Ugh! You’ve run into an issue with your Skrill account, but you’re having some trouble getting in touch with the company. How are you supposed to get your issue solved now? No worries—we’ve got your back. We’ve assembled all of Skrill’s contact info, so you can get your problem addressed as quickly as possible. We’ve also put together some tips and tricks to help you deal with some common Skrill account issues, in case you’d like to troubleshoot the matter on your own.

Note: wikiHow is not affiliated with Skrill and Skrill employees will not see any comments or questions left on this article. Please contact Skrill directly for any questions or concerns related to your account.

Section 1 of 4:

What's the best way to contact Skrill?

  1. 1
    Call Skrill’s customer service department directly at 1-855-719-2087. Although Skrill is based in the UK, they have a separate customer service line for their American customers. For quicker phone service, log into your account and go to the “Contact us” page. Then, select your country to get a 5-digit “Caller ID” number. Plug this number in when prompted to get quickly paired with a customer service agent.[1]
    • Skrill’s US customer service line is available from 9 AM to 7 PM EST.
    • If you’re an international customer, contact Skrill through one of these phone numbers:[2]
      • All Countries: +44 203 308 2520 (8 AM to 5 PM, UK time)
      • United Kingdom: +44 203 308 2519 (8 AM to 5 PM, local time)
      • Germany: +49 302 2403 0293 (9 AM to 6 PM, local time)
      • Spain: +34 935 452 390 (9 AM to 6 PM, local time)
      • Italy: +39 064 5236612 (9 AM to 6 PM, local time)
      • Poland: +48 221 288 257 (9 AM to 6 PM, local time)
      • France: +33 173 443 315 (9 AM to 6 PM, local time)
      • Russia: +7 495 249 5439 (10 AM to 7 PM, Moscow time)
  2. 2
    Message Skrill customer support through your online account. Visit and fill out the digital form underneath the “Message us” option. Choose a category that best applies to your issue (“Payments,” “Security,” or “Prepaid card”), along with a specific category from the drop-down “I have a problem with” menu. Then, type out the specifics of your problem in the “Type your message here” box.[3]
    • You have to be logged in to access this message form.
    • Skrill’s customer service team will contact you through the email you provide in the form.
  3. 3
    DM the Skrill chatbot with less urgent questions. Skrill’s website is programmed with “Sofia,” a digital chatbot that provides automated answers to typed questions. While Sofia can’t provide you with account-specific advice, she might be able to answer your more common, generalized questions.[4]
    • Sofia is available 24/7, so you can submit your questions anytime.
  4. Advertisement
Section 4 of 4:

Solutions for Common Account Problems

  1. 1
    Submit the necessary documents if your account isn’t verified. It can be really frustrating when Skrill refuses to verify your account—thankfully, this issue can be easily fixed by double-checking the documents you submitted. Here’s a quick checklist for your reference:[8]
    • Base verification (confirming your name, birthdate, address, ZIP code, job, and SSN)
    • ID verification (uploaded photo of you holding your passport, permanent resident card, passport card, state ID card, or driver’s license)
    • Address verification (recent document/bill that shows your address)
    • Submit pictures of these documents directly through Skrill.
  2. 2
    Follow the provided online instructions if your account is restricted. It’s never fun when the Skrill restricts your account, but they’ll always explain why the restriction happened and what you can do to get your account validated again. Skrill might request:[9]
    • Pictures of your personal documents
    • An explanation about a recent login
    • Updates on the personal info associated with your account
  3. 3
    File a complaint online if you’re still having issues. Even with all of their customer service options, Skrill might not be able to fix or solve your account problem. In this case, use the digital online form to submit an official complaint to the company. Make it clear that you’re filing a complaint, and that you aren’t just looking for customer service help.[10]
    • You can also send a snail mail complaint letter to Skrill at:
      Skrill USA, Inc.
      One Biscayne Tower
      2 S Biscayne Boulevard
      Suite 2630
      Miami, FL 33131
  4. Advertisement

About This Article

Josef Storzi
Co-authored by:
Apple & Mobile Phone Repair Specialist
This article was co-authored by Josef Storzi and by wikiHow staff writer, Janice Tieperman. Josef Storzi is an Apple and Mobile Phone Repair Specialist and the Owner of Imobile LA, a mobile phone repair company based in Los Angeles, California. Josef specializes in repairing screens, charging ports, batteries, water damage, speakers, and microphones on all mobile phone brands including Apple, Samsung, LG, Nokia, and Sony. He also specializes in tablet, laptop, and computer repairs as well as the pros and cons of recent mobile software updates. This article has been viewed 62,531 times.
4 votes - 50%
Co-authors: 10
Updated: November 10, 2022
Views: 62,531
Categories: Contacting Companies
Article SummaryX

If you want to contact Skrill, you can easily do so by phone, social media, or through their website. Call 44-203-308-2519 to reach Skrill customer service if you live in the UK, or call 44-203-308-2520 if you live in any other country. Be sure to have your customer ID number handy so they can look up your account. You can also send a message to the Skrill Facebook page. You should receive a response within a day. If you’d rather contact them on the Skrill website, click on the Support page, then click “WEB,” which should open up a contact form where you can describe your issue. To learn how to contact Skrill on twitter, read on!

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