A second degree burn can be really painful, but in most cases, it's pretty easy to care for at home. First, evaluate how deep and serious the burn is. Then, rinse the burn in cool, clean water and apply appropriate bandages. If the second-degree burn is no larger than 3 inches (7.6 centimeters) in diameter, treat it as a minor burn. If the burned area is larger or covers the hands, feet, face, groin, buttocks or a major joint, treat it as a major burn and get medical help immediately.[1]


Eliminate the cause of the burn.

  1. Get away from whatever's burning you. End contact with whatever heat source caused the burn as quickly and carefully as possible. Remain calm after suffering a burn. If treating someone else, say soothing, comforting things like, “It's not that bad,” or “You'll be all right.”[2]
    • If you were burned by flame, move away from the source of the flame and practice the stop, drop, and roll method to put the fire out.[3] This method requires laying on the ground, folding your arms to your chest in an 'X' and rolling rapidly from side to side.
    • Wrapping yourself in a thick coat or blanket will also help you extinguish the flames.
    • You could also pour a large bucket of water over yourself to put out the fire.
    • If you were burned by contact with hot metal, plastic, or coal, remove the heated object as soon as possible without touching it.
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Remove any clothes and jewelry near the burn.

  1. The burned area may start to swell. If you burn is covered by or located near rings, bracelets, and other jewelry, remove them to prevent constriction when the area swells. Clothing, including belts, should likewise be removed (especially in cases of major burns) so that the burned area can be seen and evaluated, as well as to minimize constrictive swelling.[4]
    • Be gentle when removing jewelry and clothes.
    • Do not remove burned clothing if it is stuck to the skin.[5]

Rinse your burn.

  1. Use cool (but not cold) water. For minor burns, fill a sink or tub with cool water and keep the burned area of your skin in the water for at least five minutes, or until the burn is no longer very painful. If a sink is not available, run cool water over the burn for at least five minutes, or until the burn is no longer very painful.
    • Depending on the burn, it might take as long as 15 to 20 minutes for the pain to subside.[6] [7]
    • Do not use ice on a burn.
    • Do not immerse large, major burns in cold water. This could cause hypothermia or shock.
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Bandage your burn loosely during the first 24-48 hours.

  1. Use an absorptive dressing like gauze. After this early period, the burn will exude less pus and you should switch the dressing to a nonadhesive type that is water and air-tight. Polyurethane film or hydrocolloid dressings are good choices at this stage.[9]
    • Change your dressings once every 48 hours.
    • If the site of the burn weeps some fluid, don't worry. This is normal; however, if your burn exudes green, white, or yellowish liquid, or becomes increasingly swollen or red, it has become infected and you should consult a doctor.[10]
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Verify the burn is second-degree.

  1. Second-degree burns are characterized by swelling, pain, and blisters. Second-degree burns are more serious than first-degree burns but less serious than third-degree burns. They may produce white or splotchy skin.
    • First-degree burns cause redness, pain, and swelling.
    • Second-degree burns extend more deeply into the skin than first-degree burns. They result in blisters that reveal pink, moist, and painful flesh when removed. If your second-degree burn is deep, it will probably be dry, not moist, and not terribly painful. If it is deep and dry, you might not be able to determine whether it's a third-degree or second-degree burn.
    • Third-degree burns will often cause no pain at all the nerves have been damaged. They involve all layers of the skin, including body fat. The burned skin might appear black or white, and will be dry, possibly with a leathery appearance. Bone and muscle might be burned as well. Victims of third-degree burns might have difficulty breathing or go into shock.

Determine if the burn is major or minor.

  1. Check how much skin the burn covers. Second-degree burns are minor if they are less than three inches wide. They are major if they are larger than three inches, or are located on the hands, feet, face, groin, major joints, or butt.[11] [12]
    • If you have burns on your face, feet, genitals, or hands, consult a medical professional immediately.
    • If you're unsure of the severity of your burn, err on the side of caution and treat it as a major burn.
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Determine the depth of the burn.

  1. The depth can affect how the burn is treated. Second-degree burns are classified as either partial or full thickness. Partial thickness (or superficial) burns are often wet in appearance, can be extremely painful, and involve damage to the upper layers of the dermis. Full thickness burns appear dry and are usually less painful, as they involve most of the dermis and may cause nerve damage. Partial thickness second-degree burns can usually be treated successfully at home. A full thickness burn, however, will most likely need excision and skin grafting to heal and should be seen by a doctor immediately.[13]

Treat the burn at home if the skin is unbroken.

  1. Most second-degree burns can be taken care of at home. However, minor burns can only be treated if the skin is unbroken. All major burns must be referred to a physician. Furthermore, even if a burn appears minor, it might require serious care if it is particularly deep or in a sensitive location like the hands, face, feet, or genitals.[14]
    • If you have any doubts about the extent and severity of your burn, consult your doctor for advice and treatment.
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Protect your burned skin.

  1. Try to avoid making contact with the burn. Avoid placing pressure on the burn, and do not scrape the affected skin.[15] If the burn is on your arm, for instance, try to use your opposite arm and wear short-sleeved shirts. If the burn is major, raise the burned area above the level of your heart. This may require laying down and, for instance, propping a burned leg up with pillows.

Take over-the-counter medications for pain.



About This Article

Jonas DeMuro, MD
Medically reviewed by:
Board Certified Critical Care Surgeon
This article was medically reviewed by Jonas DeMuro, MD. Dr. DeMuro is a board certified Pediatric Critical Care Surgeon in New York. He received his MD from Stony Brook University School of Medicine in 1996. He completed his fellowship in Surgical Critical Care at North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System and was a previous American College of Surgeons (ACS) Fellow. This article has been viewed 120,743 times.
15 votes - 79%
Co-authors: 11
Updated: September 20, 2022
Views: 120,743
Categories: Burns and Scalds

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The content of this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, examination, diagnosis, or treatment. You should always contact your doctor or other qualified healthcare professional before starting, changing, or stopping any kind of health treatment.

Article SummaryX

To treat second degree burns caused by heat, remain calm and quickly remove the heat source causing the burn. Next, remove any clothing or jewelry close to the burn and rinse the affected area thoroughly with cool water for about 5 minutes, or until the stinging stops. If the skin is broken, clean the area with a mild soap, then pat it dry and apply a thin layer of antibiotic ointment. Finally, bandage the burned area loosely and be sure to change the bandage every 48 hours to prevent infection. For tips on recognizing an infected burn and how to treat it, read on!

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