Drying herbs is an easy and useful way of preserving them for use in cooking and craft. Many herbs lend themselves well to drying, and in some cases, you can dry the leaves, flowers and stem portions of an herb. Drying herbs so that they retain their flavor relies on knowing which herbs are best for drying, picking them at the right time and storing them well.

Method 1
Method 1 of 9:

Choosing the herbs for drying

  1. 1
    Choose herbs for drying. Some herbs are easier to dry than others owing to their stronger leaves and oils. However, almost all herbs can be dried in one or another. Trial and experiment is the best way to find out which herbs dry best for you, with the expectation that some herbs will shrivel up and look like a brown mess when dried, while others will retain color and texture well.[1]
  2. 2
    Harvest herbs for drying just before their flowers open. There will be plenty of buds to signify that flowering is about to occur. As for the time of day, generally it is best to harvest herbs after the dew has evaporated but before the sun has had a chance to evaporate the volatile oils in the herbs. This is usually early morning, give or take a bit for the specifics of your location.
    • Although generalist advice is to harvest herbs before the flowers open, it pays to experiment. Sometimes it's better to harvest after. It all depends on which form will allow the herbs to hold their shape and flavor best. And if you actually want flowers, then it makes sense to wait until the herb flowers first.
  3. 3
    Prepare for drying as soon as you've harvested the herbs. The herbs will preserve best if they're dealt with immediately; allowing them to wilt or sit around and gather moisture or dust will spoil their flavor, color and appearance.
  4. 4
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Method 2
Method 2 of 9:

Simple quick dry for cooking

This method deals with having dry fresh (and clean) herbs rather than dried herbs! This is best done at least a half hour before cooking with the herbs, to allow adequate drying time.

  1. 1
    Pick the herbs for cooking with.
  2. 2
  3. 3
    Wash the herbs gently. Use the least amount of water possible to avoid crushing or bruising the herbs. Perhaps lay herbs in a colander under running water, or just hold the herbs under the water. Finish with a gentle shake over the sink to dislodge as much of the water as possible.
  4. 4
    Lay each herb stem/stalk or sprig on the tea towel. Lay across the tea towel if you have more than one. Try to prevent too much overlapping.
  5. 5
    Let dry in a warm kitchen. Touch to feel if the herbs are dry. When the herbs are dry enough, use in the recipe as required.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 9:

Drying in the sun or outdoors

This is the least preferred method for drying. The reason for this is that the herbs will tend to be bleached and lose their flavor. It can be useful for craft though.

  1. 1
    Cut the herbs when the dew has dried off them.
  2. 2
    Tie into a bundle with a rubber band. Keep the leaves and flowers facing downward.
  3. 3
  4. 4
    Dry outdoors inside a paper bag. After bundling, tie a paper bag around the bundle. Hang the whole bag outside. The bag will provide more protection against the sunshine. It will also catch any seeds that dry too, if you want to collect them.
  5. 5
    Remove when dried. The herbs are dried when they just become crisp and no moisture can be felt.
  6. Advertisement
Method 4
Method 4 of 9:

Air drying indoors

Indoor drying is preferred as it will keep the flavor, color and qualities of the herb better intact than outdoor drying. Air drying is good for tender leaved herbs. It's also an easy one to do as once the herbs have been prepared, you can leave them to dry without having to do more.

  1. 1
    Bundle the herbs into a bunch.[4] Tie a rubber band around the stems of the herbs. Any flowers on the herbs should face downward.
  2. 2
    Choose whether or not to use a paper bag. The paper bag can speed up the drying process and catch falling seeds, leaves, etc. On the other hand, having no bag means you can have some lovely bunches of herbs on display in your home.
  3. 3
    Select a suitable drying hanger. All sorts of items can be used to hang herbs from, including ladders, ceiling beams, coat hangers, a nail, etc.
  4. 4
    Leave to dry. Herbs should dry away from direct sunlight and moisture or they will spoil. Drying times will take anywhere from 5 days to a few weeks, depending on the types of herbs you're drying.[5]
  5. 5
    Remove when dried. The herbs are dried when they just become crisp and no moisture can be felt.
  6. 6
    Use for culinary, medicinal, display or craft purposes. Many dried herbs will crumble readily, making them easy to turn into herb mixes such as bouquet garni. Dried herbs are often great additions to potpourri too.
  7. Advertisement
Method 5
Method 5 of 9:

Drying in the Oven

Herbs can be dried in an oven and will be suitable for culinary and medicinal purposes.

  1. 1
    Set the oven to a very low temperature, the lowest it will go.[6] Leave the door open.
  2. 2
    Arrange the picked herbs across a baking sheet.
  3. 3
    Place the sheet in the lowest level of the oven. Let dry but turn the herbs frequently. When they appear a little crisp, remove from the oven.
  4. 4
    For those with a wood oven, screen racks can be placed on top of the wood stove. Lay the herbs across it to dry in their own time.
  5. Advertisement
Method 6
Method 6 of 9:

Drying by microwaving

If you need dried herbs in a hurry for craft work, this method is excellent! However, due to the toxicity of silica gel (and not to mention the microwaved herbs as well), this method is not suitable for either culinary or medicinal herb drying. Do be prepared to experiment as drying times can vary wildly depending on the herbs and using the microwave to dry herbs can be a very frustrating learning experience!

  1. 1
    Sprinkle a thin layer of silica gel on the base of a microwave-safe container.
  2. 2
    Add the herb leaves or flowers to this layer. Spread evenly and avoid touching leaves or flowers between each herb piece.
  3. 3
    Microwave the herbs. Use a lower power setting, such as the half power or defrost power settings. Dry for 2 minutes, then let sit for 10 minutes. Check for the level of dryness. If it is sufficient, then use the herbs as required. If not, do another dry for about 1 minute.
    • If the drying of 2 minutes proves too long and the herbs have dried out too much, use a new set of herbs and reduce the drying time by 30 seconds. Keep experimenting to reach the right timing, depending on the type of herb.
    • Herbs that tend to air dry well with little shrinkage (such as thyme) will need less time in the microwave than herbs that don't air dry as well (such as basil).
  4. 4
    Use for craft and display projects only. As already noted, the silica use means that the herbs are no longer safe for consuming.[7]
  5. Advertisement
Method 7
Method 7 of 9:

Drying using desiccants

Herbs dried in this method are for use in crafts or displays. Do not use this method for herbs intended to be consumed for culinary or medicinal purposes.

  1. 1
    Choose a desiccant. A desiccant is a substance that draws moisture out. Suitable desiccants for herbs include cornmeal, sand, orris root, borax, silica gel and even kitty litter.[8]
    • Silica gel is popular because it is light and won't crush the herbs; it is easily obtainable from craft stores. However, when working with it, wear a mask to avoid breathing in its fumes.
  2. 2
    Pick the herbs. Pick when moisture won't affect the herbs or their flowers.
  3. 3
    Sprinkle 2.5cm/ 1/2 inch of desiccant across the base of a glass or plastic container. Glass and plastic won't create moisture.
  4. 4
    Place the herbs onto the desiccant. Keep any flowers separate from one another (not touching). Leaves and petals that are close together will require pulling apart to ensure the desiccant goes in between gaps and dries out every part of the herb.
    • If the shape of the petals or leaves is important, check for any that get bent out of shape and realign them as you're rearranging the desiccant.
    • You can layer desiccant and herbs if wished; just be aware that the more weight on top, the more the plant matter beneath risks being crushed.
  5. 5
    Remove from the desiccant as soon as they have dried. This will only take a few days. Desiccant will leave herb leaves and flowers bone-dry and therefore somewhat brittle. To remove desiccant, use a small brush or a camera cleaning bellows to shift desiccant off the plant matter without damaging the plant. Handle with care.
    • Avoid over drying the herbs or they may simply fall apart when handled.
  6. 6
    Use for craft and display projects only. The herbs are not suitable for consumption.
  7. Advertisement
Method 8
Method 8 of 9:

Drying in Place

Some herbs will dry easily where they are placed, such as in a flower arrangement or as a part of a craft project.

  1. 1
    Choose an appropriate herb for drying in place. Not all herbs will dry well in this manner but some leaves and flowers will dry this way, such as yarrow, fennel and rosemary.
  2. 2
    Use the fresh herb to add to the position where you want it to dry. For example, in a vase/bouquet with other plants being arranged or add to a craft project such as a wreath or a woven plant object.
  3. 3
    Place in a dry area without moisture. Allow to dry as is, but do check on it regularly. If you see signs of mildew or anything else that doesn't look right, remove the herbs.
  4. Advertisement
Method 9
Method 9 of 9:

Drying by pressing

Community Q&A

  • Question
    After crushing the dried herb, can you use a non-airtight container?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    If your container is not airtight, the herbs will lose flavor and become stale. An airtight container is recommended if you plan to use the herbs in cooking.
  • Question
    How do I dry bay leaves?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    First, remove any damaged or dying leaves. Then tie the remaining leaves together at the stem and hang to dry in a place out of direct sunlight.
  • Question
    What is the best way to dry basil, so it won't get moldy?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Rinse basil & pat dry. Remove leaves and lay on a paper towel. Be sure the leaves are not touching each other. Cover them with another paper towel. Place on a table or counter away from the sun. Check them about every 4 days. They should be dry in about 1 week. Once dry, crush until it is fine and store in a metal or dark spice bottle.


  • Damp herbs will go musty and moldy. If this happens, discard them.
  • High temperatures will destroy herbs; avoid using too much heat for drying.
  • Many herbs will shrivel and look browned and nondescript after drying. Much drying of herbs is a self-learned art, using trial and error with the herbs from your garden. Sometimes, you'll also need to choose between fragrance, taste or appearance and only go for the one that matters when all three cannot be kept by drying.
  • Avoid drying herbs in areas of high moisture, such as the bathroom and kitchen. If you can keep your kitchen toasty warm and draw moisture out immediately, your kitchen might be an exception.
  • Use rubber bands rather than string for drying. The reason for this is simple––rubber bands tighten around the herb stems that contract as they dry. String doesn't, which means that the herbs can slip out and fall to the ground when hanging up to dry.
  • Silica gel is poisonous. Keep out of the reach of children and pets, keep away from its fumes as you use it (wear a mask) and do not consume any herbs dried using silica gel.

Things You'll Need

  • Herbs
  • Drying gear
  • Paper bags (optional, where relevant)
  • Airtight storage containers

  1. https://theherbalacademy.com/6-tips-for-storing-dried-herbs/
  2. https://modernfarmer.com/2015/08/how-to-harvest-dry-herbs/
  3. https://www.motherearthnews.com/real-food/drying/drying-herbs-zm0z13fmzmat
  4. https://extension.psu.edu/lets-preserve-drying-herbs
  5. Nerys Purchon, Herbcraft, (1993), ISBN 0-340-51639-9 – research source
  6. Elizabeth Walker, Making Things With Herbs, (1977), ISBN 0-87983-156-1 – research source
  7. Nora Blose and Dawn Cusick, Herb Drying Handbook, (1993), ISBN 0-8069-0281-7 – research source (note that this book is an excellent source for precise details on drying individual types of herbs)

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10 votes - 96%
Co-authors: 12
Updated: February 18, 2023
Views: 403,416
Categories: Preserving Herbs
Article SummaryX

To quickly dry herbs for cooking, pick the herbs you want, wash them gently in water, and lay them out on a towel. Allow them to dry in a warm kitchen for at least 30 minutes before use. Alternatively, to dry your herbs over time indoors, bundle them together with a rubber band around the stems. Then, pick a drying surface, like a rack, screen, clothes hanger, or ladder, and hang up the herbs. Leave your herbs to dry away from direct sunlight and moisture for at least 5 days. To learn how to dry your herbs in the oven, keep reading!

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