How do you know if someone likes you, wants to date more often, wants to be exclusive, feels the same way you do? Ask the person with tact!


  1. 1
    Decide exactly what you want to talk about and why. Think about what you want to see happen in the future, and try not to dwell on every shortcoming from the past.[1]
    • Concentrate on the current situation, not past ones.
    • Try not to get too wordy — explain what you're feeling and why.
    • Finally, say what you would like to see happen. After that, answer any questions they have.
    • It may help to write out what you need to say before talking to this person. If you are convinced that the words won't come out right, put your written words into a letter — edited more than once for a balanced delivery — and personally give it to him or her. Effectiveness goes way up when you stay while your friend reads it, so that you can stay to answer questions. Always an excellent standard: good news by letter, bad news in person.
  2. 2
    Pick a time and place that is both relaxing and intimate — preferably in private. If you are afraid of a harsh or intimidating reaction to your emotional question, meeting in public may help, such as a cafe where you can both sit and talk without interruption, as opposed to a sports bar.
    • Turn off any cell phones or pagers that might disrupt the flow of the conversation.
  3. 3
    Ask your question and be honest. It is still important to keep the other person's feelings in mind when you are honest but don't make up stories just to ease the asking.
    • Ask a genuine question that is based on facts as you perceive them.
    • Ask an open-ended question – that is, one that the other person can respond to without the conversation being shut down.
    • Ask with respect and kindness.
  4. 4
    Take care not to scare the person away or be too emotional. Avoid acting as if your life is hanging on the answer they give you. (If it is, are you a safe person for him or her to be close to?!) This is especially true if it is a new relationship. It is unattractive and makes you seem desperate or unstable. (Even if you are, you don't want to show it!) If you are melodramatic, you risk making things more complicated and less obvious. Equally, don't be cheesy or fake in an effort to act contrary to how you feel. Just be honest.
    • For example, if you are asking someone that you have been casually seeing if they are interested in moving the relationship along, be upfront, but avoid being melodramatic.
  5. 5
    Keep it casual. Don't put too much pressure on the other person. You want the person to be honest, and even if what they say isn't what you want to hear, it is better to know how they really feel so that you can adjust your plans accordingly and move forward with wisdom.[2]
    • For example, if you're asking someone if they want to be more serious and they don't want this, even though it is disappointing, it is good to know that so that you don't set yourself up to get hurt by falling for him or her too much.
  6. 6
    Be confident and direct. Don't beat around the bush. The ability to take on a sensitive issue delicately but directly is an attractive trait that reveals your maturity.[3]
    • If you need time to cool down or to keep from getting too emotional, excuse yourself to the restroom, take a few minutes and a few deep breaths.
  7. 7
    Listen to the other person completely when they answer you. Make a genuine effort to understand their answers. Look them in the eyes. This will show the person that you care about what they think.[4]
    • Don't preach or try to change the other person's answer. You must assume that they are speaking honestly and in good faith.
    • Allow the other person to share what is in their heart – listen for it.
    • Be very patient. Some people may want to tell you, but they will need to battle their own ego and concerns to speak of it.
    • Don't try cut in and talk until you are sure that the other person has finished talking.
  8. 8
    Be prepared to compromise. If the other person doesn't want to do what you're asking for, try to find the middle path. If they don't want to do something, ask yourself what other ways you will be happy to reassess the solution:[5]
    • For example, the other person doesn't want to take dance lessons 5 days a week. Maybe you could try once or twice a week? What arrangement or changes might put the two of you on the road to freedom for 5 dance lessons a week? What would that take from you, and for how long?
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    There's this girl I like but she says she wants to make sure of how she feels for me. And now she says she can't love me because I'm too emotional and I get moody, so I don't know what to do. Any advice?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    I'd recommend you get to know her better. But before that, get to know yourself. You have to understand what she meant by "emotional" and "moody. For example, it might mean that you are a little too clingy. On the other hand, it might be literal and mean that you are too intense with your emotions when you're around her, and that for you and her to be together you might need to act a little calmer. Become a close friend with her (if you aren't already) and, of course, don't try to change yourself for her. Emotion is a strength, and if she thinks that who you are already isn't enough, then she doesn't deserve you for who you are.
  • Question
    What are some questions I can ask a girlfriend to keep the conservation going?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You can ask her about her family, favorite films, favorite brands, favorite music, etc.
  • Question
    How do I ask my crush if she likes my competition, and if she likes me?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Just ask her. But ask her out of curiosity rather than jealously. Feeling confident about yourself and content if the answer isn't what you expected really helps. She may like you, the other guy, or possibly both or neither! You never know.


  • If you are offering criticism, don't attack the person's character; it will put the person in a defensive position and you won't get anywhere. Rather, concentrate on their actions and what you would prefer to see, i.e., "Could we hold hands in public?" as opposed to "You never hold my hand. You're such a closed person."
  • One step beyond this in being tactful is to use positive I-statements. "I feel proud of being with you. I'd like to hold hands in public with you and show the world that we're together." Or if it is a problem, "Sometimes I feel as if people can't tell we're a couple. I understand you don't like public displays of affection, can we find a compromise that will still show the world we're a couple?"
  • Having an important conversation when you (or the other person) are any of the following is dangerous and most likely won't go well:
    • If you are not prepared, cognitively or emotionally
    • If you are tired, hungry or irritable
    • If you are stressed out
    • If you are physically uncomfortable in any way, such as too warm or too cold
    • If you are intoxicated

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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 35 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 375,582 times.
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Co-authors: 35
Updated: July 6, 2022
Views: 375,582