Crumpets, popular in the United Kingdom, are airy, spongy treats, similar to English muffins. Whether you prefer savory or sweet toppings, the key is to choose lighter spreads and foods that won’t weigh down or ruin the fluffy texture of the crumpet. Serve your finished dish warm with a spot of tea for an authentic British bite. Pinkies up!

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Picking Savory Toppings

  1. 1
    Spread butter on a crumpet for a simple snack. Go with plain butter if you want to eat your crumpet the most popular way. Choose either salted or unsalted butter and apply it to the top of a warm crumpet so it melts into the dough.[1]
    • Sprinkle sea salt on top of the butter if you’d like to add texture and crunch.

    Tip: For a tasty twist, use a flavored butter, like garlic butter or herb butter.

  2. 2
    Lay slices of cheese on the crumpets for a nutritious treat. Opt to eat your crumpets with cheese, which is packed with calcium and protein, if you want a healthier snack. Pick any cheese you’d like, such as cheddar, Swiss, or Gouda.[2]
    • If you want the cheese to melt, put it on top of the crumpets, then place the whole thing in a toaster oven or microwave for a few seconds.
    • You can also use a soft cheese, like goat cheese, which is easily spread on the crumpet.
  3. 3
    Top crumpets with yeast extract if you want a unique, salty flavor. If you like the taste of yeast extract, which is a very salty, brown paste that’s a byproduct of brewing beer, eat it on your crumpets. Spread it in a thin layer since it’s highly concentrated and has an intense flavor, so a little goes a long way.[3]
    • If you’ve never had yeast extract, think of its taste as similar to soy sauce.
    • Two popular brands of yeast extract are Marmite and Vegemite.
  4. 4
    Add poached eggs if you’re eating crumpets for breakfast. For a traditional English breakfast, cook a poached egg to place on top of each crumpet. Leave the yolk runny so that when you cut or bite into it, the crumpet will soak up the egg.[4]
    • If you want more protein or flavor, sprinkle bacon bits on top or serve the crumpets with baked beans.
    • You can also use additional toppings with the eggs, like fresh herbs, shredded cheese, or Hollandaise sauce.
  5. 5
    Turn your crumpets into pizza for a filling meal. If you want to eat crumpets as lunch or dinner, add substance by building your own mini pizzas. Use the crumpet as the base, then smear tomato or white sauce on top and sprinkle with your favorite cheese. Place the pizza in the microwave or oven just until the cheese melts.[5]
    • If you’re using the oven, start with 10 minutes at 350 °F (177 °C). If you use the microwave, try 30 seconds to 1 minute.
    • Use any toppings or sauces you like on a traditional pizza. For example, you can add pepperoni, chopped onions or green peppers, ham, or oregano.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Selecting Sweet Toppings

  1. 1
    Spread jam on crumpets for a quick and easy topping. Choose your favorite flavor, like strawberry, blackberry, or raspberry. You can also pick between jelly, which is smoother, and preserves, which tend to have larger chunks of fruit.[6]
    • Butter the crumpet before spreading the jam on top if you want to add more flavor.
  2. 2
    Serve crumpets with clotted cream for a traditional English dish. While often eaten with scones, you can also have clotted cream, which is a similar consistency to cream cheese, with crumpets. Smear some on top just before eating to enjoy the contrast of the cold cream with the warm dough.[7]
    • You can buy clotted cream from a grocery store or make it yourself by straining cream through a coffee filter in the refrigerator.
  3. 3
    Drizzle on golden syrup or honey if you like pancakes or French toast. Recreate the flavor of your favorite breakfast foods by topping the crumpets with golden syrup, which is made from sugar cane, or honey. Pour on as much or as little as you’d like.[8]
    • If you don’t have golden syrup, you can also use maple syrup. It doesn’t have the exact same flavor but it’s similar and does have the same texture.

    Tip: You may want to eat your crumpets with a fork and knife if you use a lot of syrup or honey since the crumpets will get messy and soggy!

  4. 4
    Add yogurt and berries for a healthier sweet treat. Scoop a dollop of yogurt in the flavor of your choice, like vanilla, plain, or chocolate onto the crumpet. Then, top it with assorted berries and fruits, such as blueberries, strawberries, or sliced bananas.[9]
    • For added protein, choose Greek yogurt, which can have up to twice as much protein as regular yogurt.
    • If you want to cut down on sugar, opt for a plain, unsweetened yogurt.
  5. 5
    Top crumpets with nut butter if you want a protein-packed snack. Spread peanut butter or almond butter in a thick layer on your crumpets to add some protein and fats, both of which will keep you full longer and give you energy. You can use either crunchy or creamy butters.[10]
    • Consider other nut butters, too, like cashew butter or sunflower butter.
    • If you want to add more sweetness, drizzle honey over the nut butter or top it with sliced fruit.
  6. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Serving Crumpets

  1. 1
    Heat the crumpets in a toaster or toaster oven. Always serve crumpets warm, especially if you're using a spread like butter that you want to melt. Place them in a toaster or toaster oven rather than a microwave to give them a little crunch and browned edges.[11]
    • Only let the crumpets toast until they're a light golden brown. Don't leave them unattended or they could burn since they toast very quickly.
  2. 2
    Do not cut the crumpets before adding toppings. Leave the crumpets whole and put the spreads or toppings of your choice directly on top of them. Unlike English muffins, crumpets are not traditionally cut in half horizontally since they’re so delicate.[12]
    • If you want to put toppings between a crumpet, like if you want to make a breakfast sandwich with eggs and cheese, use 2 crumpets rather than split one.
  3. 3
    Serve crumpets with a cup of tea if you want the full English experience. While you can drink any beverage with crumpets, choose a cup of black or English breakfast tea to enjoy your treats in the most traditional way. Steep a single cup if it’s just for you or make a whole pot if you’re feeding a group.[13]
    • You can brew tea using store-bought tea bags or loose tea leaves. Choose any type you’d like, such as Earl Grey or green tea.

    Tip: Look on the tea bag to find the steeping time for your specific type and quantity. Typically, 1 cup can take anywhere from 3 to 9 minutes.

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Community Q&A

  • Question
    Can you use jam and whipped cream?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Anything may be used. Just keep it light and creamy so it doesn't detract from the rich, crumbly cake. If it is too heavy, the entire dessert will be ruined. Make sure your jam isn't so chunky it creates an overload of textures.
  • Question
    Do they get sliced in half like English muffins?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    No. They are served whole.
  • Question
    Can crumpets be dessert?
    Community Answer
    Yes, they certainly can be served as dessert! If you’re using them for this, try serving the crumpets with sweeter toppings like jam or clotted cream.

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20 votes - 75%
Co-authors: 11
Updated: May 6, 2021
Views: 218,317
Categories: Breakfast
Article SummaryX

To choose toppings for crumpets, try topping them with butter, slices of cheese, or poached eggs if you're looking for a savory treat. If you'd prefer something sweet, top your crumpets with jam, clotted cream, or golden syrup. You can also add yogurt, berries, or nut butter for a healthy snack. Or, if you want to make a filling meal, turn your crumpets into mini-pizzas by topping them with red sauce and cheese. To learn how to serve crumpets, scroll down!

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