Cupcakes don't always have to be eaten right away. If you're willing to save some for later, and want them to last for a longer period of time, you can consider freezing the cupcakes. It's important to take caution when freezing cupcakes because there is a high change of the paper liners peeling off and the cupcakes becoming less moist, or even very dry and gummy on the top. Keep your cupcakes safe and sound by freezing them properly.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Freezing Unfrosted Cupcakes

  1. 1
    Let the cupcakes cool. If you try to freeze them while they're hot, the cupcakes will give off a steam that turns into condensation and may even cause the paper liners to peel off while they are freezing. The best way to cool cupcakes fully is to leave them on a wire rack for about an hour, until they're cool enough to touch and handle.
    • Wire racks are recommended over a plate or chopping board because the air can circulate more easily around the cupcakes.[1] This prevents the cupcakes from getting soggy on the bottom while they are cooling.
  2. 2
    Store the cupcakes in a container. After the cupcakes have cooled thoroughly, consider placing them in an airtight container to freeze. The container should be large enough to hold all the cupcakes you have and tall enough to prevent the cupcakes from squishing into each other.[2] Ensure the container gives the cupcakes enough room to avoid the tops from getting sticky or touching the lid. The lid should also be able to snap tightly on top of the container.
  3. 3
    Store the cupcakes in airtight freezer bags. If you don't have a container on hand or would like another method of freezing cupcakes, you can use freezer bags. When placing the cupcakes in the airtight bag, create layers and stack the cupcakes with parchment paper to keep them from sticking to each other.[3]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Freezing Frosted Cupcakes

  1. 1
    Let the cupcakes cool. Before freezing the cupcakes, they must cool, to avoid the build-up of condensation and moisture in the cupcake container. The best way to cool cupcakes fully is to leave them on a wire rack for about an hour, until they are cool enough to touch and handle.
    • Wire racks are highly more recommended so that the air can circulate more easily around the cupcakes.[4] This prevents the cupcakes from getting soggy on the bottom while they are cooling.
  2. 2
    Frost the cupcakes. In order to freeze frosted cupcakes, they must be frosted correctly. Consider using a frosting pipe to pipe the frosting neatly on top of the cupcakes. Add a good amount of frosting for each cupcake, as once you freeze the cupcakes, you cannot frost them again. There are a variety of frosting flavors to choose from: buttercream frosting, chocolate frosting, strawberry frosting, and cream cheese frosting.
  3. 3
    Freeze the cupcakes in an uncovered container. The container should be large enough to carry all the cupcakes you have and tall enough to prevent the cupcakes from squishing into each other.[5] Place the cupcakes to freeze in an open container so that the frosting can freeze thoroughly, usually taking about 3-4 hours. Ensure the frosting is solid before removing it from the freezer.
  4. 4
    Store the cupcakes in a container. Using the same container as before, snap the lid on tightly so the cupcakes can freeze until they are ready to be eaten. Make sure the container is large enough so that the frosting does not touch the cupcakes while freezing them.
  5. 5
    Store and cover the cupcakes with aluminum foil. Instead of a container, you can also freeze the cupcakes in foil. Freeze the frosted cupcakes without covering them for about 3-4 hours so the frosting can become solid. Cover each cupcake with aluminum foil carefully, taking care not to touch the frosting. Lay each covered cupcake on a cookie sheet or place them in a large Ziploc bag.[6] [7]
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Defrosting the Cupcakes

  1. 1
    Remove the cupcakes from the freezer. Take the cupcakes out of the freezer and place them in a safe place where they can defrost without being disturbed, such as a countertop or cooking space.
  2. 2
    Leave the cupcakes to defrost. It's not recommended to use heat to defrost your cupcakes. Avoid using an oven, microwave, or stovetop to defrost your cupcakes or they will end up soggy and/or the paper liners will peel off.[8] Leave the cupcakes wrapped or in their container or bag when you remove them from the freezer.
  3. 3
    Remove the cupcakes from their container. After about an hour, slightly crack open the container or Ziploc bag. If the cupcakes were wrapped in foil, remove some of the foil off each cupcake, but not all of it. Too much moisture can cause the paper liners to peel off, so it's important to let out some air for the cupcakes.[9]
  4. 4
    Leave the cupcakes to defrost until they reach room temperature. Most cupcakes will take about thirty minutes to an hour to defrost, but you can leave the cupcakes overnight so they can defrost fully.[10]
  5. 5
  6. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    If I do not have a piping bag for frosting, what can I use?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You can use a Ziploc bag, just cut a small hole in one of the corners.
  • Question
    Will foil liners not separate from the cupcake upon freezing?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Individually wrap cupcakes, and then store in a sturdy container. When the frosting has completely frozen, remove cupcakes from freezer and quickly wrap each one in plastic wrap (just like you would if you were freezing unfrosted cupcakes).


  • Avoid microwaving the cupcakes to defrost them. Microwaving the cupcakes may make them defrost faster, but it causes the cupcakes to be soggy and wet.[12]

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Co-authors: 5
Updated: January 12, 2023
Views: 68,004
Categories: Cupcakes | Freezing Food
Article SummaryX

Cupcakes don’t always have to be eaten right away. Whether they’re frosted or not, you can freeze them and save them for later! To freeze unfrosted cupcakes, first let them cool completely then place them into an airtight storage container. If you do not have a container, you can also use airtight freezer bags. If your cupcakes are already frosted, that’s not a problem! Just place the frosted cupcakes into an airtight container and then place them in the freezer with the lid off. Freeze them long enough for the frosting to set, about 3-4 hours. Then place the lid on the container and freeze until they are ready to be eaten. If you do not have a container you can freeze the cupcake for 3-4 hours then wrap it in foil and store it in the freezer. If you’re using foil, make sure not to let it touch the frosting when you are wrapping them. To defrost your cupcakes, remove them from the freezer and let them sit at room temperature for an hour. Then remove the lid and let them thaw until they are fully defrosted. For more tips, including how to defrost your frozen cupcakes, read on!

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