In a tarot reading, the Star is a card that offers you insight into your sense of inner peace and balance. Whether you draw the card upright or reversed, knowing how to interpret the Star can help you understand your mentality at the current stage of your life. Using a tarot deck is an art—there’s plenty of room for creative interpretation—but we’re here to show you all the major explanations of the Star card’s meaning. Here’s our complete guide on what the Star card means.

Section 1 of 9:

The Star Card Overview

  1. The Star card is the card of hope, balance, faith, and inspiration. This card is symbolized by 7 or 8 stars, a woman with one foot on land and one in a pool of water, and 2 urns. This woman and the 2 urns represent balance—one of the major themes of this card. It is the 17th card of the major arcana, and is associated with spiritual and mental insight.[1]
    • The interpretation of a tarot card depends on whether it’s drawn upright, with the image and text oriented to face the reader, or reversed, where the image and text are upside down.
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Section 3 of 9:

Love and Relationships (Upright) Meaning

  1. In a love reading, a Star card means you’re ready to move deeper into love. This Star card indicates that you can let go of past relationships and hurt and open yourself up to a new partner. The upright Star card expresses optimism about your future romantic prospects.[3]
    • The Star tarot card is associated with the sign of Aquarius. Pulling this card might mean that you’ll be entering a relationship with an Aquarius soon.
    • If you’re already in a relationship, a Star card encourages you to be more vulnerable in your relationship. If you’re thinking about making a commitment to your partner, the Star card says, “go for it.”
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Section 7 of 9:

Love and Relationships (Reversed) Meaning

  1. The Star in reverse may mean that you aren’t feeling optimistic about love. If you’re single, this card could indicate that you aren’t sure that you’ll ever find a partner. If you’re with someone else, you may be losing faith in the relationship.[7]
    • In either case, know that you’re valuable as you are, and that if you work towards it, happiness is always within reach.
    • The Star in reverse might also mean that you’re a little too optimistic about your current relationship. In that case, work on developing realistic expectations so that you don’t end up disappointed.
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About This Article

Susan Levitt
Co-authored by:
Tarot Card Reader
This article was co-authored by Susan Levitt and by wikiHow staff writer, Nihal Shetty. Susan Levitt is a professional tarot card reader, astrologer, and feng shui consultant based in San Francisco, California since 1986. Susan is the author of five books that are published in several languages including Introduction To Tarot and Taoist Astrology. She posts tarot reading updates on Facebook, on Twitter @tarot_tweet, and her lunar blog. Her work has been featured on CNN and she was voted “Best Astrologer” by SF Weekly in San Francisco. This article has been viewed 14,426 times.
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Co-authors: 4
Updated: August 5, 2022
Views: 14,426
Categories: Tarot Cards
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