LEGO® Star Wars™: The Complete Saga is a video game based on the Star Wars movies by George Lucas and the Star Wars themed toy line by the LEGO Group.[1] It is a combination of LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game[2] and its sequel LEGO Star Wars 2: The Original Trilogy.[3] The game was announced on May 25, 2007 and released for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii and Nintendo DS.

One element of the game is the red Power Brick. Red Power Bricks unlock "extras," which can be purchased at the bar in the Cantina and activated in the main menu. There is one Power Brick hidden in each chapter for a total of 36 bricks. Each Power Brick unlocks a different extra in the Cantina. Some of them are very expensive, but they can make the game easier, harder or funnier.

If you're tired of always falling apart in LEGO® Star Wars™: The Complete Saga, here is a way to make it easier to play the game. Locating the Power Bricks can be a little tricky, but if you know where to go, you're halfway to your goal.

Part 1
Part 1 of 7:

Episode I: The Phantom Menace

  1. 1
    Find Power Brick 1 (Chapter 1: Negotiations): Only available in Free Play after unlocking an astromech droid and a high jumper.
    • Force the large [canister] in the second area on the left, jump up to the astromech panel. Step on the gray space in the next room, and the other avatar will step on the button raising you high enough to jump into the canisters and lower them.
    • Stand on the new button to reveal the red power brick. This brick will unlock the "Super Gonk" extra. It costs 100,000 studs in the Cantina. When activated, the Gonk Droid is very fast.
  2. 2
    Find Power Brick 2 (Chapter 2: Invasion of Naboo): Only available in Free Play after unlocking a bounty hunter. Jump on top of a tall stone pillar to reveal the Bounty Hunter panel.
    • Activate the panel to reveal the red Power Brick. This brick will unlock the "Poo Money" extra. It costs 100,000 studs in the Cantina. When activated, along with the "Fertilizer" extra (see tips), beasts of burden will poop studs!
  3. 3
    Find Power Brick 3 (Chapter 3: Escape from Naboo): Only available in Free Play after unlocking a bounty hunter and The Emperor.
    • Find the pieces to complete the puzzle in the upper plaza.
    • Destroy the shiny canisters to reveal some pieces.
    • Destroy the flowers and their planter to reveal some more pieces. Assemble the pieces. Push the pieces into the slots nearest their final, correct location.
    • Use the Force to place them in their final, correct location. The red power brick will appear above the puzzle. This brick will unlock the "Walkie-Talkie Disable" extra. It costs 5,000 studs in the Cantina. When activated, an avatar with a walkie-talkie (like a Battle Droid Commander or Imperial Spy), will disable all droids in the area.
  4. 4
    Find Power Brick 4 (Chapter 4: Mos Espa Pod Race): Available in Story Mode. Fly to the left between the huge pot holes just after the short drop. This brick will unlock the "Power Brick Detector" extra. It costs 125,000 studs. When activated, an arrow appears on the screen pointing toward the Power Brick.
  5. 5
    Find Power Brick 5 (Chapter 5: Retake Theed Palace): Available in Story Mode. Use the Force to arrange the tables and chairs on the left side of the dining area.
    • Smash the statue in the back and step on the button. Use the Force to set the plates and stemware on the table.
    • Destroy the tables, chairs, plates and stemware. The red power brick will appear above the space the table occupied. This brick will unlock the "Super Slap" extra. It costs 5,000 studs. When activated, punches and kicks do double the damage.
  6. 6
    Find Power Brick 6 (Chapter 6: Darth Maul): Only available in Free Play after unlocking an Imperial Storm trooper or Officer. Just beat everybody up and do your moves in the beginning. Then, after you make the bridge, go and use the Force on the yellow lift. You will have to fight about 6 Droidekas. There are ten black buttons on the floor.
    • Go around and step on the buttons to turn them red. This brick will unlock the "Force Grapple Leap" extra. It costs 15,000 studs. When activated, Jedi can jump from a grapple target as if they were blaster characters too.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 7:

Episode II: Attack of the Clones

  1. 1
    Find Power Brick 7 (Chapter 1: Bounty Hunter Pursuit): Available in Story Mode. Fly to the right after the first force field area.
    • Shoot the pylons on the side of the building to turn all the green lights on. When they are all green, the red Power Brick will appear in a balloon.
    • Shoot the balloon with a torpedo. If one isn't at hand, go back to the previous area to get one. This Brick will unlock the "Stud Magnet" extra. It costs 100,000 studs. When activated, your stud pickup radius increases considerably. This is one of the least expensive and the most helpful extras available.
  2. 2
    Find Power Brick 8 (Chapter 2: Discovery on Kamino): Only available in Free Play after unlocking an Imperial Storm trooper or Officer.
    • Open the door on the left across from Jango Fett's room. Step on a white light.
    • Wait for the other avatar to step on the other white light. Repeat these steps until all the lights are green and the disco show begins. The red Power Brick will appear along the back wall. This brick will unlock the "Disarm Troopers" extra. It costs 100,000 studs. When activated, all enemy guns will be deactivated.
  3. 3
    Find Power Brick 9 (Chapter 3: Droid Factory): Available in Story Mode. Enter the maze room from the cavern with many alcoves filled with Geonosians. Smash the gate made of Lego bricks.
    • Use R2-D2 to activate the panels in a certain sequence, altering the force fields so you can access the red Power Brick. This brick unlocks the "Character Studs" extra. It costs 100,000 studs. When activated, defeated enemies drop studs.
  4. 4
    Find Power Brick 10 (Chapter 4: Jedi Battle): Only available in Free Play after unlocking a bounty hunter. Use a thermal detonator on the shiny objects to the left of Anakin's post. #* Build small steps and climb them to reach the red Power Brick. This brick unlocks the "Perfect Deflect" extra. It costs 25,000 studs. When activated, a Jedi never fails to deflect a blaster bolt back at the enemy who fired it at them.
  5. 5
    Find Power Brick 11 (Chapter 5: Gunship Calvary): Available in Story Mode. Fly to the right after you pass the first force field.
    • Fly behind the rock on the right side. The red Power Brick is just there. This brick unlocks the "Exploding Blaster Bolts" extra. It costs 20,000 studs. When activated, blaster bolts explode on contact, splashing on nearby personnel (including yourself). This is also effective against shiny objects (which usually require thermal detonators). It also upgrades vehicle blasters to the power of torpedoes or bombs.
  6. 6
    Find Power Brick 12 (Chapter 6: Count Dooku): Only available in Free Play after unlocking a bounty hunter and a short character. Use a thermal detonator to destroy a shiny box behind Count Dooku. Use the Force to assemble a vent. Crawl up the vent.
    • Hook grapple to the top of the structure to find this Power Brick. This brick will unlock the "Force Pull" extra. It costs 12,000 studs. When activated, Jedi can use the Force to pull droids toward them (instead of away), and they are always destroyed (instead of occasionally disabled).
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Part 3
Part 3 of 7:

Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

  1. 1
    Find Power Brick 13 (Chapter 1: Battle Over Coruscant): Available in Story Mode. Fly to the left after passing through a cruiser's hanger. The red Power Brick is floating there in space. This brick unlocks the "Vehicle Smart Bomb" extra. It costs 15,000 studs. When activated, small craft such as star fighters, AT-STs and probe droids can be destroyed as if you were towing a bomb or a torpedo (even if you aren't). This does not work against AT-ATs. If you need to tow a bomb, ensure "Vehicle Smart Bomb" is turned off, or otherwise it will cause the bomb to explode.
  2. 2
    Find Power Brick 14 (Chapter 2: Chancellor in Peril): Only available in Free Play after unlocking a bounty hunter. Use an astromech droid to deactivate the elevator.
    • Destroy the shiny metal covering over the vent in the elevator shaft with a thermal detonator. The red Power Brick is just below the cover. This brick unlocks the "Super Astromech" extra. It costs 10,000 studs. When activated, the Astromech's zaps will bounce to near characters close to the exploding blaster bolts.
  3. 3
    Find Power Brick 15 (Chapter 3 General: Grievous): Only available in Free Play. Cross the natural stone bridge to find the building to the right of the combat zone. Use the Force to unlock all four hatches. The red Power Brick will be released. This brick will unlock the "Super Jedi Slam" extra. It costs 11,000 studs. When activated, the Jedi slam (double jump attack), has a greater effective radius and causes unlimited damage to all enemies except bosses.
  4. 4
    Find Power Brick 16 (Chapter 4: Defense of Kashy): Only available in Free Play after you unlock a bounty hunter and The Emperor. Turn right at the first junction in the first area.
    • Use The Emperor's Force to destroy the outer covering of an object with red sparkles. Use a thermal detonator to destroy the inside. This brick unlocks the "Super Thermal Detonator" extra. It costs 25,000 studs. When activated, thermal detonators have twice the range and power as a regular detonator.
  5. 5
    Find Power Brick 17 (Chapter 5: Ruin of the Jedi): Only available in Free Play after you unlock a high jumper. High jump onto the platform that moved away from the door when you activated the three levers on the right side of the large archives room.
    • Move along the upper ledge around to the left side of the room. Fly across and drop behind the nearest force field. Use a protocol droid to activate the panel and lower the force fields.
    • Use the Force to pull out platforms. Jump up and pull the lever. Repeat in the two remaining alcoves.
    • Jump up to the ledge and find the new platform that has moved into place under the red Power Brick. This brick will unlock the "Deflect Bolts" extra. It costs 150,000 studs. When activated, all blaster bolts will be deflected back to the enemy who fired them, whether you are holding a light-saber or not.
  6. 6
    Find Power Brick 18 (Chapter 6: Darth Vader): Only available in Free Play after unlocking an astromech droid. Use an astromech droid to open a panel on the left side of the second room. The red Power Brick is behind there. This brick unlocks the "Dark Side" extra. It costs 25,000 studs. When activated, all Jedi (even good Jedi) have red sabers and the ability to manipulate objects with red sparkles.
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Part 4
Part 4 of 7:

Episode IV: New Hope

  1. 1
    Find Power Brick 19 (Chapter 1: Secret Plans): Only available in Free Play after unlocking a bounty hunter or an Imperial Stormtrooper or Officer. Enter an area behind the hallway where you battled Darth Vader.
    • Use the bounty hunter entrance or the Imperial entrance to get there. Use a protocol droid to open the door to the hydroponics bay.
    • Use the Force to activate the sprinkler system in the first flower bed on the right. Destroy the plants that grow there and the red Power Brick will appear above the flower bed. This brick will unlock the "Super Blasters" extra. It costs 15,000 studs. When activated, your avatar's blaster will inflict double the damage (including Boba Fett's very powerful blaster).
  2. 2
    Find Power Brick 20 (Episode IV Chapter 2: Through the Jutland Waste): You can't get to this power brick in story mode. You have to be a bounty hunter, so you can only access this power brick in free play.
    • Find the Tuskan village, to the right of the Bantha pen. It is protected by a deep trench and shiny fortifications. Use a thermal detonator to clear the way and hover across the chasm.
    • Find three crates that can be stacked on top of one another. Jump to the top of the crates. Hover over to the top of a pointy rock to the right.
    • Jump to the flat rock adjacent. Fly across to the other rock ledge and push the cart over to the tracks. The cart will then blow open a gate, revealing the red power brick. This brick will unlock the Fast Force" extra. It costs 40,000 studs. When activated, objects move much faster when moved by the power of the force.
  3. 3
    Find Power Brick 21 (Episode IV Chapter 3: Mos Eisley Spaceport): available during free play. Use the force to remove all the lids from four garbage cans to the left of the door in the first area.
    • Use the force to remove the Lego bricks from the garbage cans. Assemble the Lego bricks to create a door.
    • Walk through the door to find the red power brick. This brick will unlock the "Super Lightsaber" extra. It costs 40,000 studs. When activated, your avatar's light saber will appear purple and and do double the damage of an ordinary light saber.
  4. 4
    Find Power Brick 22 (Episode IV Chapter 4 Rescue the Princess): Available only in free play. Use an astromech droid to open a door on the other side of the first control room, in the hallway, on your left.
    • Enter the room. Hover over to the left side and then grapple up to the red power brick. This brick will unlock the "Tractor Beam" extra. It costs 15,000 studs. When activated, enemy starships that fly too close to you will become trapped behind you, unable to fire straight, giving you a clear shot at them.
  5. 5
    Find Power Brick 23 (Episode IV Chapter 5 Death Star Escape): You can't get to this power brick in story mode. You have to be a protocol droid, so you can only access this power brick in free play.
    • After you escape from the trash compactor activate the panel with a protocol droid. Inside the room there will be things to build. One is a grill, another is a mini-fridge.
    • Build the mini fridge and open it with the force, inside is the brick. This brick will unlock the "Invincibility" extra. It costs 1,000,000 studs. When activated, your avatar is invulnerable to blasters and sabers. You will still die if you fall off a cliff, but you will not loose any points.
  6. 6
    Find Power Brick 24 (Episode IV Chapter 6 Rebel Attack): At the very end of this level, before you shoot the torpedo into the death star, go to the top right and in the corner there should be an opening go inside and the red brick is there. This power brick activates the "Score x2" extra. It costs 1,250,000 studs. When activated silver studs are worth 20 points, gold studs 200 and blue studs 2000.
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Part 5
Part 5 of 7:

Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

  1. 1
    Find Power Brick 25 (Episode V Chapter 1 Hoth Battle): Only available in free play after unlocking a TIE fighter or a TIE bomber. Fly through the second tie gate and grab a bomb. Tow the bomb through the tunnel and past the AT-AT.
    • Use the bomb to destroy the wall behind the AT-AT, and the red brick will appear. This brick unlocks the "Self Destruct" extra. It costs 25,000 studs. When activated a droid becomes a thermal detonator. There is no loss of studs when used.
  2. 2
    Find Power Brick 26 (Episode V Chapter 2 Escape from Echo Base): Only available in free play after unlocking a Sith. Find the wall ornaments with red sparkles in the area just before the hangar.
    • Use the dark side of the force to transform the wall ornaments into steps. Climb the steps carefully using double jumps. Turn right at the top of the steps.
    • Use an astromech droid to open the door and enter the room. Pull the lever on the red and white slot machine.
    • Repeat until the red and white circles appear and a door opens in the hanger below granting access to the red power brick. This brick unlocks the Fast Build" extra. It costs 30,000 studs. When activated, your avatar builds objects with Lego bricks twice as fast.
  3. 3
  4. 4
    Find Power Brick 28 (Episode V Chapter 4- Regenerate Hearts): This is located behind the grate that you have to use the dark force on it (second area). Once the gate is destroyed, jump across the gap.
    • Once you get onto the track destroy the box that is sitting on the track to reveal the parts to a tractor. Build the tractor then drive around the track as fast as you can hitting all of the lights. Once all of the lights are green, the block will appear above the track. This may take a few tries.
  5. 5
    Find Power Brick 29 (Episode V Chapter 5): Only available in free play mode after unlocking a bounty hunter and an astro-droid. Use the astro-droid to parallel fly next to the location where you used the force on the x-wing.
    • Change to bounty hunter and use a bomb at that point. This unlocks score Score x6" worth 5,000,000 studs in the Cantina.
  6. 6
    Find Power Brick 30 (Episode V Chapter 6 Betrayal Over Bespin): You have to do this in free play. After defeating Boba Fett, his ship will still be there.
    • Change into a bounty hunter, go into the left path, follow the path, and double jump on the Slave 1, from which you can double jump to get the red power brick. This power brick activates the Mini-Kit Detector extra. It costs 250,000. When activated, a flashing arrow point to hidden mini-kits.
  7. Advertisement
Part 6
Part 6 of 7:

Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

  1. 1
    Find Power Brick 31 (Episode VI Chapter 1 Jawa's' Palace): May be done in story mode. In the area where you meet Luke, notice a box to your left.
    • Pushing it to the other side should open up a grapple point. Grapple up, and you can see the red brick. This power brick unlocks the Super Zapper" extra. It costs 14,000 studs. When activated the Jawa's zapper will work as a weapon against organic enemies.
  2. 2
    Find Power Brick 32 (Episode VI Chapter 2 The Great Pit of Carkoon): You need to work your way over to Jabba's barge and on the far set of masts (hold the sails up), you will find the red power brick. This unlocks the Bounty hunter rockets in the cantina. Price is 20,000.
  3. 3
    Find Power Brick 33 (Episode VI Chapter 3 Speeder Showdown): ONLY AVAILABLE IN FREEPLAY! After destroying the last of the power poles and entering the imperial base area, there should be an elevator to the base's second level. Use it.
    • When you are at the top, go left, and there should be a Stormtrooper panel. Activate it. This should open another door. Enter it, and the power brick will be there. This brick unlocks Score x8". It will cost 10,000,000 in the cantina.
  4. 4
    Find Power Brick 34 (Episode VI Chapter 4 Super Ewok Catapult): This is located in the bunker at the end of the level. When you enter the main room of the bunker it is in the room on the left.
    • Activate the Stormtrooper panel on the right side of the room. Go to the top platform (where the lever that you have to pull is) and go to the end of it. Once at the end fly across to the other platform and activate the C-3PO panel. This will cause the other part of the mini-door to open.
    • Jump down from that panel and use the Dark Force on the grate in the floor. This will cause a crate to pop out. Push this crate to the hole in the wall, you have to destroy the flap before you can push it in.
    • Crawl through the mini-door, and push the block all the way back into the wall. The lights on each side of the red force field will light up, once they are at the top you can jump in and receive the brick.
  5. 5
  6. 6
    Go to the reactor of the Death Star in Episode VI Chapter 6. There is a hidden chamber in the wall containing the Infinite torpedoes extra.
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Part 7
Part 7 of 7:

Using Extras

  1. 1
    Purchase power bricks. Once unlocked, you can purchase the power brick at the bar in Mos Eisley Cantina. Some of them are VERY expensive as noted above.
  2. 2
    Activate power bricks. Once purchased, the extras must be activated to take effect during your game. They are available under the Extras section of the Start Menu. Once activated, they will remain active until you deactivate them or until you exit the game.
    • Extras can be used in the cantina, story mode, free play, character bonus missions and mini kit bonus missions. Extras cannot be used in super story, LEGO City or bounty hunter challenges. Some extras can be used in character bonus missions or mini-kit bonus missions.
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About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 85 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 247,657 times.
22 votes - 74%
Co-authors: 85
Updated: November 29, 2022
Views: 247,657
Categories: Multi Platform Games