Klombo is a giant dinosaur that was recently added to Fortnite in Season 3 that players can interact with to help achieve a victory royale. Klombo has a few mechanics, such as feeding him items, riding and flying off of him, and becoming aggressive and attacking players. This wikiHow will teach you about Klombo’s mechanics and how to make the most of them.

Part 1
Part 1 of 4:

Feeding Klombo

  1. 1
    Gather Klomberries. To feed Klombo, you must gather Klomberries that spawn across the map. Above is a map showing all the spawn locations of Klomberry bushes. At a Klomberry bush, either hold E or break the bush with your pickaxe to collect the Klomberries. Each Klomberry bush will drop two Klomberries. Klomberries are also sold by an NPC located at the Oasis to the left of Chonker’s Speedway for 25 gold per Klomberry.
  2. 2
    Find Klombo. Since Klombo is very large, looking over large open areas will make it easy to see if Klombo is nearby. Klombo will also show up if you are using visual audio. To turn on visual audio, go into audio settings and turn on Visual Sound Effects. Since Klombo can move, remember over time he will leave the area he spawned at.
  3. 3
    Walk up to Klombo while holding Klomberries. Hold the aim button (usually right mouse button or right trigger) and aim in front of Klombo. Fire (usually left mouse button or left trigger) to throw the Klomberry. Make sure you are aiming before pressing the fire button as if you are not aiming you will consume the Klomberry. When Klombo notices, he will head to the Klomberry and suck it into his mouth. You can drop all the Klomberries at once for Klombo by dropping them out of your inventory, but doing so will give you fewer rewards.
  4. 4
    Grab items Klombo shoots out. Sometimes after feeding Klombo, he will shoot an item out of his blowhole. Klombo can drop healing items as well as weapons. Klombo can eat other items on the ground other than Klomberries, so make sure to grab the item quickly. The following are the rarity rates for the items Klombo gives:
    • 60% chance to get an uncommon item
    • 25% chance to get a rare item
    • 10% chance to get an epic item
    • 5% chance to get a legendary item
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Part 2
Part 2 of 4:

Optimal Feeding Strategies

  1. 1
    Drop at the windmills at the bottom left of the map, left of the Oasis. Not many people drop here and there should be little competition for items. Head towards the river where there will be webs and a few rocks in the water. A Spiderman Mythic will spawn near at least one of the two rocks in the river. The Spiderman Mythic gives the player the ability to swing from certain objects and allows you to travel quickly across the map and easily avoid enemies.
  2. 2
    Head towards the Oasis. Somewhere along the river is a small dock with a boat. Loot the few chests at the dock then use the boat to travel over to the Oasis. There will most likely be a shark in between the windmills and the Oasis. Ignore the shark as you will likely not have the ammo to kill it and doing so would waste lots of time.
  3. 3
    Grab the Klomberries at the Oasis. Once you reach land, head over to the area with six Klomberry bushes shown on the map and grab all of the Klomberries. Head to the NPC next to the Klomberries and buy all of the Klomberries. You should have a total of sixteen Klomberries from both the NPC and the bushes.
  4. 4
    Find and feed Klombo the Klomberries. After gathering all the Klomberries, travel around the Oasis using the Spiderman Mythic and look for Klombo. If you have visual sound on, it will likely show Klombo’s location from most if not all parts of the Oasis. After finding Klombo, you can feed him all of your berries and grab the items Klombo gives you.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 4:

Using Klombo as Transportation

  1. 1
    Get on top of Klombo. There are a few ways of getting on him, such as dropping down from above or using a Spiderman Mythic, but the easiest way is to walk up to his tail. Once you get on top you can stand on top of Klombo. Unless you are doing specific missions or challenges, Klombo moves slowly, and riding him does not give you an advantage in most situations.
  2. 2
    Walk on the top of Klombo’s head and stand on top of his blowhole. After a few seconds, Klombo’s blowhole will open and he will shoot you high into the air. After you are shot into the air, you are given immunity to fall damage until you touch the ground. You can open your glider anytime while in midair to travel farther across the map. Getting shot from Klombo’s blowhole doesn’t deal damage, so there is no penalty for using him to get across the map.
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Part 4
Part 4 of 4:

Making Klombo Angry

  1. 1
    Shoot or hit Klombo to make Klombo angry. Klombo can only take damage from players or aggressive NPCs attacking him. When Klombo becomes angry he turns red and will attack the nearest player or aggressive NPC. There is not much of a reason to anger Klombo other than to complete missions as Klombo cannot be killed and doesn’t give any items when angry.
  2. 2
    Understand Klombo's attacks. Klombo has three main attacks he can do. The first attack Klombo has is a charge towards the player. Move out of the way when Klombo charges at you. For the second attack, Klombo will pound the ground and do damage around him. As long as you are not right next to him during this attack, it will never hit you. When you are not next to Klombo, sometimes he will do his final attack and shoot explosives at you from his blowhole. Move to the sides to avoid getting hit by them.
  3. 3
    Get away from Klombo when he is angry. It is very easy to avoid getting hit when Klombo gets angry. Always move away from Klombo and never stand still. Don’t bother building as Klombo will immediately break through any walls you make. Transportation items such as vehicles, a Spiderman Mythic, and launchpads are effective ways of putting distance between you and Klombo. Especially since Klombo has one ranged attack, the more distance between you and him the better.
  4. 4
    Use Klombo against your opponents by shooting Klombo while he is near other players. Since Klombo targets the nearest player, Klombo will attack them and not you. Klombo will draw their attention, destroy their builds, and if they aren’t careful he can even kill them. Angry Klombo can be a very useful tool against others in certain situations and should never be underestimated.
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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 1,846 times.
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Updated: February 22, 2022
Views: 1,846
Categories: PC Games