music (“Music For a Sushi Restaurant” —Harry Styles or “ENERGY” —Beyoncé)
    • Make plans if quality time is her love language (“What’s on your schedule today? I want to take you out to lunch if you’re free!” or “How about we grab dinner after you crush your presentation on Friday?”)
    • Surprise her with breakfast if food is the way to her heart (“There may or may not be donuts waiting for you in the kitchen…” or “So, I heard breakfast is your favorite meal of the day. Come to the kitchen…”)
    • Send her a daily horoscope if she’s into astrology (“Starting today, Libras are going to experience a period of inner transformation… Can you feel it?”)
    • Use a line from her favorite romantic movie (“I can’t see anything I don’t like about you.” —Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind)
  2. 2
    Incorporate thoughtful details to personalize your message. To create a unique message that makes your partner smile, look back on your favorite memories with her. Try to add small snippets of previous conversations to show that you care about her, or get creative and find a way to surprise her. Not sure what to do? Here are a few personalization tips to help you get started:
    • Mention something she said earlier in conversation (“I was thinking about what you said about the moon yesterday, because I thought it was so beautiful…”)
    • Send a candid photo of her that she didn’t know you took (“This photo makes me smile, because you look more beautiful studying than most people do on their best day…” or “I searched ‘the most beautiful woman in the world’ on Google. Look what popped up on the first results page.”)
    • Leave her a physical note somewhere special (“Check your jean coat pocket. I might’ve left something special there for you…” or “Rumor has it the tooth fairy came early this year. Look under you pillow…”)
    • Tell her exactly how you’d describe her (“I had a friend ask about my new girlfriend yesterday, and I said she’s nuts about soccer, she’s got gorgeous brown eyes, and she’s the strongest person I’ve ever met.” or “You’re the most creative, organized, and hard-working person I’ve ever met.”)
    • Mention concrete details about her life to show that you know her ("Sometimes I just think about how lucky I am that your family moved from Reno to Boston. Imagine if we'd never met?" or “I was born on June 9th, you were born on June 10th… it really feels like we were made for each other.”)
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Example Texts

  1. 1
    Cute messages
    • Address her by her nickname to show endearment (“Good morning, pumpkin!” or “Wake up, sweetheart.” or “Rise and shine, gorgeous.”)
    • Ask her if she slept well (“Morning, sweetheart. How did you sleep last night?” or “Hey, beautiful. Did you get enough sleep?”)
    • Tell her that you’re excited to see her soon (“Morning, cutie. I can’t wait for our date tonight.” or “Enjoy your day, darling. I can’t wait to see you this weekend.”)
    • Let her know that you’re thinking about her (“I woke up thinking about you and wanted to wish you a great day!” or “I woke up with a smile on my face… just the thought of you brightens my day!”)
    • Ask her how she’s feeling to show interest (“Morning, beautiful. What are you looking forward to today?” or “How are you feeling after last night?”)
    • Wish her a lovely day (“I hope the rest of your day is as radiant as you are!” or “Morning! Just wanted to wish you a wonderful week.”)
  2. 2
    Romantic messages
    • Express your appreciation toward her (“Thank you for being such an amazing girlfriend. You make me laugh and smile, but more importantly, you make me want to be the best version of myself.”)
    • Let her know how much she means to you (“I’m the luckiest person in the world to be your partner.” or “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me… Seriously, what did I do to deserve you?”)
    • Describe how she makes you feel (“I wake up feeling like I won the lottery because of you.” or “I didn’t believe in soulmates until I met you… I feel like the happiest person in the world when I’m with you.”)
    • Stress how important she is to you (“I can’t wait until I come home… you’re the best part of my entire day.” or “My alarm can go off multiple times, but my day doesn’t start until I hear your voice.”)
    • Write a love poem (“Roses are red, violets are blue. The only thing sweeter than sleep is you.” or “The sun is up, the sky is blue. Today is beautiful and so are you.”)
    • Don’t be afraid to profess your love (“You make everything better, and I love you dearly!” or “I still can’t believe you’re my girlfriend… I love you so much!”)
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    Flirty messages
    • Describe a sexy dream (“I had the most amazing dream last night. You were there, things got pretty spicy…” or “I had the hottest dream about you last night. Can I tell you all about it?”)
    • Tell her she’s on your mind (“I hope you spend the day thinking of me… I’ll be thinking of you.” or “I have a big meeting today, but I can’t focus… I’m too distracted thinking about you.”)
    • Invite her over (“My bed feels a little empty, want to come over and cuddle?” or “Honestly, you should just move in at this point… texting you good morning isn’t cutting it for me...”)
    • Let her know that you’re missing her (“I wish you were in bed with me.” or “Wish I was there to hit the snooze button with you.”)
    • Ask her for a morning photo (“I miss seeing your beautiful face so much. Send me a selfie?” or “Show me what you’re wearing to work?”)
    • Ask her out on a date (“When can I see you again? Pick a day that ends in Y.” or “So… Do you want to meet up for coffee or breakfast?😉”)
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    Supportive messages
    • Empathize with her if she’s worried or anxious (“I know you’ve been feeling stressed the past few days, but you’re going to kill it!” or “I know you’re nervous about your project, but take a deep breath and try to stay calm.”)
    • Remind her of her best qualities (“I just wanted to let you know that you’re the most intelligent and hard-working person I’ve ever met.” or “You’re a rockstar, and you’re absolutely crushing it!”)
    • Tell her that you’ve got her back (“I’m here for you, and we can get through this together!” or “Just wanted to remind you that that we’re a team, and I got you!”)
    • Reassure her that everything’s going to be okay (“It’s the big day… and I can already confirm that you’re going to be amazing.” or “I know you’re stressing out about the event, but I promise that everything’s going to be okay!”)
    • Let her know that you’re proud of her (“No matter what happens, I’m so proud of you!”)
    • Celebrate her successes (“Congratulations on the promotion! And good luck at the office today Ms. Editor-in-Chief.”)
    • Encourage her to chase her dreams (“Just wanted to remind you that you can achieve anything you set your mind to. I believe in you!”)
    • Send her a motivational quote (“Every morning starts a new page in your story. Make it a great one today.” —Doe Zantamata or “Make today your masterpiece.” —John Wooden)
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    Long-distance relationship messages
    • Stress how much you miss her (“Woke up thinking about you, my love. I’m missing you like crazy!” or “ My bed is really cold without you by my side. I’m feeling so blue without you...”)
    • Text her something that reminded you of her (“I woke up to the most gorgeous sunrise, and it made me think of you.” or “I saw this video and thought of you. Let me know what you think!”)
    • Tell her what you miss the most about her (“I really miss your hugs. I could really use one right now…” or “I miss everything about you… especially your morning hair.”)
    • Express excitement about seeing her in the future (“Counting down the days until I get to see you again…” or “Missing you a little extra today… I can’t wait until I get to see your beautiful face.”)
    • Catch up with her as soon as she wakes up (“How was your flight? I hope you got to your hotel okay!” or “How’s your family? I saw the photos you posted and the reunion looked like a blast.”)
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    Funny messages
    • Wake her up with a silly question (“Are you alive?”)
    • Reference an iconic meme or movie (“~Rise and shiiiiine~ *Kylie Jenner gif” or “Top o’ the morning, govna!” or “Good morning, starshine… the earth says hello!”)
    • Remind her that she’s not a morning person (“You’re going to achieve great things today… unless you’re still asleep.” or “Good morning, baby… don’t fall asleep after reading this text!”)
    • Crack a morning joke (“Morning! T minus 15 hours until we can get back to bed.” or “The best part of waking up… is getting to sleep in 16 hours.” or “Wakey wakey, eggs and bakery!”)
    • Throw in a pun (“What do lobsters drink in the morning? Claw-fee!” or “How do skeletons like their eggs? Terri-fried!”)
    • Add personality to your text with some fun emojis (“PSA: it’s time to open your eyes👀” or “Beep, beep, beep! It’s your personal alarm telling you to get out of bed⏰”)
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    Friendly messages
    • Ask her a low-key question to keep things casual (“Morning! What was the name of the coffee shop you mentioned the other day?” or “I still can’t get over what you said yesterday… How is Shrek better than Shrek 2?!”)
    • Uplift her mood with a positive message (“Wake up, sleepy head! It’s time to show the world who you are.” or “Good morning! I hope your day is full of smiles.”)
    • Let them know they can lean on you (“I know you’re going through a lot lately… Just wanted to remind you that I’m always here for you!” or “I hope you’re doing well… I’m here if you want to talk about anything❤️”
    • Catch up with them (“I was thinking about you this morning! How’s life?” or “You were in my dream last night… Let’s meet up soon!”)
    • Remind them of the good times (“Just remembered the time we almost broke the copier at your first job😂 I hope you don’t get into too much trouble today!” or “I found this old photo of us from prom. Look how young we were!”)
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Updated: March 24, 2023
Views: 175
Categories: Relationships