Boy-girl friendships are the best. Guys tend to be relatively drama-free, and girls can help the opposite sex become more sensitive and caring. However, if your friend decides that they want to take your relationship to the next level but you don't feel the same way, it can be hard to know how to tell them that without hurting their feelings. Giving your friend a clean break while still keeping your friendship close can be tough, but not impossible. Make it easy on yourself by following these simple tips!


  1. 1
    Avoid tired old lines. The same old "I don't want to wreck our friendship" or "Sorry, but I just don't like you that way" will come out sounding cold and heartless. Instead of just telling your friend that you don't want a relationship, list specific reasons why you think dating would be a bad idea. "I really appreciate that, but I just think we should stick to being friends. I mean, I tell you everything about me! That would be a little awkward for me if we were dating." And hey, if you don't feel the love for your friend at the time, but could see something blossoming in the future, don't be afraid to tell them that, too!
  2. 2
    Try not to encourage them. Take a bit of time to reflect on your actions toward your friend lately. Have you said or done anything that they may take to be an advance? Or maybe you're just a particularly flirty person. Make sure you turn off the charm around your friend, at least until things cool down a bit.
  3. 3
    Don't disconnect. It can be tempting to give your friend a little "space" to help them get over you. This isn't wise, simply because your friend is likely to take this as a clue to back off for good. It may also leave your friend feeling guilty about or ashamed of confessing their feelings to you. Let them know that things are okay between you two, and try your best to text, talk on the phone, and hang out just as much as you did before your friend asked you out. And if you're the one being cut off? Take this as a silent memo that your friend needs a little time to sort things out. Try to make contact after a week or two, and if there isn't any response, take this as a cue to put your friendship on hiatus.
  4. 4
    Be ready for questions. "Why can't we date?" "Is it because I'm not as attractive as you?" "Are you embarrassed by me?" "Is there someone else?" These are all questions you should be prepared for in the event that a friend should ask you out. Take time and give the best answers you possibly can in a calm, gentle way. Make sure your friend knows that it's okay to be curious about what's going on in your head, but it's not okay to constantly badger you with annoying questions and pleadings. If the whys and what ifs haven't ceased after a week, give your friend a stern reminder that you just aren't interested and you don't owe him/her any other answers.
  5. 5
    Don't get angry. Sure, there are a million annoying things about the situation: the immediate awkwardness, the constant questions, and the broken-hearted look in your friend's eyes, just to name a few. It's important, though, that you don't get angry. If you lash out at your friend, they may think they are seeing a dark side of you that hasn't come out before. They may also feel like they somehow inconvenienced you by having a crush on you. When you feel like screaming at this friend to forget it, remember that all you're going to do is make them feel cruddy, which isn't what you want.
  6. 6
    Try to forget. Naturally, the only thing on your mind is going to be what they're thinking about when you're together. Try to push this out of your mind though. Focus on what you liked about your friend before they liked you. Maybe it was their sense of humor or indispensable advice. Whatever it may be, keep that on your mind the first few times you hang out after you're asked out. Remember that your friend is the same person they were before they liked you.
  7. 7
    Let things go back to normal. Play things right, and slowly but surely, your friendship will go from being awkward to being the gemstone it once was.
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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 77,200 times.
158 votes - 68%
Co-authors: 6
Updated: December 2, 2021
Views: 77,200
Categories: Crushes