Ruled by Mars and Pluto, Scorpio has the reputation for being dark, intense, and more than a little mysterious. Have you always wondered what zodiac signs have a hard time getting along with the scorpion? Well, you've come to the right place! Read on to learn which signs are least compatible with Scorpio, as well as what challenges they face if they do end up together and how they can make it work even if the stars aren't in their favor.

This article is based on an interview with our astrologer and performance artist, Angel Eyedealism. Check out the full interview here.

Things You Should Know

  • Scorpios are intensely emotional and private, and value deep connections.
  • They tend to be least compatible with Gemini, Leo, Aquarius, and Sagittarius.
  • They tend to be moderately compatible with Aries, Virgo, Libra, and other Scorpios.
  • They tend to be most compatible with Cancer, Pisces, Capricorn, and Taurus.
Section 2 of 4:

Scorpio: Least Compatible Signs

  1. 1
    Gemini Scorpio's needs in a relationship are at odds with Gemini's. These two have a hard time seeing eye to eye on a basic level. As an air sign, Gemini is light and carefree, getting bored easily and flitting around from one topic to the next. Water sign Scorpio, on the other hand, is heavy and intense, preferring more profound and—some might say—obsessive fixations. A Gemini craves freedom and constant change. A Scorpio who needs consistency and stability is going to have a hard time giving them that.
    • This couple's greatest challenge: Resolving their totally different outlooks on life
    • How to make it work: Recognize and understand that you both want different things out of life. Be open to each other and willing to compromise.
  2. 2
    Leo Both Scorpio and Leo want to lead, which can cause conflict. These two are both fixed signs, which means they tend to be a little rigid and set in their ways. They each also tend to believe that their way is the right way—which would be just fine if they agreed on the same way of doing things, but they don't.[1]
    • This couple's greatest challenge: Their shared reluctance to change or compromise
    • How to make it work: Be flexible and open-minded about your partner's way of doing things. Have patience and show that you're willing to try it their way.
  3. 3
    Aquarius Extroverted Aquarius has little in common with introverted Scorpio. These two signs approach and react to the world in entirely different ways. Typically, they run in different circles—it's unlikely they'd even cross paths. When they do, they'll likely find they butt heads a lot.
    • This couple's greatest challenge: Overcoming possessiveness and insecurity
    • How to make it work: Both are so strong-willed that if they want and believe in the relationship, they're willing to do what it takes to make it succeed against all odds.
  4. 4
    Sagittarius Scorpio's need for control clashes with the Sagittarian's need for freedom. Jupiter, the planet that rules over Sagittarius, has an adventurous and expansive energy. The minute Sagittarius feels that Scorpio is trying to control them, they're running for the hills. This is tough for Scorpio, who sees control as a way to ensure their security. If Scorpio gives in and provides Sagittarius with the freedom they need, that freedom will likely trigger Scorpio's paranoia and insecurity. It's hard for these two to make each other happy, especially in the long term.
    • This couple's greatest challenge: Their tendency to misunderstand or misinterpret each other's motivations
    • How to make it work: Slow down and get to know each other on a deeper level before diving into the deep end romantically.
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Section 3 of 4:

Scorpio: Moderately Compatible Signs

  1. 1
    Aries Scorpio tends to be too deep and emotional for Aries. Because both signs are ruled by Mars, they share the same intensity—they just express it differently. The fire sign Aries directs their passion outward, while Scorpio draws it inward. Both signs can also be jealous, leading to some fierce arguments.
    • This couple's greatest challenge: Building trust
    • How to make it work: Think of yourselves as a team, with Scorpio strategizing and Aries jumping into action to execute Scorpio's plan.
  2. 2
    Virgo Scorpio and Virgo both need emotional security. When they love and support each other, they form an intense bond and are extremely loyal to one another. However, Virgo does tend to be more reserved than the passionate and intense Scorpio, which can lead to misunderstandings.
    • This couple's greatest challenge: Navigating their competing career and financial goals
    • How to make it work: Avoid being in competition with each other and talk your way to a compromise on major decisions—especially financial ones.
  3. 3
    Libra Scorpio and Libra can have a hard time understanding each other. They have different styles—Scorpio is intense and secretive, while Libra is straightforward and open. Scorpio generally has a hard time with air signs like Libra, who tend to be a little too superficial for Scorpio's taste. Both signs tend to avoid arguments, which won't do them any favors in the long term.
    • This couple's greatest challenge: Handling disagreements
    • How to make it work: Learn to express your needs and communicate your boundaries so you both feel comfortable having difficult conversations with each other.
  4. 4
    Scorpio Two Scorpios often end up being too much. Since Scorpio is an intense, passionate sign, they need someone to balance them out. When you put them with someone who's just as intense and passionate as they are—in exactly the same ways—they tend to be at each other's throats a lot. Their obsessive natures mean they tend to rush headlong into a deep relationship without really thinking it through.
    • This couple's greatest challenge: Slowing down and looking at things objectively
    • How to make it work: Take time apart to help keep your passion in check.
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Section 4 of 4:

Scorpio: Most Compatible Signs

  1. 1
    Cancer Scorpio and Cancer both value home, safety, and security. As a fellow water sign, Cancer loves to nurture and provide emotional support. They tend to blanket their partners in love and affection, which some other signs can find smothering. But for Scorpio, it feels comfortable and loving. Scorpio has a protective nature, which helps Cancer feel safe. These two create a cuddly cocoon together.
    • This couple's greatest strength: Their intense emotional bond
    • How to make it shine: Remember to give each other space when you need it—both of you cherish your alone time and can get cranky without it.
  2. 2
    Pisces Scorpio and Pisces understand each other on a deep level. These two water signs are both highly intuitive and tend to withdraw into their own minds frequently—it shouldn't come as a surprise that they seem to be able to communicate with each other telepathically. Scorpio builds a foundation of safety and security that allows Pisces to blossom.
    • This couple's greatest strength: Their shared keen intuition
    • How to make it shine: Give each other time and space to pursue your own interests apart from each other rather than spending every waking moment together.
  3. 3
    Capricorn Scorpio and Capricorn work well toward common goals. Since they have similar outlooks on life, they tend to be headed in the same direction. Capricorn doesn't tend to be spontaneous—they like to think things out before acting. This appeals to a Scorpion's need to probe deeply into something and understand all facets before moving forward.
  4. 4
    Taurus Scorpio and Taurus need each other more than they realize. These are opposite signs, so you might say that opposites attract. But with Scorpio and Taurus, it goes deeper than that. They have a very intense relationship and balance each other out. Scorpio's passion helps the practical Taurus move forward in life.
    • This couple's greatest strength: They balance out each other's weaknesses
    • How to make it shine: Learn to discuss your differences openly and seek a compromise rather than digging your heels in.
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About This Article

Angel Eyedealism
Written by:
Astrologer & Performance Artist
This article was written by Angel Eyedealism and by wikiHow staff writer, Jennifer Mueller, JD. Angel Eyedealism is an Astrologer and Performance Artist based in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. With nearly three decades of astrology experience, Angel specializes in relocation astrology and astrocartography. Eyedealism has been featured in numerous media outlets such as Vogue, Cosmopolitan, The Atlantic, The Washington Post, Refinery29, NBC, MTV, Showtime, and Bravo. Angel aims to help others through a straightforward, kind, and humorous astrological lens, utilizing her entertainment and singing skills for performance art astrology readings. This article has been viewed 23,598 times.
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Updated: March 17, 2023
Views: 23,598