The soccer rainbow is a flashy move that amazes the crowd and can double as an offensive tool to push the ball forward. It's a slightly tricky technique that involves using your foot to scoot the ball up your leg, then kicking it with your opposite heel so that it arcs neatly over your head. Read on to learn more about how to do a rainbow.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Practicing the Rainbow While Stationary

Put the soccer ball right between your feet, so that it's centered with the middle of your body.

  1. 1
    Use your dominant foot to roll the ball up your opposite leg. If you're right handed, press the ball against your left ankle with your right foot. Raise your right foot and roll the ball up the side of your left leg. Do this quickly and with some force.[1]
    • If you don't roll the ball up quickly and with force, it will drop back to the ground before you have time to complete the move.
  2. 2
    Follow through with your foot. Once the ball rolls up to knee level, follow through with your foot so that the ball gets some air as it rolls off of your leg. You want the ball to be positioned just over your heel. So if you used your right foot to roll the ball up your left leg, guide the ball off of your leg once it reaches the knee; it should float down just behind your left heel.[2]
  3. 3
    Land on your dominant foot as you kick the ball with your heel. Now the foot you used to roll the ball should land on the ground. At the same time, use the heel of your other foot to kick the ball upward with your heel. For right-handers, that means your right foot will hit the ground as your left heel kicks the ball, arcing it over your head.[3]
    • This process must happen very quickly in order to work properly. Practice rolling and kicking over and over until you're able to move your legs fast enough to get it right.
    • You want to strike the underside of the ball in an upward motion to get it to arc up and over your head. Practice until the ball lands right in front of your body.
    • Lean forward a bit as you land and kick. This will help the ball move in the right direction.
  4. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Using the Rainbow on the Field

  1. 1
    Dribble the ball fairly quickly towards a defender. You can use the rainbow to switch the direction of the ball right when a defender is trying to steal it.[4]
  2. 2
    Place your dominant foot's heel in front of the ball while leaning forward a bit. This is important because if you don't lean forward, the ball will go backwards.[5]
  3. 3
    Bring your non dominant foot behind the ball. The ball should now be positioned between your feet, ready for the rainbow technique to begin.
  4. 4
    Use your dominant foot to sweep the ball up the opposite leg. Use a motion that will cause the ball to roll off the leg at the knee and drop down toward the heel.
  5. 5
    Lean forward and kick the ball up with your heel. Do this as you land on your dominant foot. The ball should arc up and over the defender, and they will likely be confused about where it went, and you can run around the defender and continue moving with the ball.
  6. 6
  7. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Why does my ball keep going backwards when I try to do a rainbow?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Try to lean forward more. It's most likely because you you are standing too straight and not leaning forward.
  • Question
    I just started preseason, and have two months before my first game in JV. Could I master the rainbow by then for a game?
    Community Answer
    Definitely. If you continue your practicing, two months should be enough time to do the rainbow. Just don't stop practicing.
  • Question
    Could a kid perform the rainbow trick?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes. Any kid could perform the rainbow with enough practice. It's just a matter of skill level.


  • Don't do this move too many times in one game, because the other players will start to catch on to what you're doing and be able to stop it. You will also look foolish, as rainbows are just for being able to be a good player - they are hardly ever used in games.
  • Some better defenders will know what you are doing as soon as they see your feet. Make the move quick enough so that they don't beat you to the ball. Jog while doing the trick
  • As soon as you heel the ball, make sure to keep running so you keep on your feet; sometimes you can stumble and land on your face which isn't all that impressive.
  • Do not try to do the trick standing still; it is much easier if you run at the ball and try to get it over your head. But if you get good you can stand still and still do it.
  • Do not try doing this in a game until you have practiced a lot and have gotten really good at it. If you do it in a game and it works then that is great, but if it doesn't you can end up looking silly.

Things You'll Need

  • Soccer ball
  • Some open space
  • Running shoes or soccer cleats
  • A friend to practice with

About This Article

Daniel Leon
Co-authored by:
Professional Soccer Player
This article was co-authored by Daniel Leon. Daniel Leon played professional soccer in Spain and Poland from 2011-2013. Before playing professionally, he played on the Stanford University Varsity Soccer Team. This article has been viewed 385,501 times.
108 votes - 90%
Co-authors: 63
Updated: March 10, 2023
Views: 385,501
Article SummaryX

The easiest way to do a rainbow is to start with the soccer ball between your feet. Use your dominant foot to roll the ball up your non-dominant calf. Once the ball reaches your knee, guide the ball off of your leg as you follow through. Land on your dominant foot and kick the ball up behind you with your non-dominant heel. To learn how to do a rainbow in a game-like scenario from our soccer reviewer, keep reading!

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